"I've been mending it" snarled Draco. A smug smeared all over his lips, but his eyes were lying for him. It told Evelyn the truth by seeing them and so did Dumbledore. He was scared, his hand trembling with fear, he swallowed his saliva multiple times just by standing there.

"There are twins, they form a passage. I ought to believe you'd know that by now. Ingenious " said Draco.
"Evelyn..." the defenseless man lowered his voice at the girl's direction, it eased her a bit to be quite frank.
"I've dreaded all these years for the moment to come to finally meet you and see you make all the right choices. You don't have to do this, let me help-" he tried empathizing with her.

She wouldn't listen, she couldn't. There was no one way she could get out of this without someone dying because of it. "It is d-done. You can't" she whispered and looked up, she slowly stood up "I'm m-marked" She rolled down her sleeve.

I have to do this.
"I understand," said Dumbledore.
It hurts Albus, a lot... I don't want to feel this any much longer. I'm afraid of what is to be expected of me. She raised her wand towards the old man, Dumbledore intertwined his hands and closed his eyes for a couple of seconds.

He took a deep breath before speaking, " I'm not afraid nor abound you be, but you must not let them control you. You're a strong wizard, Evelyn, far better than you believe you are. All of my desires and dreams have been fulfilled now and I thank you for that." He smiled as he took a step closer.

She broke down again, "No- closer" She heard foreign footsteps get closer and stand nearby. Bellatrix and other death eaters, "Well look who we have here," said Bellatrix, standing behind the two teenagers.

"Very well Evelyn. I didn't you had it in you" she whispered in the quiet girl's ear, the hot stinky breath of death made the girl's stomach turn. Harry's heart shattered at the words that came out of Bellatrix's mouth.

How was Evelyn capable of doing such things like this, betraying him? Betray her friends, was it all an act? Was it to get some type of revenge? But Harry was in denial of those thoughts of the one person he loved the most, she was not capable of doing such things.

Evelyn, she would never. Or was she? Harry shook his thoughts, she was not capable of this, she was forced. She had to be, she would never do that to him.

He took out his wand and pointed towards Bellatrix, Evelyn slowly shifted her gaze towards Dumbledore. She caught a glimpse of him looking below her, she shifted her gaze slowly to the place, trying to not make it obvious. Her eyes met Harry's, her eyes widened a bit and she bit her lips stopping herself from doing anything obvious. She thought he had left, but there he stood with a betrayed expression on his face, watching her about to kill the other adult figure Harry looked up to.

She closed her eyes, They're going to kill me, I'm sorry.
Harry, on the other hand, looked back to the floor so it was true then, what Dumbledore had said. The sudden small disappearances, my Father, she let him hear her. Looking back up to meet her beautiful eyes once again, but she wasn't looking at him anymore.

"Do it," Lestrange whispered, her wand touching the girl's ear. "She doesn't have the stomach just like her mother," said Dumbledore, she's not cruel like you, he wanted to say but held back.

"Now!" Demanded Bellatrix. But she wouldn't budge,  suddenly a deep voice spoke behind them and Snape came into view. She let out a sigh of relief at the sight of him, "No." he said.

Catching the other's attention, he walked closer to the girl standing next to her, she felt his aura shift. She noticed something troubling his mind, but she couldn't tell what it was he wasn't letting her, "Severus" called out Dumbledore.

A sound of relief left his lips, he looked at the girl one last time, "Until we meet again," he said at last before looking back at Severus. "Please," and just like that Snape had countered the killing curse pushing Dumbledore off the edge and flying beyond the rail. Evelyn fell to the ground once again, she looked back at Snape tears pooling in her eyes making her not able to see his face.

Her glasses fell to the floor, she couldn't believe it Dumbledore was dead, gone, forever, all because of her she could've done something she could've saved him from his death but she was a coward. She was a worthless pathetic girl but worse she couldn't even communicate with others properly without stuttering.

She let her body curl up on the ground, the Death others began celebrating and shooting up into the sky, all this commotion making the girl dizzy. She heard Draco's voice call out to her from far away, she wondered where he stood. She wanted to hold him, she wanted to hold Harry, she needed Harry to be next to her holding her.

Her body grew tired although she had done nothing, strands of her hair covered her eyesight as she lay on the floor. But then her hair was moved out of the way, her body being softly picked up bridal style, her vision blurry she couldn't tell who it was.

"Harry..." she mumbled, a sound barely leaving her lips she couldn't speak, her body didn't let her. After a few seconds, her vision became a bit visible, and she was able to catch a glimpse of Snape holding her, he moved the strand of hairs away from her way, his eyes filled with worry.

She laid open, she tried to call out but no sound came out still, what was happening to her? Snape tried waking the girl up from her trance, he looked around noticing the Death Eaters were gone, they had taken Draco alongside.

