chapter 43

Nandinis pov.

1 month later .....

It's been 1 month since I opened up to manik and spoke to him about whatever me and my family had been through.

Many people came and told me it wasn't my fault to reduce my guilt, at one point it did work but not for long. They always consoled me or said sympathetic words but no one ever made me realise that I wasn't at fault. Manik did make me feel light but there is part of me which misses my best friend like hell and part of me who wants to rip that bastards head apart. I don't know when that part will be filled.

I was bit surprised how manik acted like nothing happened after that day. It was kind off easy to bring myself together. I never let myself loose my sanity soo badly as I did that time but I guess shaila aunty's death took a troll over me. I miss her ....

It's Friday and it's holiday today and tomorrow due to some strike taking place in the city. I don't know what it is about but who cares untill we get holidays right?? πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹...

And mukti God !! I don't know what's with this girl, she sometimes act way too weird. More likely she is spending a lot of time with abhimanyu these days not that I'm complaining they are couple and it's totally fine but I'm just worried about her. Today everyone is coming for breakfast here only. First girls will be here later boys will join but I don't know about manik, he is more weird than mukti sometimes he comes home with a punch mark on his jaws , sometimes his hand will be bleeding and whenever I ask him, his answers will be soo lame like he ran into the closing door or sometimes like he hit the wall in anger as his worker didn't finish the work in time. I used to laugh my ass out , like seriously that man sucks at lying and I figured that out perfectly but didn't stress on that much.

And now what am I doing ..umm right question cause I'm sitting in my room with a bucket of chocolate ice cream and a spoon of ice cream stuffed in my mouth. Yeah!! I'm eating ice cream in the morning at 8 am. You guys might be thinking I'm crazy well is one way you guys are totally right but hello !! I'm on my periods !!.

Yeah, kind of awkward topic but I have to tell cause I totally get nuts during my PMS. My mom used to literally pull her hairs out during my PMS as I used to annoy the hell out of her. Now I'm far away from her I guess it's muktis turn. An evil grin formed on my face.

In my crop top and jeans shorts with a bucket of ice cream I went out my room still stuffing my mouth with it. I heard aliya's and navya's voice as I descended down the stairs.

"Hey guys" I said chewing my ice cream.

" aaa...hello there " aliya replied with an 'what's wrong with you' look.

"Hey ..Nandu are you alright ??" This time it was navya. Oki fine I get a bit weird ...Oki a lot weird but hey!! It's not what I called for.

"Guys stop giving me those looks, I know I look like shit" I said rolling my eyes.

"But what's wrong, you were alright yesterday " mukti asked.

"PMS" ..I spoke digging my spoon in my ice cream.

"Okay " echoed in house.

"Soo you usually get this weird during that" navya asked flipping my ringlet behind my ears, I guess I was eating it along my ice cream πŸ˜±πŸ˜±πŸ˜“ . Hey that tastes good no offence.

"Yea, but you guys are lucky cause I'm still in my earlier stage still it hasn't got more strange" I said eating my ice cream.

"But you were totally fine last month " mukti asked.

"Cause I didn't get PMS last month jeez " I said irritated with their question and answer game. 'Can't an innocent girl get time to eat her ice cream in peace' I wanted to scream that loud.

"What !! Are you pregnant" aliya spoke holding my shoulders getting worried.

Oh boy !

"WHAT !!!!!!" came the response from backside. We turned around to look at all boys standing there with shocked expression on their face and hehe maniks face was worth watching.

"Nandini you are pregnant" Cabir spoke in exaggerating tone looking at manik. Wait !! What the hell does that mean. I know manik pecks on my cheeks and lips once in a while but how does even Cabir know about that.

"Yeah" aaaannnndddd I played along😝😝. What!! I'm the innocent one here, their expressions are priceless as if they had a mild heart attack.

"Really" druv asked.

"Nahh !! Just kidding " I said in bored tone stuffing my mouth with ice cream. I saw manik letting out a breathe that he was been holding on for a while while others shook their head and sat on dining table.

"But ..." mukti started ...but I cut her in between.

"Gosh!! Will you just drop that topic" I said to mukti eying boys and she understood.

"Ok..ay we left you guys for like 1 hour and you girls are acting way too weird soo let's have our breakfast" Cabir stated filled with sarcasm and thus breakfast began.

After breakfast everyone left and mukti went to her room to finish some college work. She told me that she would be graduating after this semester soo her work load is more and I understood it. I guess that's the reason for her being stressed out lately.

I didn't know what to do soo I sat on the sofa and switched on the tv. After a while even mukti came and sat with me. We watched 'final destination 3' and kept on our bickering and fighting for popcorns. But suddenly she got a call for where?? I don't know. She got tensed up by whatever that other person said.

"Nandu listen I need to go out, I will be back by evening " she said getting up. Her eyes were watering that took me off guard.

