Evelyn never imagined she would be flying over London at night, riding Thestrals alongside the people she called her best friends. She never knew London could be so pretty at night, her parents after all never let her out into the real world, except her mother. But it was another imagery she hoped to experience.

The wind blew her hair against her face many times, and a big smile plastered across her face, she giggled and smiled even wider, and she threw her arms up and let loose of the creature. Ginny stared at the girl, oblivious that she was being watched by the others, she had never seen that side of such a quiet girl but it sure did make them happy.


The old vintage doors of the elevator slid open, they were in. The Department of Mysteries. They all stood still for a few seconds staring straight into the long empty narrow hallway ahead of them awaiting a door. Neville trembled in fear, his eyes wide open, not blinking, Luna took notice and slowly guided her hands towards Neville's intertwining their fingers. She smiled, squeezing his hand in reassurance, and nodding.

They stepped out of the elevator, and slowly walked through the hallway, soon reaching the door. Upon opening the door, they took out their wands lighting up the tip of their wands and illuminating their surroundings forming a circle.

They stood in the middle of a hallway, surrounded by hallways of prophecy orbs. The dark hallways seemed to never have an end, small silent movements around them made the teenagers more agitated.

"Come on, we've got to find it before anyone knows we're here," said Harry, without another thought he started to run, followed by the others. The others came to a stop, the Potter boy ran looking for the corridor from his prior dreams.

"93..94..95" he came to a stop. He looked up at his friends who stood feet away from him.

"He should be here" Hermione was right. It was a trap.

"Harry" Neville whispered. He was staring at an orb intensely. "It got your name on it" Harry walked up to the prophecy orb and unsurely grabbed it from the shelf. He looked at it closely whispering something to him.

"The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches, and the Dark Lord shall mark you as his equal, but he shall have the power the Dark Lord knows not, for neither can live while the other survives, the Potter boy should know those surrounding him"

Evelyn stared at her surroundings, the place seeming familiar to her by the second,  she had been here before. Many, many years ago, but she couldn't quite place it. She turned around, but before she could look around even further, a black figure captivated her eyes. It was a Death Eater, It stood feet away from them in the darkness, silently looking at them without moving. The girl stared hard, she couldn't look away, there was something about the anonymous figure that struck her, she wasn't afraid.

Her feet started moving before she even had the chance to understand she was moving towards the figure, the darkness that followed her. She didn't take her wand. The others stayed where they were, paying much attention to the boy and his prophecy. The girl stood inches away from the Death Eater before coming to a stop, she looked him up and down bringing her hands up.

Lucius, she recognized.
"Evelyn!" Hermione's voice echoed. They all turned to look at the commotion, they saw the young girl inches away from the Death Eater.
"Get away from her!" threatened Potter. His attention was now fully on the girl.

"You really do know how to choose sides Miss Blackwood" spoke Lucius. He faded his mask. " I've been taking care of you after these years, taking care of you on his behalf, and this is how you repay us? You see, how would you feel if I were to tell Regulus that his daughter is hanging out with the one and only Potter." the girl's mouth slightly parted open.
"You didn't really think Draco would tell me nothing about what was going on, he's my son, remember I had made a promise to your father, you're whereabouts, your classes, I might as well tell him you're ready and he might be delighted to reconcile with her only daughter and give you a trip back to memory lane, I'm guessing it won't be so hard " a small creepy smirk crept up on his lips, the quiet girl slowly made her way back to her friends. She was hurt more than anything upon hearing Draco's name, even worse her father's. More death eaters started to appear, ambushing them into the middle.

"Where's Sirius?" Harry asked.

"You know, you really should learn to tell the difference between dreams... and reality" "You only saw what the Dark Lord wanted you to see, now hand me the prophecy" Lucius demanded. Evelyn slowly made her way next to the Potter and stood next to him, they looked at each other, their eyes communicating with one another.

"If you do anything to us, I'll break it," said Harry.

"You think I won't?" Lucious scoffed.

" I know you won't hurt her, as long as she's here you won't lay a finger on her"

"He knows how to play!" a sudden high-squeaky women's voice appeared behind Lucius. Bellatrix Lestrange. She's back, thought Evelyn. Memories began flooding back.

"Itty, bitty, baby Potter" she sneered. She played around with her wand, eyes big, not looking away from the boy.

"Bellatrix Lestrange," said Harry. He stood with confidence, but his eyes gave him away. He was afraid, they all were.

"And who do we have here, ahh no other than Evelyn Blackwood!" "You might not like to remember me, or you might not even know who I am, but I used to take care of you when your mommy and daddy were busy "

"Come again what was her name?"  "Alexa?" "Alejandra?" "Oh no wait"

Alexandria. Evelyn thought.

"Alexandria!" "Oh yes that was her, go she was the most wonderful  and beautiful human being that I've met but too sad she didn't live long" An evil smile formed on her lips

My mother's name, my blood, my mother whose life was ripped off by no other than my arrogant father, It's been years since I've heard her name being said aloud.

"No need to feel sad now, I bet she's in a much better place" she laughed.

"What is she talking about Harry?" Hermione asked frightfully. Harry dodged the question.
"I'll explain later"
"Ahhh, Neville Longbottom, is it?" "How's Mum and Dad?" Bella turned to look at the tall boy.

"Better, now they're about to be avenged." Neville raised his hand holding his wand pointing it towards Bellatrix alongside the others. She raised her wand pointing it at the children, Lucius placed his hand up trying to calm down the situation.

"Now, now, let's everybody just calm down... shall we, all we want is that prophecy" "Like you said Potter, we won't hurt you unless we have to and don't think just because she's here, doesn't mean we won't, he'll understand once I explain it to him"

"Why did Voldemort need me to come and get this?" said Harry. "You dare speak his name?" Bellatrix asked in disbelief, her eyes growing bigger by the second, she grew impatient.

"You filthy half-blood!" she shouted.

"It's all right, he's just a curious lad, aren't you?" Lucius went on. "Prophecies can only be retrieved by those about whom they are made, which is lucky for you, really" Death Eaters appeared closer, Evelyn alongside the others began to look around anxiously, they were trapped.

Lucius began to walk closer, "Now if you won't give us the prophecy, you can give us something else we want, I'll best believe they'll be happy to see her once again" Lucius looked at the quiet girl. Evelyn backed up in fear, she put her arm around the skinny brunette boy.

"Don't even think about it" Harry's deep voice took the man by surprise. He slightly pushed the girl behind him, holding his wand more firmly, he glared at Lucius.

"Now, Stupefy!" he yelled out. "Stupefy!" they all yelled out and without a second thought they spiked every Death Eater around them sending them flying away. They began running, turning lefts and rights, the Potter boy took hold of the brunette and began running beside him.

"We need to get out of here!" "It's not safe for Evelyn!"
shouted Harry before the group broke up into different places.
"Get the girl" Lucius yelled out.
