
Laura POV

I really love this whole tour stuff but its also really stressfull. We are not there where bella lives anymore thats great. Not so good is that he and Ross are chatting all the time.

But I have more than just that thing to worry about. I barely get any sleep here , I miss my parents and just being home and come to filming everyday. I litteraly wish this tour would be over by now.

But we have quite some more stuff to do...

"Are you alright?" I heard someone ask from behind me. "Yeah I am" "Then why were completly spaced out the last 10 minutes ?" "Idk I guess I am just really tired and stressed out. " he nods understan ding and sat down. "C'mere" he said. I felt his arm place around me and then he lifted me up on his lap. I relaxed in his arms while Ross moved his one arm from my waist to my cheek and I felt him lean in.

I expected him to kiss me but he just moved a piece of my hair behind my hair and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Whats wrong?" I asked him. I could tell he had something in his mind. I can read him like a book. Hes my boyfriend!

" I was talking to Rocky this morning and he asked me something.. about us and yeah it got stuck the whole day in my head.."

I waited for him to continue but he didnt, I was sitting there on his lap with his hands placed on top of me and not knowing what he was talking about.

"Dont play so innocent. I am pretty sure you thought about that too....." he said after a while and moved his face closer to mine. Very close. A closeness that makes my heart beat more than just one beat faster.

"I dont now what you are talking about!" I told him. "You know I really love you a lot " he said moving even closer. "Your fun to be around" Closer. my heart beating eve faster. "And your so so beautiful" I could feel his nose brush my chin.

"And I love to kiss you" he stated with his lips right above my mouth. My heartbeat isnt normal anymore.the butterflies in my stomach are flying like crazy.

I dont know what this whole thing here means .... ipretty much forgot abut what he wanted to tell me.

All that I could think about were us being close , his lips right above mine.

I leaned up and pressed our lips together


The raura game is getting intense

A lot of you wanted me to do a little more mature stuff and I did. More RAURA to come soon

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