Chapter 24

*Amanda's pov*

It hurts! It hurts to see him sitting there clutching my lifeless body and wailing over it. He lost two important things. Two! 

His other half. His wolf. And the mother of his children.

He wailed and wailed and wailed, but it wasn't for loosing his wolf or his powers. It was for loosing me. 

He yelled telling over and over again that how much he loves me, how much I mean for him and how much he wants me. My two little bundle of joys, the symbols of our love, our children sat next to him crying seeing their father yelling and wailing like a mad man.

My heart shattered seeing him wailing like that. He lost me. The mother of his children, his wife, the love his life and his Amanda!

Why? Why? Why?

Why didn't I tell him? All these years I cherished him, supported him, believed him, adored him and loved him. Then why didn't I tell him before? Why didn't I tell him that I love him? 

It's late! I was too late! I didn't get to tell him that. I didn't get to tell him that I love him. I was too late. I couldn't tell him that I love him. I love him!

"It isn't late my dear!" I snapped my head to see the beautiful woman that he called his mother standing next to me there glancing at her son with sadden and pained eyes. Even though her eyes held unlimited sadness, her body radiant with the unconditional love. She looks beautiful, almost unreal. Those sadden eyes land on me with so much concern in them as she brush her those long tender fingers against my cheeks wiping away the tears on my cheeks that I didn't know was there. "Listen Amy!" She said softly with so much sadness and concern behind that soft tone. "I am giving you a chance. A chance to accept him, A chance to love him, A chance to understand him, A chance to support him and most importantly a chance to tell him all those." My heart and eyes filled with hope as her figure start to vanish little by little. "And I will give you a gift. A gift that will lead you to him. 'Milena!'  " Her whole body disappeared. The only visible part was her angelic face and that soft innocent smile. "you are the cure to his curse dear. You are the cure!" He face start fading as the only thing I could see was those hopeful eyes. Tears streamed down my face as I looked at those eyes. "Remember! Remember to tell him Amy." That was the last thing I heard before she faded completely. 

I felt into my knees. I felt into my knees in front of him while tears ran down from eyes endlessly like a waterfall. I slowly raised my hand cupping one of his cheek on it. He can't feel it. He can't see it and he can't here what am I about to say.

"I love you!" Those three words,I said it. I said it meaning a every single letter on it. I said it with so much pain and I said it with so much love.

"I love you Taehyung!"

I jerked up gasping for air and clutching my fast beating heart. Sweat beds decorated my forehead and my whole mouth and throat felt dry. Something wet streamed down my cheeks landing on the white silky sheets that rested on my lap. Tears!

Why am I crying?

I checked my phone and noticed that it's 6.45 a.m. That's not the only thing I noticed. A 15 missed calls was there too. All from one person. My mate, Taehyung! For past two days I have been avoiding him. His calls and his texts. I even avoided all his pack members also. I mean I am not ready. I am not ready to face him after what happened last friday night. I don't know. I don't know what to do. I am lost. Now everyone's knows about us, but no one is giving out any reaction. Not even my own parents. I don't know what's on their minds. Did they accept this or not. I don't know. I FUCKING DON'T KNOW!

But I can't avoid him forever. He is my mate and how can I avoid him when we are going to the same school and share the same classes. Today I will have to face him. My mate!

"Agrhhhhhhhh............." I groaned kicking my blanket out. Way to start my day! Goddess help me today!


"Where is he?" I asked as I closed the door to passenger seat and glancing back at the empty seat next to Kayla. She just simply shook her head with a tired look causing me to let heave out a sigh too. I glance back at the boy behind the wheel and noticed the tense stance he was.

"Jimin?" I called out with a tired sigh as he snapped his head towards me particularly flinching when I broke him out of his trance.

"I-I a-am sorry sis. I really am. I didn't meant to-"

"FOR FUCK SAKE JIMIN SNAP OUT OF IT ALREADY! IT'S OVER." I snapped cutting off his apology rambling for the umpteenth time. He has been like since that night. He was too busy beating over him for loosing his control over his wolf that day and trying to attack me, that he didn't notice the absence of Jungkook. Jungkook has been avoiding me. We live in the same house since he moved to the pack house after I broke up with his brother. But for past two days not even once I saw him. He is also being avoiding all my texts and calls. I don't know what is wrong with him.