"Mukti what's wrong, why are getting so worked up. Did something go wrong ??" I asked. For God sake I can't see her like this. As I walked with her near the main door.

"Umm...that ..yeah ! Abhi is not feeling well" mukti told shuttering. I cringed my eyebrows in confusion + suspicion.

"But mukti he was with us like 4 hours back and he was totally fine" I said.

That's when manik entered the house. Mukti and me were standing near the main door itself. He observed muktis expression and even he was clueless.

"Yea, now he got all dizzy and passed out it seems I need to go, bye take care" she said and turned around and stopped as she saw manik. She just gave a straight look to him and went out. Restlessness was clear on her face.

I thought of asking manik soo I walked near him but even his phone rang, he picked up the call and his face became blank. I was about to ask him but his blank face made me think what's wrong.

"I will be there" that's what he told to that caller and cut the call. Manik turned around and left the house without even looking at me. And trust me I felt like pulling my hairs out, I mean what's the matter with these siblings, totally strange and mysterious.

I sulked my shoulders and went to my room. What else can I do. I will ask them once they come back. Yeah !! That will be good. Now to kill my time, I opened my laptop and played HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER season 8. Damn!! It's been soo long that I stopped watching it. I still have 2 season left to know who is their mother. As my gloomy mood came back I sulked into the comforters and started watching.

7 pm ....

I woke up yawning, I don't even know when I fell asleep. I guess it's due to tiredness. Now I feel fresh than morning. I moved out of the bed shutting up the laptop and went to bathroom to freshen up. After finishing my work I came out of the room and went downstairs. I need to search something to eat first, I'm starving. I went to kitchen and grabbed few chips packets, cake and coke, with these I sat on sofa and attacked on my snacks.

While I was eating, I heard a ring of the phone. As far as I remember my phone is in my room and my ringtone is totally rocking. I searched a bit to find the mobile just then I found it under me. Great !! Now I sat on this poor thing. Huffing I saw the caller it was from Cabir, I guessed it might be maniks phone as muktis phone is way more cool than this phone.

"Hello Cabir" I said eating my chips.

"No I just found his phone on the sofa soo I answered it" I told him. But what his voice was filled with concern and worry.

"Wait let me check in his room " I told as he told me to check on manik. I kept my eatables aside and went to maniks room. Even I was getting worried now. I opened the door and saw manik sleeping on his back shirtless. I went near him.

"Ohh God Cabir he has lots of marks on his chest and God!! He's burning with fever"I said to Cabir. When I saw manik with his chest all wounded I got worried and as I touched him face, it was burning like flame. I heard Cabir say that he will here with doctor in few minutes.

"Oki come soon" I said and cut the call.

I moved my hand on his cheeks which had same punch marks. It was slightly swollen. I just don't understand this person. Since my first day in this house, he has been a mystery piece for me. I took out thermometer from the side drawer and kept it under his tongue. When I saw, it was 103Β°.

I ran my left hand on my forehead to stop myself from panicking. I just wanted to pour a bucket full of water on his face to wake him up and ask him how the hell did all this happen. I controlled my anger and went to kitchen to bring a bowl of water and cloth.

I came back but he slept there without moving an inch. I sat next to him and kept the bowl on the table. I dipped the cloth in that bowl, squeezing it I kept it on his forehead and pressed it. I saw him shiver as cold cloth touched his body but he didn't get up. I didn't know why, I felt my eyes watering. I felt my heart heavy looking at him laying on the bed like this. I leaned forward and cupped his left cheek with my left hand and kissed on his right cheek and lingered my lips there for a while. Gulping I moved back and changed the cloth again. I kept on doing it for half an hour.

I was repeating the same when Cabir walked in with doctor. Cabir stood at his place as he saw me sitting beside manik and placing the cloth on his forehead. I stood up so that he won't get any idea's.

I came aside soo that doctor could check manik. Doctor sat on the place where I sat first and started examining manik. Cabir came and stood next to me. His eyes were filled with soo much worry.

"How did this all happen Cabir, did he get into any fight" I asked Cabir with straight face.

"Umm ...yeah, kind off " he said looking everywhere except me. It pissed me more.

"What do you mean kind off" I asked him cringing my eyebrows.

"I got a call about his where he was in the afternoon I went there and picked him up and came here. While carrying him inside he sat on sofa I guess that's when his phone fell off. With much difficulty I brought him inside his room, infact I even gave him medicines but this stubborn head told that he will take it later and made me leave giving office as an excuse" he explained.

"But where did you find him like this" I asked.

"Nandini look, I can't tell you anything and if you want your answers then only he can (pointing at manik) give them " Cabir said.

Oki that's enough, I don't know why can't they just say what's wrong rather then fussing around like this. When manik gets up this will be my first question for him if he won't answer then I will be ready with a pillow to make him breathless. I will make sure he spills everything.

