Chapter 29

*Taehyung's pov*

"Prepare my hundred bucks!" I saw Yoongi  hyung saying in a challenging tone to the Namjoon hyung sitting in front of him.

"In your dreams!" The latter scoffed in response causing Songmi noona to shake her head at the duo. I walked towards them without a word while smoothing the lines in my suite. The trio's head snapped towards me with a look of approval at my choice of dress code causing some of my nervousness to ease. I gave them a lip closed tight smile as anxiety bubbled the tip of my stomach thinking about the upcoming meeting.

"You look great Tae! You will definitely woo them with that look!" I heard Jhope's voice behind me as he walked into the living room. There was a satisfied look on his face at my attire. After all he was the today's designer. After yesterday match when Amy said that I had to meet her father everyone around us went totally crazy except me. It was a double celebration for them. First our team won the match under my new lead. Second I am finally gonna meet my mate's father and talk. I don't know what's on it to celebrate despite me dying from the anticipation of not knowing whether he and his pack gonna accept me as her mate!

"Of course he will. Beside who can resist his cuteness?" Namjoon hyung boost proudly.

"You mean more like his sexiness!" Yoongi hyung interrupt with a cocky smirk earning a death glare from him.

"Will you two stop getting into each others throat for a while?" Songmi noona finally snapped with a groan shutting both of their mouths. Jhope chuckled and sat next to her rubbing her round belly wanting to ease some of her frustration, which he succeeded at as she let out a sigh leaning against him relaxing under his warmth.

"Anyway what is this talk about hundred bucks?" I questioned wanting to change the topic and turn their attention away form me for a while. Songmi nonna sighed and glared at the duo which they ignored.

"It's a bet!" Suga hyung said in a nonchalant tone keeping a blank face not wanting to trigger the pregnant woman further more, but there was a glint of smugness on his eyes which betrayed his blank look. I furrowed my brows in confusion and Jhope beside her mirrored the same look of mine. 

"Apparently they are betting when is your father gonna visit you!" She explained earning a nod from the a fore mentioned duo. "Namjoon think since the end of this semester is nearing your father would wait for the summer vacation and call you home to spend the vacation with them. But Yoongi thinks that-" She couldn't finish the line as the mentioned man himself butt in.

"Your father would pop out from nowhere anytime soon!" Suga hyung finished smoothly earning death glares from noona. Mentioning about my father twitched my heart. I felt a pang on it as I remembered I have been ignoring him with all the shits going around in my life lately. How could I? That man is everything in my life! He is my inspiration and my role model! And until now I never hide anything from him. Yes! I am daddy's boy! Deal with it, but I am not gonna change. As soon as I am done with this meeting the first thing I am gonna do is sit and have a long ass serious talk with him. Sure there would be hell lot of teasing knowing him, but that man has every rights to know what's going in my life.

"Awwww..... is someone missing his daddy?" Jhope cooed teasingly catching my lost gaze causing other to crack up. Way to embarrass me! But I made no move to protest cause what he said was true. I miss him. A lot!

"Oi! Stop teasing my baby!" Someone said defending and all our step snapped towards the new arrival. There walked in my legal guardian, Jin hyung holding a giant white cardboard box. Without an other word he took long strides towards me and placed that heavy box on my palm before sighing in relief, eyeing that box proudly like he accomplished the most difficult mission in his life.

"What is this hyung?" I questioned confusedly. If I had my wolf powers I wouldn't want to question it cause I would have been able to smell it.

"Cake!" He answered simply with a proud smile.

"For what?" I asked again not getting what he is hinting on.

"Oh my god young man! Where is your manners?" He questioned throwing his hand in the air for exaggeration. "You are going to meet your future in laws. You can't go empty hand like that. That's why I woke up 3 in the morning and baked a cake for you!" He let out giving me a disbelief. His mate chuckled at his over reaction while the rest of the boys rolled their eyes already used to it. 

"Thanks hyung!" I said balancing the box in my hand. Although he made it a bit over dramatic, I am still thankful to him for doing this for me. And we all the this the way he is. Mother hen!

"They better enjoy it. Cause it's a rare chance to eat a cake like this backed by world wide handsome!" he boost flipping his non existence imaginary long hair. Mother hen and a self boosting softie.

"Ready to go?" Suga hyung asked standing up from the couch as the keys of my car dangled in his fingers causing me to gulp in anticipation. Jin hyung set a reassuring hand on my shoulder probably sensing my emotions as the rest gave me a 'It's gonna be okay!' kind of smile. Taking a deep breath I nodded my head. Let's do this.


*Amanda's pov*

"I swear to the goddess Amy, you are giving me a headache! Will you stop that and sit down!" Kayla snapped finally having enough of my pacing and blabbering. "And Jungkook will you put those shoes aside. Amy's size is 5 and you are 8. How many times we have to tell you those shoes not gonna fucking fit your legs!" Kayla snapped once again glaring at Jungkook who was sitting on the other corner of my bed trying to fit my new bought puma shoes on his feet. Despite it being a ladies shoes, it caught Jungkook's interest at first sight, cause it was a total 'Hey I am a badass and you better not mess with me!' type according to him.