"But-" I sighed cutting off him again.

"It's okay oppa. You didn't mean to do it. Stop blaming yourself. Nothing happened to me. And beside you even help to get Tae there at time!" I said softly placing a hand on his and giving a reassuring squeeze getting a light smile from him as a reply. Well his reaction about Tae being my mate is positive I think. Cause the way he acts towards me didn't change and I caught him texting and calling with my mate about me. So I think he approves us. 

"Lets go guys before we gonna get late!" Kayla said from the behind breaking both of us from our daze. Jimin nodded his head before glancing down and scrunching his face.

"wait! What is that?" I followed his gaze and it landed on my left wrist where there was written form henna messily 'Rabbit loves Amy!'. A smile made it way to my face when I remembered what happened yesterday. Sadly my aunt had to left yesterday and my cute little cousin wasn't prepared for that. He stayed clingy onto my leg begging me to keep him with me. I was half tempted to do it, but warning glare from my mother, I sent him away convincing that I will come to see him soon. So before he went he wanted to claim me as his on his own way to make other boys stay away from me until he returns. The end result is this! Cute!

"He did that? Didn't he?" Jimin asked knowingly earning a small smile from me. He chuckled shaking head before start driving towards the hell that we call school. Well it quit not that bad like before since there is an angle lives there. Kim Taehyung! Here I come!


When our car pulled in front of the school gate the first thing I caught was that familiar intoxicating scent. The smell of forest and rain. My wolf stirred inside me as I gulped getting some weird feelings inside my body smelling that scent after back three whole days. When we got out of my car Kayla stood next to me instantly squeezing my shoulder reassuringly. She must have smell him too.

"Jungkook!" Both our heads snapped towards Jimin when he called that one name I yearned to hear for these past two days. We followed his gaze and found my so call friend standing near his bike with girls surrounding him. I heard Kayla scoffing next to me, but decided to ignore glancing at him flirting with those girls without a worry like there is no tomorrow. What the heck? I am dying here worrying over him and there he is fucking around with those barbies. I brushed away Kayla's hand on my shoulder and padded towards that idiot with narrowed eyes. He must have smell my scent cause as I got closer his eyes snapped towards me. But instead of his face brightening with that goofy smile when ever he sees me, his face went totally blank. Void of any emotions. I stood in front of him and the giggling of those barbies died down when they noticed the blank look on his face and my presence behind them.

"can I have a word with you?" I asked looking direct into his eyes. He just nodded his head and glanced at those girls clearly giving them a signal to leave. Without being told they got the message and scurried away leaving him and me alone. I waited for him to say something, Anything at all with my arms folding over my chest, but he he stood there like statue keeping his face stone cold. The more quiet he stayed the more irritate I got. With gritted teeth I snatched his wrist and dragged him away from there to the back of our school where there is no student at all here this time.

"WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM?" I snapped once I had enough with his blank face and letting go of his wrist.

"what do you mean alpha?" He asked keeping his tone as blank as his face.

"Jungkook?" I warned getting more irritate with his behavior.

"I am sorry alpha! But I don't get what you mean!" He said bowing his head lightly.

"What the heck Jungkook? Why are you acting like this way?"

"Acting like what way alpha? I am showing my respect to my future alpha?" He simply and calmly said keeping his facial expressions mid-confused.

"QUITE THIS ALPHA BETA SHIT JUNGKOOK. YOU ARE MY FRIEND FOR GODDESS SAKE!" I snapped angrily earning a scoff from him. I blinked. Once, twice, thrice. Did he just scoff?

"So you now remember that I am your friend? Where was that thought when you found your mate?" he asked mockingly as my eyes soften realization hitting me. So he mad about that. He is mad about the fact that I hid it from him.

"Jungkook listen! I didn't mean to hide it from you-"

"But you did!" He cut in my sentence before I could finish.

"I didn't mean to Jungkook!" I said depressingly wanting him to understand me. he is my best friend. I can't loose him. I want him in my life. He is my ally,my trust, my support and my partner in crime. I don't wanna loose him over this. I don't wanna fight him.