"Get away from her, you killer," said Harry as he quickly took the passed-out girl from his embrace. Snape didn't budge but looked at the boy who held the unconscious girl on his arm, he gently placed her on the floor trying to wake her up as well.

"Get away! Before I kill you, you murderer!" Shouted out Harry one last time before taking out his wand. "You cause all this," he said pointing his wand at him, Snape took a step back.

"You knew!" He yelled.

He looked one more time at the girl, "I'm sorry," he murmured at last before walking away and leaving them alone in a hurry. Harry dropped his wand and carissed the girl's cheeks, "Please wake up. You're okay." He pleaded.

His cheeks grew hot, he didn't know what to do. "Harry..." she shifted. Harry's eyes widened, "I'm here, I'm here" he pulled her even closer to his chest.
You hate me...

"No, no, no. Never. I will never hate you" he said. "I need to take you to Hermione, she's going to help you. Okay, don't say anything, I need to take you somewhere safe okay? Just close your eyes for now" he said as he picked up the girl and made their way back to the Gryffindor common room.

On the way back, sounds of shattering glass echoed throughout the whole castle, mischiefs laughed along the way. Students began to come out of their dorms wondering what all the chaos was, some students ran toward the courtyard.

McGonagall ran alongside the students, she spotted the young boy holding the unconscious girl in his arms. She let out a gasp, her hand covering her mouth, "Professor Dumbledore!" yelled out Harry as he noticed her standing still.

She looked back down at Evelyn's body, she tried to murmur but no words made it out, "She's okay. Courtyard, now!" he yelled out. She rapidly blinked and made her way toward the courtyard where students began to gather around a lifeless body on the ground.

Harry reached the common room, and he yelled for Hermione and Ron. "What happened?" Asked Hermione as she came down to the common room.
"She just passed out," he said as he carefully placed her down on the couch, Hermione quickly crouched next to the girl.

She felt her forehead which was hot and quickly stood up wet a cloth with cold water and placed it over the girl's forehead. Ron came out minutes after, "He's dead, Hermione" blurred out Harry, standing still.

"What?" They both asked.
"Dumbledore. He's dead. Snape killed him" explained Harry. "Oh, I'm sorry Harry." She comforted her best friend and pulled him in her embrace, alongside Ron.
"It's fine, is she going to be okay?" Asked Harry, his gaze not leaving the quiet girl's figure. "Yeah, she just needs to rest, what happened to her?"

"They got to her first," Harry said as he took a step closer. " Who?" Asked Ron. "Her father, Voldemort and I weren't there to help her" he rolled up the girl's sleeves slowly earning a gasp from the two of them.

"Merlin's beard... How-"
"I don't know how long Ron. They've been taunting her, ever since the Order. I should've known. They gave her the task of killing Dumbledore but she couldn't so Snape fulfilled it." Explained Harry.
"Poor Evelyn... I can't imagine-"

"I need to go back out, I need to confront them. I can't just lie here hidden. I can't" Harry pulled out his wand before making his way towards the entrance. "Harry.." Ron tried to call out.

"I need to do this Ron. Things are changing. Dumbledore's gone, nobody is left to help us. Whoever did this to her I will make them pay Ron, whether it ends up killing me or not"

"Just please take care of her, I'll be back soon," he said before walking out. Minutes after Harry had left the girl still laid almost unconscious on the couch with what turned out to be a high fever. Hermione laid a small cool towel on her forehead in hopes of calming her fever down and left the room.

Evelyn's eyes fluttered open, she tried sitting up straight, her head still pounding but bearing. "Hey, hey you need to lay down. Your fever hasn't gone away yet" she heard Ron's voice coming closer. He crouched down next to her and helped her sit up, Hermione nowhere in sight.

"Harry." She said. She wiped her hand over her eyes and pulled her hair back, she shivered a bit as she was cold. "Yeah, I know but he'll be back soon. I promise" he noticed the girl shivering and went to grab his Christmas sweater that his mom had knitted him.

"Here put this on, I know you're cold" he dressed the girl up. He lifted her right arm and then her left arm, as he put the sweater on her, it had pulled her long sleeve shirt along with it. Revealing a small glimpse of her death mark, Ron's eyes widened a bit as he took a small glimpse of the mark from up close.

Her arm was swollen red, small cuts were around the mark, and it looked like it hurt. The girl let out a silent gasp.
It was terrifying. He couldn't imagine how she dealt with this secret without saying anything but still acted like nothing.

Evelyn slightly lifted her face a warm smile on her lips, "Thank you Ron" she said catching his attention. He raised a smile and planted a small kiss on the younger girl's forehead. "Don't thank me." He said, and Hermione quickly walked into the room, a small packet of bandages on his hand.

"You're supposed to resting. What did I tell you Ron?" scolded the brown hair girl. She plopped herself on the floor next to the couch with Ron, "She just sat up randomly, I hadn't noticed, don't be so hard on me" Ron rolled his eyes.

