Chapter 1

*present day*

Dear diary,
This is my first time writing in you since my foster parents gave it to me for my sevententh birthday. They know nothing out me, just that I'm shy, I don't like water, and I'm the quiet type. But the thing is, I'm not, I'm outgoing, I'm only shy when I meet new people, and I love water, I only be the way my foster parents see me to save my reputation. You see, I'm a Sila, a visioness, a mermaid gaurdian, but I don't get my mermaid powers until I turn 18. My foster parents wamt me to move to Australia so I can find my brother, Erik. Well I should go.

Maria White xoxo

I close the leather bound book, and stuff it in my messenger bag along with a pink binder filled with paper and folders. I walk out of my room my feet pressing against the carpet, very different from where I was born, and grab a  blue short sleve shirt and pull it on over my head, I then grab my blue jeans and pull them on as well. Strapping my bag on my shoulder, I walk into the kitchen and grab an apple from the counter. Before I could start toward the front door, my foster mom catches me.

"Maria, are you going to school?"

I hesitate before letting out a quiet whisper, "Yes."

"Ok, well have fun." She says and walks back into the kitchen.

I walk out the door, pulling the keys out of my poket and walk to the driveway where my black Durango sits. I smile and unlock the door. I then take the bag off and throw it in the passenger seat as I sit in the drivers. I put the key in the igniTion and it starts up and hums to life. Closing the door, i strap myself in and put the car into reverse; looking behind me, I start my journey to school.


The school, its filled with busy teenagers as they run to each class, some of the boys leaning against the lockers, with baggy pants, a hoody, and a flat bill hat. I walk past a group of girls in short skirts as they laugh together at the lower classmen. Typical populars. I open up my locker amd shove a couple of text books in mybag and slam the door shut. I walk towards my class. My last day at this school. I can't believe i'm moving to Australia. Hopefully my visions subside, but until then, i'm going to have to suck it up.

*Later that day after school*

I run out of school and to my car. Opening the door, I shove the bag in before getting in and drive home.


I pull up to the driveway. My parents are backing boxes into the family van. Great I need to start packing. I park the car and pull the key out of the ignition. I grab the bag and get out of the car, walking up to them.

"Hi sweety, how was school?" I shrug at her question."Well, you should start packing, we are leaving tonight to get there early."

'Ok." I say and walk back into the house. Its empty, well most of it. We sold my car to my cousin, James. (He technically isn't my cousin. Well not my real cousin.) The rest of the hous is going to my aunt. I run to my room and grab my clothes and fill the bags.

I have only lived with my foster parents for a year. The rest of my childhood was spent with me running. I can never be in the same place for more than a year or people will get suspicous. With being a Sila I live a long life. I was born on April 18, 2010 B.C., by age 17 we stop aging. Its sort of awesome, yet dangerous, because of us not aging, we look the same so it is easy to get caught.

There isn't much stuff left in my room; just the twin bed, desk, and the small dresser. I grab the dufflebag that holds my belongings, like clothing, my IPhone and charger, and my journal tucked in the bottom of the bag. I walk back downstairs and out the door.

Erin and Ian (my foster dad) has finished packing and are in the front waiting on me. I walk up to the car and open the back seat shoving the bag in before I get in myself. Straping myself in and closing the door, we are on our way to the airport.

We drive and drive until we make it to the airport. We park the car in gate A and everyone unbuckles. We grab our stuff and walk into the airport.

A/N: What do you guys think of this update? Please leave it in the comments. Thank you.~M
