Chapter 31

*Amanda's pov*

Everything was silent as only the sounds of breathing could here in the silent suffocating room. Even breathing sounded too loud on my ears as all of us keenly focused our attention on the women that currently sitting next to my mate's laying unconscious body on the bed. Her eyes totally turned white as she rub her palm on my mate's chest which is rising and falling peacefully. It all happened yesterday. Yet I feel like it happened a few moments ago. As soon as my mate had his sudden weird outburst today and hugged me, I felt his body turning lax against my grip. Tables turned within a millisecond. Instead of him supporting my weight, I had to support his weight as he totally leaned into me. It took me good few seconds to realize that he lost conscious.

"I can feel nothing!" Songmi unnie said for the umpteenth time making all of us to sigh in disappointment. At this point I don't even know what to feel. Confused? Shock? Disappointment? I have no idea. I am totally lost. He has been lying on this bed unconscious since yesterday while Songmi unnie tried to reach his wolf. But what confused us more was there was non. According to her there isn't a wolf presence in his body. He is just a normal human just as he was been before that incident happened. But we saw it. We all witnessed it. We saw how he extend his canines and how his eye colors changed. Not to mention that voice. I had never in my life heard such a dominance, authorial voice like that except the King's voice.  This can't be true. We all saw for a mere-second his wolf. It was his wolf.

"Are you sure?" I asked again for the hundredth time I guess, just to be sure that we all didn't imagine it. As soon as he lost conscious yesterday, my father dismissed all of us and he went as far as to order everyone to not talk about that incident with a single soul. I don't know the reason behind his decision, but right now I am not in mind to question it. All my focus was on him. Only him!

"I know what you all said! Even Yoongi confirmed it!" She said glancing at the said man standing in a corner of the room with Namjoon oppa and Jhope. "But I am trying since yesterday. He is normal. I can't feel an other soul inside him no matter how harder I tried. He is a normal human!" She explained tiredly. I kind of feel bad stressing her like that, when she is pregnant. Jin oppa placed a hand on his wife's shoulder to sooth some of her stress as she relaxed under his touch completely. I mentally cooed and wondered to myself is that how I will feel if my mate is about to touch me now like that.

"But why isn't he waking up yet?" My father voiced out breaking the silence that fell upon us. I pity Songmi for how pressured and suffocating she must be feeling with all the eyes on her like she is kind of a feast we got starving for weeks.

"For some reason he is exhausted alpha. That's why his body gave in. He will wakes up soon once he healed completely!" She explained politely and slowly stood up with the support of her husband.

"How long?" My voice came out meek even though I didn't mean it to. That one sentence gave in how depressed and worried I am for him. My mother's eyes saddened seeing me almost broken like this. I don't know day by day I am getting more attached to him. I can't even bare a single thought of him being hurt now. The thought alone suffocate me to feel broken and depressed. I felt Jungkook wrapping his hand around my shoulder and pushed my body to his side bathing me with his warmth, reminding me that they are here for me. But everyone in the room tensed when we heard a low threatening growl escaped from Yoongi's mouth? Huh? His eyes burned daggers at where Jungkook's hand was wrapped around my shoulder making Jungkook to retreat his hand like my touched burned him. What the heck?

But before any of us ponder on what the heck just happened with him, my father cleared his throat gaining the said male's attention. They both shared a knowing look before Yonngi backed down, completely relaxing and his face going totally emotionless as he leaned against the wall like nothing happened. Okay I should definitely talk with my father! I smell something fishy here. I am not stupid enough to not to notice the change of my father's behavior ever since he found out that Taehyung is my mate. Not to mention that Yoongi also acting kind of weird and this vibe I am getting around him makes everything more complicated.

"Sadly Amy I am afraid I don't have answer for your question!" Songmi voiced out breaking the silence and answering for my earlier question. My face slagged as I held back a whimper. Never in my life I felt this much disappointment and scared for someone's safety. I have been staying glued to him since yesterday and no matter how harder other's tried to convince me to leave, I didn't move a single muscle to leave his side. My dulled eyes met with her reassuring kind eyes as she tried to offer some comfort from the eye contacts. "But don't worry. He is totally fine and he will wake up soon!" She said again replacing her concerned voice with a cheerful one again.

"I think you should rest dear! We have been stressing you out about this since yesterday." My mother started glancing at her with concerned face. "It's not good for your pup to be stressed like this. I prepared a room for both of you please rest!" My mother kindly informed earning a gratitude from the couple before turning towards me. "And you should rest too baby!"

"I am fine mum!" I said nonchalantly not taking my eyes off from the male that laying peacefully on the bed.

"I am not asking you young lady!" My mother's stern voice broke out of my trance as I glanced back at her narrowed eyes. "You are leaving this room, taking a shower, eating and then taking a nap. That's final!" She ordered leaving no room for argument.

"Actually sis I think mum is correct! Don't worry me and Jungkook would stay with him!" Jimin said trying to convince me. I sighed ready to give in.

"Beside you are starting to stink. Ewwww.. Go take a shower. Don't suffocate that poor boy with your stinky smell. He will go into a coma with that smell!" Jungkook teased earning a death glare from me. "You didn't even brush your teeth since yesterday. Ewww... how are you gonna kiss him once he wakes up? Gross!" He said making a throwing up gesture. "Don't you want him to enjoy the kiss like last time!" He just did not go there!