"Anyway.." she turned to look at her best friend. "You feel a bit better?" Her attention turned into a worried expression quickly. She nodded, "Can I?" She touched the girl's arm slightly, Evelyn didn't say anything and gave it another quick thought before slowly raising both of her sleeves.

The mark was in full view for both of them, Hermione didn't wait another minute and tried to quickly cover it as soon ad possible to make her not see it too much. She grabbed a small white cream and placed it on top of the mark, then she rapidly cut small pieces of white bandages and placed it over covering it fully.

After she was done, she rolled down her sleeve. "Just let it sit there for a couple of hours, it heals the bruises and cuts"

"Thank you both. I must go" she said and slowly stood up, Ron and Hermione grabbing the girl's arms stopping her from leaving.
"To where?" Asked Hermione, she was not planning on leaving her at all costs. Nor did Ron, he had made a promise to Harry to keep her safe and that's what he was planning on doing.

"Harry trouble. I help"
"No, he's not and no you can't. You have a fever, now lay  back down and listen to me, and don't make me madder than I already am." Hermione demanded with a glare, Evelyn widened her eyes at her best friend's sudden action and looked at Ron who turned around.

Ron on the other hand, turned away from both of the girl faces and tried to hold back a smile. He couldn't help but love every time Hermione got mad, there was just something about it that he loved, maybe it was seeing her all reddish that made his heart skip a beat.

Evelyn was finally able to convince Hermione to help her get some fresh air since her fever had finally settled but to be quite frank she wanted to go look for Harry.

Both Gryffindors led onto the girl's arms as she couldn't still properly walk, something about her legs just not strong enough to support her but still was able to walk.

They came across a great huddle of students and teachers in the courtyard as if they were looking at something in the middle of the ground. "What's happening?" Asked Ron as the trio made their way closer to the middle.

"Dumble-do-r-re." Said Evelyn in a sad tone. They came to a halt and were able to notice Dumbledore's lifeless body lying in the middle, Professor McGonagall gripped her robe trying so hard to not break down, and she caught a glimpse of the now-standing mute girl.

She let out a sigh of relief once he took notice of her, silent mumbling and muffles filled the courtyard, and tears fell down the girl's cheeks, Ginny and Neville stood beside her looking at all the commotion.

Evelyn laid her head on the redhead's chest and closed her eyes while the boy hugged her back and rubbed her arm. A sudden rapid pair of footsteps made its way closer to them from behind and there Harry appeared, he was panting and sweating.

Evelyn didn't notice but the other two did, Harry looked down a the girl and made his way slowly to her. He raised his hand to touch her, but Hermione held his hand before he could touch her, she slowly nodded.

Harry looked taken back but didn't budge and moved to the lifeless older figure that lay on the ground. He fell to his knees and touched the man's chest, he took a couple more minutes of skimming through the old man before he felt a body lunge at him from behind.

It was Evelyn. She brought Harry into her embrace, and once he was in her arms, he broke down crying. His emotions got the best of him, and he couldn't bear it anymore.

He embraced her tightly, not wanting to let her go, trembling in his voice as he feared she would disappear next.

He couldn't lose her. He cried and cried until he had no tears. McGonagall was the first one to take action and raised her wand to the sky, and the tip of the wand showed a bright white light.

Other staff and students followed, and within minutes, the sky had cleared of all the dark clouds. With no death eaters in sight, the sky turned pink and orange, looking even more beautiful than the day before. This brought a small smile to some students as the sun began to rise and birds began chirping.

Harry finally pulled away from the girl. His eyes were red and puffy. At that moment, she couldn't help but think he looked adorable. She took off his glasses and stared into his bright blue eyes, which she desperately missed.

She placed his face in her hands and smiled. Slowly, she wiped the tears from his face, and he let out a small chuckle, bringing a smile to both of their faces.

"I won't let anything bad ever happen again to you" she heard himself think. Evelyn gave him a sneaky smile before putting back his glasses and planting a small kiss on his cheek. She wouldn't let anything happen. It was time for a change; the wizarding world was changing. Her father and Voldemort were back. There was no time to be a coward.

It was time to take back the place they once destroyed, a place she called home. They had killed her mother for power, but now she had a greater power with her, she had friends and a new family who would do anything for one another. She was finally ready.

"I'm not afraid anymore"

I CANT BELIEVE ACT 2 is done!! I'm so excited for what's next and I hope you guys are 2. lol. Act 3 will have so much action that I'm excited to see what will happen. But just to give you guys a little sneak pick, NONE of OUR favorites will die. Meaning Fred, Tonks, Remus yadah yadah will LIVE!!! Yes that's correct, I mean come on???...🌞

Act 3. Will start shortly just give me a couple days to start editing my chapters and getting my plans STRAIGHT. Love you all. Hope you you guys liked Act.2??

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