Doctor dressed his chest marks and gave medicines for his fever. Doctor told to continue keeping the wet cloth on his forehead and told that manik needs rest and will be fine by tomorrow. I thanked him and Cabir told he will leave doctor and come back. I just nodded.

I sighed and sat on his side and began to keep the cloth again with care . I was soo much into this that I heard someone clearing his throat to get my attention and I knew it was Cabir. I turned towards him moving a bit away from manik.

Cabir came and kept a hand on my shoulder and said bending down a bit.

"Now that you are here I dont need to worry about him" did I make it look soo obvious. I didn't know how to react soo I kept quite. He smiled and said.

"Bye take care and call me if you need anything" I smiled in response. He went off.

It was nearly 10pm when manik started getting consciousness. I removed the cloth from his forehead. He opened his eyes.

"Nandini" he breathed out. It was way to sensual but right now I need to be mad at him. He started struggling to get up so I helped him to sit leaning on the headboard. I held myself back from strangling him. I gave him a glass of water and he drank silently.

I stood up to go downstairs soo that I could get him something to eat but he held my hand. I turned around with a straight look.

"Dont go" his voice made my inside melt. No this is no good. Nandini you need to be strong don't go weak by this man's sexy voice.

"I will get something for you to eat" I said removing his hand which was holding my hand and came out of his room.

I went downstairs and told Kaka to make something for manik as he is not feeling well. He said he will prepare soup and bring it along with my food to maniks room. I wanted to deny my food by my stomach said otherwise. I nodded and told him that he could back to workers quarters after this. He nodded.

I came up and went to muktis room but found it empty. I wondered she is still in abhimanyu's house. I went to my room and took my phone to call her. She didn't pick up the call soo I messaged her while walking back to maniks room.

I came in and saw manik, leaning his head on headboard with eyes closed. Looking at him like this all my anger flew away.

I walked near his side, I guess he sensed someone's presence soo he opened his eyes and looked at me with tired look. I sat near him and asked calmly.

"How did this all happen manik" I said looking at his eyes.

He lowered his eyes for a while and coughed.

"Water" he said reaching for the glass. I bent forward and handed over the glass to him. He drank it for God knows how long. He was sipping slower than a toddler. I waited and waited but he was taking his sweet time to finish the glass. He was literally testing my patience. He was time to time looking at the door as if waiting for someone. I got confused was he waiting for mukti. Just then kaka entered with his food. And manik heaved a sigh. I gave him a spectacle look. He gave a small smile and turned his attention towards what kaka brought.

I took the tray from kaka and wished him good night. He smiled and went off. I moved a bit closer to manik and kept the tray on my lap.

Manik moved his hand forward and kept it on the plate with parata's. I slapped his hand off the plate.

"What the hell Nandini" he whined as I shooed his hand away from parata's.

"This isn't for you , here have this soup" I said grabbing his hand and placed the soup bowl in his hand.

"What!! no way, I won't drink this. It doesn't even look good" he said starring at soup crunching his nose. For a second I found him cute but shooed away those thoughts. Right now I need to be angry and make him spill the beans.

"Ohh so you can go out and get all hurt and bruise your body but you can't drink this damn soup, right" I snapped. I'm 100% sure I looked like a teacher scolding a student adjusting her spectacles.

He remained silent for a while and took the bowl from my hand and started sipping it making horrible faces. I smiled to myself, I guess I could be a good teacher.

Even I started eating my food. Every now and then I could sense his eyes on me, basically on my food. I get it , he is totally drained out and he is feeling like eating something tasty or which fills his stomach right now and its a good improvement though and his dependence on vitamins tablet will be over.

"Stop starring at my food like that, I don't want stomach ache tomorrow" I said twitching my lips. He muttered something under his breath and fortunate for him that I didn't hear.

After finishing the food, I kept the tray aside and washed my hands in his washroom. I came and sat on the place I was sitting before with my arms around my chest glaring at manik obviously demanding for answers.

He avoided by gaze.

"I need to sleep" said getting under the comforters before I could say anything.

"Ohh no boy, you won't untill you answer my questions" I said removing the duvet over his head. He peaked out and said.

"Nandini I'm not feeling well alright , my body is sore due to these bruises soo just let me sleep and (pulled her holding her hand, she fell next to him yelping) even you sleep" he said covering me fully with duvet.

This arrogant prick.

Due to his pull I fell next to him, in no time he covered me with duvet. For a second I felt hard to breath. I moved the duvet off my face and huffed. Before I could shout at him, his hand went around my waist pulling me close to him, my back to his chest. He cuddled me securely in his arms. I missed it soo badly. Last time was when I lost my sanity and from then this is first time that I'm again sleeping next to him, soo close to him.

"Manik leav......"before I could say he shut my mouth.

"Just sleep nandini" he whispered in my ear from behind and kissed below my ear making my knees go weak and I crumbled the duvet in my hand. I Closed my eyes to get back my breath which I think I lost due to his assault. Aaaannnndddd ....

Soon I melted in his arms.
