
Laura POV

I am on stage . Ross is singing Stcuk on you. he was siging to me all the time and smiling at me in between. he pulled me up and amde us dance aound a little. I heard some people scream Raura and well I love it. Raura just sounds perfect. Just as it is.

I earlier never understod why people like Raura or are so obessed with our relationship (not even existing that way back then) but now i got it. We are meant to be and better together.

We were dancing a little together. Towards the end he looked me dead in the eyes and right after the song finsihed he leaned down and kissed me. Of course it was more like a short peck kiss cuz we were in public.

We smiled at each other (with a loving glare as i read on Twitter) and quickly went over to singing .

Cant do it without you

It was the chliche Auslly/ raura song but it was so true so I packed all my emotions and thoughts about Ross in it and we finsihed the song. I know it was better than everytime we did it before. Our passion/love to each other grew stronger and we didnt have anything to hide anymore so we could sing with all possible feels.

Every single song we did today was I think actually perfect. I am always better when I am on stage in front of better and now that I was on stage with Ross...

Well Lynch and marano , Austin and ally , Ross and Laura are taking the stage together and rocking it.

Afterwards backstage Ross immendiantly run up to me , hugged me while spinnign around . I gave him a quick kiss after which he deepens immediantly. "Oh gross" Rocky said. "Can you now not even spend a minute without making out?" Vanessa asked. "Why should I?" I asked and burried my face in ross muscular chest.

"Some months ago someone called me because she was nervous because of one little make out scene with Ross and now your lips are like glued to each other!" She stated.

And she was right. It changed a lot. But I am glad it did.And I am also glad we ddeicded to take that Risk.

It was worth it.


Sry for a short chapter

A little /or a big drama is coming up soon!!!!!!!!!!!!! NEXT CHapter see what will happen?
