
Laura POV

"Hey cutie" Ross called me at my nickname and pulled me in by my waist for a quick kiss. I liked it a lot and tried to deepen it a little as most of the time but Ross pulled away. "So you want to go sightseeing today? In colorado? We will move on to the next state this evening so we have the day free"

"Yes of course" "Cool , get ready now ;) " he smiled at me and gave me one last peck. I think Vanessa and Rydel were right. Ross is just happy to see her again and is not interested in her that way. they just were best friends when they were little.... And today we will have a funny day in colorado just the two of us. Knowing Ross he probaly planned something special , sweet and romantic.


"Is it okay if bella joins us?" OF COURSE ITS NOT!!!! "Haha yes sure" I said with a fake smile even though I am pretty ...upset about her joining us. That was supposed to be a date! Mine and ross. For a moment I thought if I should tell me that I started feeling sick or something. But then I decided I should better not leave those too alone-

"Btw you two look great!" Ross said and placed an arm around both of us . I might better tell him that I am the ONLY one he is dating.... bella is kinda nice but she makes me so angry....

and jealous.

I just have the not good feeling that Ross is crushing on her....and wants her back as a bff ...but what about MEEEEE?

Rydel POV

Poor Laura probaly doesnt feel to good right now. I can totally understand her. I would be super jealous too if Ellington would hang out with another (hot) girl like Ross does.

" I kinda feel like raura is breaking apart!" I said to my boyfriend while cuddling closer to him and taking some popcorn. "Yeah....Well bella and Ross had always something special" "But raura had too. they are perfect for each other" "I know they are super cute. And Ross loves laura . But he always liked Bella a lot too as bff and now he might be delevoping a crush on her.... I cant even blame him. Shes is smoking"

I immendiantly felt a burn in my heart . "Haha no need to be jealous. I am yours and only yours" he said and kissed me again which soon got into a hot make out.....

I just hope Raura will always stay together. laura is the best girl I can think of for my baby brother. I always shipped raura from the first minute on and it shouldnt be replaced by....Ross and Bella.

But funny fact when he and bella were bets friends back then I always shipped them two. they were way to young for love but I always found them cute.

They could be called Boss or Rella.....Nah not as good as Raura.

Or rydellington.


No need to kill Ross just yet ;)

I am sorry I take my time for updates right now....I am just super busy ....... New chapter coming someday this week...