"What if he doesn't wanna come?" I questioned for the umpteenth time causing Kayla to sigh defeated. Her shoulders sagged as her all posture took a tired form. I felt a warmth behind me as Jimin stood there placing his hand on my shoulder, stopping me from pacing back and forth.

"Why wouldn't he Amy after what he did yesterday? " Jimin let out softly turning my body towards him to look into my eyes. His eyes held that usual warmth and gentleness on it which helped to calm my nerves a little bit. "Amy that boy blew a kiss at you in front of everyone, a whole crowd yesterday in the middle of the ground, not hesitating at all. And particularly announced to the whole world you are his!" He said choosing his words carefully.

"HELL YES!" Suddenly Jungkook butt in putting my shoes aside, finding interest in our 'not should be bothered' conversation. "I didn't hope him to do that when I whispered it into his ears. And you know what was more surprising?" I gave a hard glare wanting to shut him knowing what he is about to say. But this is Jeon Jungkook we are talking about. And he would never let go of a chance to tease me. "It was kind of a breaking world record when she accept the kiss. Can you believe it guys? THE ONE AND ONLY KIM EUN AE FINALLY GETTING WHIPPED FOR SOMEONE- Ouch!" He winced rubbing the back of his head where Kayla smacked him to shut that damn mouth. I am already in a bubbling nervous pit and here this idiot, making it worse. Why is he even my future beta?

Suddenly everything around me faded, all the noises went deaf in my ears as I caught a whiff of that strong intoxicating scent in the air. That scent of forest and rain. A feeling of being at home washed over me as his scent engulfed me easing all my nerves completely.

"He is here!" words get out of my mouth even before I realize it and the three of them went dead silent glancing at my dazed figure. Jungkook stood up from his position and went over to my window peering out to get a sight of my mate.

"I can't see him yet. But he must be close since Amy can smell her. After all he is her mate!" Kayla gawked at him. If he is no where to be in sight means he must be far away. Yet I can smell him like he is few feet away from me. That's impossible. I know! But everything happening in my life lately is impossible. So as always I shrugged it out.

"Let's go inform dad! He will be here soon!" I nonchalantly said wanting to turn their attention somewhere else. I walked out from my room not waiting for their answers knowing that they have no other choice than to follow me.


Me, my friends, my parents and few of my pack members who heard the news from patrolling wolves that my mate passed the border and currently heading towards the pack house, stood in front of it waiting for his arrival. The more we wait the more crowd gathered around wanting to get a glimpse of my human mate. And I can feel the curious and disapproval they felt towards him.The hostility they felt towards him is particularly shimmering in the pack bond. But I bit my lips gritting my teeth and holding back wolf from snapping at them. They are my pack members. I can understand them. They simply worries for our pack safety. We are part of a royal pack and that's make our pack big target for enemies. As their future alpha I have to be stronger. And having a alpha mate would be a big strength to this pack, but in my case I have a human mate. Which add an other person to my plate to protect instead of getting a one who could protect my pack members along side me. But human or not, strong or not, he is my mate. MY MATE!

I snapped out of my train of thoughts when that familiar car pulled in front of us. My wolf howled in joy as his strong scent hit us on full force almost knocking us to loose control and whimper like a kitten wanting his attention and touch. The doors opened and first stepped out the next royal beta. Yoongi! We all slightly bowed our heads in respect, expect my dad and me. My dad, because he is an alpha! Me, because I just simply got that weird bubbly feeling which confuse me and annoy me at the same time. I stared at him like trying to read what that feeling I feel towards him. And the said male caught me staring at him scowling and gave his signature smirk in return. I don't know. At first I was beyond pissed in front of his presence because of this unknown feeling. But the more he shows up the less annoying he became for me. Who is he? More over what is this feeling?

I couldn't ponder on those thoughts anymore as all my abilities of thinking, talking or even breathing jump out from the back window when he stepped out. Kim Taehyung!

 'Holy shit!' My wolf cursed under her breath whistling like a pervert ogling him up and down with lustful eyes. 'Feast!' She let out licking her canines hungrily making me turn bright red at what she meant behind those words. Jungkook beside me gave me a weird look noticing my discomfort and blushing face, but nonetheless decide to shrug it off wanting focus attention on our main topic. My mate!

He couldn't take even one step ahead when all my pack members start growling and yelling at him to go away. They particularly start calling him names and insulting him which didn't please a certain wolf at all. Rage build up inside me as once again my face turned red. But this time from anger. My canines extend. Yes they are my pack members and I am their future alpha. But whom they are insulting now is MY FUCKING MATE! THEIR FUTURE ALPHA WHETHER THEY LIKE IT OR NOT!

My wolf start to surf up taking control, but before she could my father set a firm hand on my shoulder gripping it wanting to stop my shaking body.

"Let him handle it!" He ordered through the mind link halting all my moments. I gawked looking at him in disbelief. But he simply ignored my burning gaze on the side of his face as he set a firm gaze on my mate analyzing his moments, wanting to see how he is gonna handle this moment. The yelling of crowds become more louder and louder and some even took threatening steps forward alerting my wolf. But my dad simply stay put not making any move to stop his wolves.