"I WAS YOUR FUCKING BEST FRIEND AMY! FRIEND SINCE DIAPER. HOW COULD YOU HIDE SOMETHING AS IMPORTANT AS THIS TO YOUR LIFE?" He angrily seethed. "He was your mate and you knew it. You guys have been each other's mate behind my back. You kept me in dark. Your best friend in dark. I am not only your friend but also your beta. Yet as my future alpha you hid who is gonna be my next leader. You hid that he was-"

"CAUSE I FUCKING DIDN'T ACCEPT HIM AS MY MATE YET" I snapped cutting his rambling. He paused as his eyes widened seeing my extend canines and red eyes. My body was literally shaking from anger. I took deep breath trying to calm my  anger and relax my mind, but no matter how harder I try, my wolf keep getting into the edge. She isn't in her right mind after the heat. She wants to see her mate, to smell him, to touch him, to feel him and to mark him. She is yearning for her mate. And all the emotions I am dealing these days taking tolls on her.

"Amy!" A soft law voice broke me out of my angry dazed vision. I felt a hand on my shoulder giving a light squeeze to it. "It's okay! Just think about him. Everything will be okay!" Him! I know who he meant by him. My mate. My anchor. The only thing that keeping me sane. As I think about his sharp eyes, intensive gaze and that cute little boxy smile of his, my breathing pattern start to get normal as my mind felt lighten. Slowly my anger faded and a unknown calmness surrounded me. I felt in peace. Once I settled down I looked at my friend who is patiently waiting for me to calm down. Those cold gaze long gone as there was only concern in them.

"How can I tell you that he is my mate when I didn't accept him as my mate yet?" I said softly in a defeated tone. "Do you know how it feels to worry about your mate's safety over and over again? Do you know how it feels when you have to keep hidden your bond, scared of his life getting on danger because of the power hungry alphas that are waiting to find a weakness of me? Do you how it feels to be insecure about your pack mate's reaction over having a human as there future leader?" Tears streamed down my face as I couldn't hold them any longer. "Do you know how it feels when you have to act as strangers with your own mate, your other half, the one who is destined to be with you? Do you know how guilty it feels when you have to keep hidden all these things from your loved ones?Do you know?" I think I reached my last point. This must have been my final straw, cause right there in front of him I broke down.

I was soon embraced in a warm hug as I poured my heart out clutching onto his shirt damping it. I cried, cried,cried and cried. All my pent up emotions somersaulting inside my mind. I feel weak, insecure, vulnerable and drain out. Yet I don't care. I want to feel this way. I want to. I can't always be the one who is stronger, smarter, wiser and mature. There at some points even a huge tree would fall down. Everyone would face a weak point at there life. Everyone. Even the almighty king has a weakness in his life.

He rubbed my back mumbling soothing words to my ear. Instructing me to think about him, my mate. Telling me it's okay. It's okay to be scared and have secrets. Minute by minute I start to calm down as my sobbing decrees into hiccups and sniffles.

"Do you love him?" I pulled away from his embrace within a millisecond to look at his calm face starstruck.

"What are you talking about Jungkook? Are you crazy? It's has been like two months since I started talking with him, let alone love him? Beside I am still trying to move on from mt breakup-" He placed a finger on my mouth putting a dead end to my rambling. His composer was so calm and relaxing as his gaze held a soft yet knowing look. He doesn't look like the playful boy at all. This Jungkook stand in front of me right now look so mature, serious and wiser.

"Do. you. not. even. once. felt. anything. for. him.?" He asked pressing each and every word on that sentence carefully and slowly with a hint of seriousness held behind it. My inside tickles as he stared deep into my eyes like trying to read my soul. The way he asked that question made something, something that was hidden in the deepest corner of my heart stirred. There is something. There is something in my heart that I still can't figure out. A unknown feeling is blooming inside my heart sending its' root into every corner of my heart. It so tiny, so little, yet it so powerful, so heavy. And it's only the start. The beginning of that feeling. Once it's full blooms, I don't know how it will feel and what that feeling would be? But one thing is sure. That this feeling has to do something with him. With my mate. My Taehyung!

"I don't know.....!" I trailed off looking down unsure of my own answer.. The very next second a feeling of guilt hit my heart harder at my own answer. My own heart start to throb as my wolf went silent inside my mind lowering her ears and hiding its' tail between its' legs slowly backing down with disappointment at my answer. I felt a finger under my chin forcing me to look up and as I gave in I was met with his concern gaze.

