Chapter 5

Evie comes back and hands me some flippers.

"Hey I have my swim suit at home I'll just meet you guys at the moon pool." I say and walk up the steps with the flippers in hand.

*30 minutes later*

I walk into my house.

"Hey you didn't come home from school. Where did you go?" Erin says.

"I was at a friends house and now I'm going for a swim."

"Fine as long as your home by seven, you can go." She says.

"Ok thanks!" I say and run up the stairs.

I change into my light blue bathing suit and run to the beach. I walk into the waves until I am waste deep, I slip the flippers on and dive in. I swim to Mako island.


I surface and everyone is there.

"Hey." I say looking at them. "Do you guys want to go to the chamber?" I ask.

They all nod and we leave the pool.


We all walk through the woods.

"Are you sure you know where the entrace is?" Mimmi asks.

"Yes, I know all about Mako island." I reply.

We make it to the rock entrace. I hold up my right arm. The entrance glows then it opens. I walk in. Footsteps trail behind me. We walk into the merman chamber.


Another update for you guys. Hope you like it. :) Oh and I got the date of Maria's birth wrong on chapter 4 I think. It was supposed to be April 18 B.C. 2010, sorry guys.~M
