Evelyn ran through the corn fields, heart racing faster than ever. She came to a halt, she was able to hear her heart beating. Behind her, she multiples footsteps, and she pointed her wand in every direction.

"Alexandra is dead!" She heard Bellatrix's voice all around her surroundings. She was making fun of her. Then she heard again and again.
"Alexandra is dead!"
"Alexandra is dead!"

Evelyn dropped to her knees, dropped her wand, and covered her ears. The high-pitched voice was too intense for her to handle, she wanted to disappear, she wanted to be invisible. She wanted to be gone, away from all this chaos.

Please go away.


Maze cornfields, no one in sight surrounded her.

Please make it stop.

She wasn't strong enough, she never could be. Suddenly she felt a pair of slim arms pull the girl into their embrace.
"You're with me. You're safe" whispered Harry into the girls' ears, the sound of his soothing voice calming her down.

She's taunting me. She won't stop.

The boy picked her up in bridal style, she felt him pass through a small puddle of water and then placed her on a tilted grass surface. She kept her eyes closed, she heard multiple footsteps running closed and coming to a stop by each other.

"Evelyn!" She heard her uncle's voice call out to her. She slowly raised her eyes and opened her eyes, there stood alongside Remus, Tonks, and Mr. Weasley.

I'm sorry

"It's okay sweetheart! Don't overthink it! It's not your fault." He walked over to her niece, he crouched down meeting eye level with her. "Just show me what you got" smirked Sirius.

Evelyn's lips formed a smile, and she kindly nodded. Sirius helped the girl stand up, he stood alongside her. Evelyn looked towards the dark sky, she raised both of her hands, closed her eyes she chanted her spell.

A thin white layer began to rise from the ground, only visible to her, she heard spells and explosions all around her. The thin layer formed a bubble around them, she opened her eyes, and all the noise had stopped.

It had worked, the spell had worked. She looked in front of her, there stood Bellatrix and another death eater. Her eyes big as always, Evelyn's breathing hitched at the sight of her "Where are they?!" She yelled out, she turned to her surroundings.

"Where did they run off to?!" She demanded.
"NO!" She stomped her feet, her gaze fiercer as always.
"You, look for her!" She ordered the other death eater.

"Where are you, Evelyn? Daddy's waiting for you with the Dark Lord. He says he wants her daughter back!" She yelled out to no one. She groaned in frustration after she had received no response and within seconds she formed into dark smoke and flew away.

"Good job kiddo," smiled Sirius once again.
"Evelyn, are you alright?" Came in Harry with a worried expression, he crouched down next to the girl pulling her into his embrace. Their foreheads pressed against one another.
I'm okay, Harry. She smiled at him.

"What was that? One second we were crowed by death eaters and then the next, it's as if we were gone." Asked Tonks, who stood still as she was still in shock. Remus turned to look at the girl, his mouth gaping open, " It certainly was," was all he said.

"What?" Asked Tonks.
"Oh, my. Indeed it is Remus" agreed Mr. Weasley.
"Indeed what? ," asked a frustrated Tonks.
"She's a Legilimen, a natural I must believe." Said Remus as he smiled at the girl. Evelyn and Harry stood, he looked around his surroundings their hands intertwined.

She turned to look at Tonks, " I've got so much to learn about you, good job kiddo" She smiled at her. Evelyn's cheeks turned a light shade of pink, she hid behind the boy's shoulders.

Seconds later, a loud explosion was heard coming from the house. "Molly!" Mr. Weasley yelled out as he ran looking for his wife. They all ran after him, from Evelyn's point of view she could see the big house burning by the second.

Evelyn covered her mouth, she saw Hermione and Ron hugging one another. Hermione took notice of her and ran towards her best friend, pulling her into a tight hug. Mr. Weasley ran to his family.

"We're okay," said Hermione which made the silent girl silently sigh in relief. They parted the hug, "are you?" She asked. Evelyn nodded and looked towards Harry, she didn't know what to feel or even think.

At that moment she thought everything that was happening was her fault. That all this was because of her dark cruel father who just wanted to seek vengeance, but for what cause?

He'd think she liked to forgive him for the things he's done. Never in a million years would she ever let him. "I know what you're thinking. It's not your fault. None of this, it's just him. He wants to cause trouble. To freak us out" said Harry as he cupped the girl's cheeks.

He wants me. He needs me, Harry. But you won't understand. I want to tell you, but I don't want to lose you. You're all I have. You'd hate me once I tell you. She wanted to let him read her mind. To finally tell the secret that was killing her.

I'm a Horcrux. I'm the reason you're having these visions, they were meant to me, not you. You were innocent, I gave them to you I sacrificed you,  just to spare my own life, but now he's after me. Soon you too.

That's all she wanted to say. It didn't sound as bad in her mind as it would've sounded out loud. But deep down she knew she couldn't, she wouldn't, it would've destroyed him. Evelyn nodded, she closed her eyes as she rested her head against his chest.

His cold slender hand, trembling but still held on to her, not letting her go, his heart racing like most of them. Small sobs were heard coming from the Weasleys their only home now gone.