"Do you want to love him?" He muttered softly as I felt a pang in my heart. My wolf suddenly got alert waiting for my answer impatiently. A look of determine crossed my face as I stood in my ground stably to answer that question.

"I do!" I said without no hesitation gazing beck into those eyes with a stubborn, determine look. he is my mate, my other half, the one who is destined to be with me. How can I not love him? He is gonna be my strength, my weakness, my pain, my cure, my grief and my happiness. He is gonna be my everything. My world. Then how can I stay not loving him. I am Kim Eun Ae. The next alpha of dark shadow pack. A girl that never gave up and will not. I will make him stronger. I will make others accept him. Most importantly I will make me accept him and love him. I will!

I felt two heavy hands on my shoulders and glance back at him breaking out of my trance to see a glint of happiness on that gaze before it turn all serious.

"Listen to me Amy! Listen to me carefully!" He said in a serious tone. It's weird seeing him totally different like this. A total different person. But that weird feeling is what made me want to listen to him more and more.  

"Fall in love is a chance, but stay in love is a choice!   You fell in love unexpectedly. It was a chance. But you gonna stay in love willingly. It is a choice." I felt the hands in my shoulders getting heavier and heavier as those words piercing through my heart. "What would yo choose? Your unexpected chance or your willing choice?" Those heavy hand left my body as he took a step back giving me space to process his words. But before I could anything both of us snapped out of whatever serious daze we were as my phone start to ring. I quickly took it out from my back stumbling few times with my hand and glance at caller ID to see it was non other than Taehyung. For the umpteenth time I declined his call. I nor sooner or later I would have to face him, but for now I want to get as much as possible time away from him to collect myself and my emotions. I have to be stable before facing him. A chuckle caught my attention and I saw Jungkook glancing back and forth at my phone and my scowling face.  

"Looks like lover boy can't wait to see you!" He teased all seriousness long gone as a mischievous smirk took it place on his face. There that fool I call my best friend. I shook my head at him fighting to hold back a smile. "Come on lets go already before that cute little rat gonna loose his mind!" He said wrapping a hand around my shoulder and dragging me back to where our friends must be waiting. I don't know I should feel offended because he called my mate a little rat or feel giddy because he called him cute. This idiot!

When we neared the school front gate I noticed Jimin and Kayla standing with a group near the gate talking, along with strong scent of his. Both me and Jungkook halt on our track once we got a clear view on them to get a proper understanding about the situation. They both stood with J-hope, Namjoon, Suga and Jin oppa. There was someone else in the middle who I can't see properly because of them surrounding him cutting off his view. But I have a feeling who that might be.With the scent I am damn sure who that person is. Namjoon oppa's eyes cast on us and he mumbled something into the person in the middle. Soon all the head snapped towards us and the Suga oppa who was blocking the view of him smirked st me before moving out of the way.

"HOLY SHIT-" I placed my hand on my mouth covering it before I could say further more than that. Beside me Jungkook had the same reaction. Mouth hanging wide ajar and eyes as wide as saucepan. What the heck happened to him? He looks totally different.

No he didn't gain all musculus and become taller. He didn't cut his hair or color it. His jaw lines didn't get sharper nor his shoulders got wider. His chest didn't seem spanned nor i can say whether he has abs or not. But he looks totally different. It's only grew of his bangs, change of his piercing and off of his normal big glasses. That's all. That's all took him to look like someone else. A chill ran down my spin when his fierce and intensive gaze landed on me. I felt like my body prickling when he lightly raised his phone which he kept playing loosely on his fingers to meet my gaze. I gulped knowing that he intended about the texts and calls of his I ignored. My whole body felt froze and my throat went dry when he removed Namjoon oppa's hand on his shoulder and start striding towards me, without breaking the gaze he held captivate.

My wolf went wild inside my mind when he stood a feet away from me still glancing at my eyes intensively. I felt smaller under his gaze, yet not even once I was able to break the eye contact. My heart pounded inside my chest like it was about to come out breaking my rib cage. And I felt like my cold body was suddenly thrown into a hot pot of volcano when his breath fanned against my face. I felt his long slim fingers brushing against my warm cheek as he lowered his eyes into my eyes level, our nose brushing against each others.

"I missed you!" That's all I heard from his raspy yet deep voice before I felt pair of warm, soft lip against mine.