"JUNGKOOK RUN!" Kayla screeched just as I pound on him to tackle that nut head to floor. But he was fast enough to escape my attack and dash away from there. And me being me didn't wanted to give up on my chase either. That's how we end up running all around the pack house screaming like the whole forest was on fire and throwing everything that we had on our hand reach at each others.


"I give up!" Namjoon oppa groaned standing up from the ground and wiping his bloodied mouth. I simply smirked as Jungkook whistled celebrating his victory as Jhope handed the 100 buckets he bet on our fight to Jungkook with a sour face. And rest just clapped nonchalantly like they expected the final result be like this. Instead of stuffing in that room and starring at my mate's sleeping figure while sulking, we all decide to train in the back yard to distract ourselves for a while as my mum and Songmi unnie decided to look after the later.

"My turn now!" Jimin said standing up with a challenging look towards Jungkook who smirked in return. This time Kayla betting on Jungkook while Jin oppa on Jimin. Me and Namjoon oppa smiled at each others before exiting the ring to give chance to the new duo. Namjoon oppa flopped down next to Jhope and Jin oppa leaving the spot next to royal beta free for me. Seriously? Why me?

As I neared him I felt those familiar chills running down my spin and my wolf start to stirrer in uneasiness. As sensing my presence his dark cola black eyes snapped towards me, but what shocked me was, instead of getting that usual cocky smirk from him, he gave me a light warm smile and tapped the empty spot next to me.  There was no sarcasm or nor teasing. Just a simple gesture of friendliness. Even though my steps was hesitate and my heart was pounding in uneasiness, I pulled up a non-bothered look and flopped down next to me. He snatched the water bottle from Jhope's grip who was about to drink from it and offered it to me. A protest of 'hey!' was heard from Jhope, but he made no attempt to snatch it back as Jin oppa handed him an other bottle. I grabbed the bottle with a simple thank you and start wiping my sweats around the neck from the  mini towel, resting the bottle next to me.

"You okay?" The moments of my hands froze as those words escaped from his mouth. It wasn't like I had never talked to me. But it was the first time I heard him talking from that voice. It was so deep lace with so much concern and raw emotions. Before his voice held nothing more than cockiness, sarcasm and wickedness. But today foe the first time I felt how honest and genuine he is. I glanced at him with a confused look as he patiently waited for my answer with that concern face. And from one look at his face, I knew he didn't mean about the fight I earlier had. He wanted to ask that I was okay with the whole thing happening with my mate.

I nodded my head simply not being able to form a word as I was caught off guard with his sudden change of behavior, but instead of buying my answer he scrunched his face, not liking my answer at all. He saw right through me. A sigh escaped from my mouth as I slumped my shoulders defeated. He is right. I am not okay. My answer wasn't genuine. My brain with messed up with the whole things lately happening in my life. It was a perfect life before. But everything took a total opposite turn within two months. It's not like its' imperfect now. It's just thing are complicated, messier and my emotions are all around the place. But whatever took place in my life, I never even once regret a single moment of them. 

"I am worried about him!" I said truthfully keeping my gaze on the fight that taking place right in front of us. Even though my eyes are on that, I am not aware of a single thing that happening there. My mind is still stuck in that room with my mate. I felt from the corner of my eyes that his gaze was still glued on the side of my face, but I decide not to comment on that. I grabbed the water bottle that was resting on the ground and opened it before gulping down the liquid greedily to quench my thirst.

"You love Him!" I snorts into my drink, spluttering it everywhere and coughing wildly. I instantly felt his hand slapping my back, helping me to get my breathing back to normal. It took me minutes to calm my coughing and get my mind back to normal sense.  I gave him a bewilderment look wanting to see a teasing or mocking smirk on his face, but there was none. It was genuine as before. Everything around us died down as everyone went silent. Probably hearing what he said. It's impossible to not, when you have super hearings.

My all friends went dead silent. Even their breathing was low. I could particularly here the gulping waiting for me to lash out at the royal beat. It's not a wise decision to talk about me starting an other relationship after the last terrible break up. I am still sensitive to that topic and that's why any of them never even once mentioned about starting a new affair again. I am not in a stable condition to think about a relationship again. My heart is still broken beyond repair. And I am still collecting the broken pieces of it.

I gave him a 'are you kidding me' look? But he remained still, not even slightly changing the expression on his face. At that moment I got aware how dead serious he was about his words. It wasn't something he said to rile me up or tease me. He meant it! Every single letter in that sentence.

"I-" I am not! I wanted to say. But I couldn't get a single word out other than 'I'. It's felt like those words are stuck in my throats. Like something inside me pulling those words back inside, preventing it from leaving my mouth. What mortified me more was when Yoongi gave me a knowing smile , like confirming to himself that he was right seeing how I couldn't protest his statement. Nooooo! I wanted to scream and yell telling he is not right, but at the same time I don't. I am in a dilemma. My heart wants to let him win, but my mind refused to accept the defeat. Part of me was contemplating on his word while an other part of me kept protesting them.

I felt everyone's eyes on me, waiting for me to say something. But I was stuck. Lost! I don't know what to say.

Was he right?

Do I love Taehyung? 