"Come on son, we've got to get to the Order now. We need to stay there it'll keep us safe. You guys got school tomorrow" Said Sirius from behind, as he placed a hand on the boy's shoulders.

Back at the Order, all the adults stood in the kitchen, the teenagers were upstairs in their beds. Evelyn wasn't one of them, she sat in the stairs listening leaving Harry by himself asleep.

"What do we do Sirius?" Evelyn heard Mr. Weasley's worried voice. "We need to keep her hidden, safe. All of them. We can't let him get too close to her, he'll do anything to take her back and make her one of them,"

"Sirius is right. Right now we don't know what they're up to or what they're going to do. We need to tell Dumbledore."
"No," interrupted Sirius.
"We can't double him with any bad news anymore, the old man is up to something. I know that for sure,"
"After all these years. Why now?" Asked Mrs. Weasley.

"I'm not sure, he's planning something, but I just can't take a hold of what?" Sighed Sirius. A few seconds passed by seconds, and he spoke again. " I wish I could just kill him whenever I had the chance"

"Sirius, don't." Said Remus. Just after that Evelyn heard the floor squeaking behind her, she quickly stood up and saw Kreacher standing there at the top of the stairs. An ugly smug on his face as always, Evelyn hadn't liked him much ever since they had arrived, he always seemed to be rude to her no matter how much she was being nice to him. She was tired of it.

"You brat, by now you should know not to eavesdrop. Now should I tell them that you were listening or do you want me to call them, you pathetic little girl? You're just like your father, nothing but I liar, you think I don't know what you're hiding. You little -"

Stop, don't say any more

Evelyn had sealed his mouth shut, Kreacher touched his sealed lips unable to utter a word. He furrows his eyes at the girl, " I-I'm n-n-not h-i-mm" she stuttered gulping, and the palm of her hand began to sweat.

I will never be one of them. I don't know what you think I'm hiding, but you've got it all wrong. Now go back to where you came from.

The elf didn't move, Evelyn raised her hand and swirled it around, suddenly the elf began to turn around and walked away to his door.

After he was gone Evelyn sat back down, she closed her eyes as she took a deep breath. Although she hated to admit it, she sure was hiding something, but she was not her father and never will.

She stood back up and made her way back to her room, she quietly tippy-toed and slid herself under the covers. Harry turned around feeling the movement next to him, his cheeks puffy with a light shade of pink.

"Where were you?" He whispered, his eyes still closed. He pulled the girl close to his embrace, his head on her neck.
Evelyn didn't say anything, Bathroom.

"Ok, good night beautiful"
Goodnight Harry

The morning after all the teenagers made their way back to Hogwarts Express. Evelyn and the trio sat in a compartment, she was reading a book while the others talked and talked.

Evelyn quite enjoyed the company since none of them had brought up the prior night, making her feel at ease. She sat comfortably next to Garry her legs over his lap, his hand on her knees slowly caressing it.

After they had arrived they made their way to their classes right away. You could say it was quite crowded early in the morning something she hated desperately.

Harry held onto her hand tightly as they made their way to their classes, "What class do you have right now?" They came to a halt next to the wall of the hallways away from the crowd, Evelyn held onto her books tightly.

She turned her book around, to Potions. "Well, I guess we
should head to class" He was going to speak once again but was cut off by Professor McGonagall.

"Mister Potter and Miss Blackwood, you're needed at the headmaster's office. Now go on, I'll be letting your teachers know you'll be late" said the professor in the middle of incoming students.

Harry and Evelyn looked at each other surprised and wasted no time in making their way to Dumbledore's office. Once arrived at the entrance of the office Harry knocked, soon after they heard Dumbledore's voice inviting them in.

"What a nice pleasure to see you too, please come closer," he said. Evelyn stood behind Harry as they made their way closer. "I've heard you guys made it to Slughorn Christmas party, very good of you."

"Nice to see you, sir," he smiled.
Hello, headmaster
"Now Harry I would for you to do the favor and see for yourself another memory." The old man explained.

He turned to look at the girl, "Perhaps I guess you'll be in his mind listening?" Evelyn stood next to Harry and slowly nodded. Evelyn closed her eyes and then she saw it all.

She saw the way a young Tom Riddle asked Slug-horn professor about a rare kind of magic something he had found in the Restricted Section, also unaware of who the kid standing in front of him would be.

The memory suddenly started to lose its sound, Slughorn's eyes widened he stared at the young kid in hatred for asking such a thing. Evelyn wondered if what she was thinking was correct, she was afraid of thinking it. Afraid Dumbledore would've heard her.

Poor Slug-horn on the other hand seemed bewildered by the sudden question that he had gone quiet for a bit before shooing the boy off. "I don't know anything about such things, and if I did, I wouldn't tell you! Now, get out of here at once, and don't let me ever catch you mentioning it again!"

"Confused?" Asked Dumbledore once they were done watching thing the memory. "Well, I don't understand. What happened?" Asked Harry.

"This is perhaps the most important memory I've collected. But this memory has been tampered with by its memory creator, our very dear old friend Professor Slughorn"

He's ashamed of it. She thought.