Finally having enough of this shit I opened my mouth to let out a roar to silence these idiots. But Yoongi oppa beat me to it. Before I could a loud dominate growl roared around us making everyone silent and bow their heads in submission. The air around us shifted as he let out his dominant aura intimating all my pack members. Few of wolves even whimpered not being able to handle the power he is oozing out.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP BEFORE I AM GONNA SNAP ALL OF YOUR HEADS!" He roared angrily taking all of us off guard. All of our jaws dropped seeing him that angry. Why the heck the next royal beta would defend my mate? A mere human. He is acting like a possessive mate. Why the heck he would go all possessive mood over him like this? His eyes turned bright yellow as he let out more of his scent out dominating all of us. Even my father lowered his head lightly. What the heck?

"Hyung!" My mate meekly said placing a gentle hand on his shoulder. Instantly all his rage dropped. His eyes turned back normal, the shaking of his body stopped, his posture relaxed and the scent he was oozing out vanished. I heard everyone gasping in surprise. Even I myself couldn't stop from letting out a gasp. Just a single word! Just a single word from my mate took to calm that raging fire ball. He just simply tamed the next royal beta. The second one after the king of all supernatural creatures. Holy Fuck!

Yoongi oppa slowly backed down as my mate stood in front of him turning towards the crowd instead of us. His shoulders was tensed, yet he managed to keep a calm face. I noticed how he took deep breaths like preparing himself for something. His hands were clenched by his sides as he shut his eyes tightly before heaving out a one last breath to open his mouth.

"I know why you all hate me and why you guys are showing this much hostility towards me!" he said calmly. Huh? Where the heck he got guts to address a crowd like this? A raging wolves in that who are looking for a chance to pounce onto him. I feeling of pride bubbled inside me, but I didn't get to enjoy it as I snapped out of it hearing the few growls my pack members let out. They all shut their mouth once again when Yoongi beside him let out a low threatening growl reminding his previous words. And just like before my mate give him a look silencing him once again. "In your guys eyes I am merely a human that don't deserve to be your future leader and her mate!" he slowly said glancing at my side at the end. "Yes I am human. Yet I have alpha blood in me!" I heard few scoffs and this time I let out a growl silencing them and making them lower their head in shame and guilt. Oh they just realize whom they are insulting?

My mate gave me a genuine smile like thanking me and Yoongi smirked. But I caught him off guard when I smirked back instead of scowling or glaring at him like usual.

"There is a saying 'Never judge a book by its' cover!' " When my mate said those words I traveled back to the time where Yoongi oppa said those same words to me about him. What's with them and this phrase? "So all I asked is don't judge me yet. You guys don't know me. Give me a chance. A chance to prove that I am worthy of being her mate!" My mate said making all of us surprised at his humbleness. He even bowed his head which a future alpha wouldn't do at all. cause a alpha's ego is higher than the mountain Everest. Doing so would hurt their pride. Several gasped and several still glared.

"You don't have to prove you are worthy for her son!" my father spoke for the first time gaining all of our attention. "You are her mate. Of course there would be no one worthy for her than her own mate!" The pack members grunted in disapproval. "What you have to prove is not worthy of being her mate, but being a leader!" My father explained earning nods from everyone.

"Yes he has to prove that he strong enough!" One of the pack member from the crowd yelled as many joined him agreeing with that statement.

"We want a strong one to lead us!'

"He has to be strong!"

"He has to prove himself!"

People start to yell making it hard to figure out what they are even saying at this point. But one thing is sure. They want him to prove himself.

'I don't like where this is heading!' My wolf comment feeling uneasy suddenly about this whole situation.

"I WILL DO IT" My mate suddenly yelled over the loud yelling silencing every single noise. A pin drop silent fell on us as he heaved out trying to calm him. For a mere second, a mere second I saw a alpha on him. A rage of a alpha! But as soon as it appeared, it vanished, before anyone could notice it except me who had my eyes glued to him this whole time. It took him few seconds to calm down his feelings and talk calmly like before. "What I have to do?" he asked, determination laced on his voice.

"A battle!" One from the crowd yelled causing me and my friends eyes go wide. What the fuck?   A battle is something we used to measure a strength of a wolf. And the wolves have to fight someone equal to their rank. There is a chance you can get killed in the field. If Taehyung is about to fight , he would have to go against a alpha according to the rules. Are they freaking kidding me? He is a human, even he has alpha blood. And on the top of that, he doesn't know how to fight. he is still learning to defend himself. I took a step ahead wanting to protest, but my mate beat me into it.

"I accept!" Kayla gasped as Jungkook start cursing under his breath at my mate's stupidity. Jimin visibly went pale and Yoongi oppa was speechless. And me. I was totally out of the world. I don't even know what to think. He just literally signed his death wish. "Whom I have to battle with?" He has the audacity to even asked that. And the answer he received from one of our pack members totally made my blood ran cold.

"Kris Wu!"
