Chapter 06

Vincenzo wasn't wrong, that medicine didn't do HanSeo any good. What the Jang's youngest son didn't know was that his mother was part of the rare, she was like Cassano, and at first everyone thought HanSeok would be a pure alpha lupus, but in the end it was HanSeo who became a pure omega lupus. Their mother always told HanSeo stories, but none of them were bedtime stories, they were real, it was the past of their ancients. All this attention she gave to her younger son made the older one angry, and it was this anger that caused him to cause an accident that cost the matriarch her death. After that HanSeok convinced his father that it would not be good for society to find out what HanSeo really was.

And so, HanSeo was taken to a fake doctor who prescribed this medicine that trapped the real Jang HanSeo. They didn't care what it could cause, nor whether it would lead to his death. What HanSeo could do, he is very innocent and accepts everything with his head down, don't judge him for not believing in Vincenzo, he is just stuck in something that will be difficult to let go.

Vincenzo arrives in his hotel room and goes in search of a bottle of wine, the same needed to relax his wolf was in a rage, and to make matters worse he could feel HanSeo's feelings, they didn't need to be marked to have that connection. Their species was different from the others, they felt it more.

— HanSeo. — Vincenzo whispers into nothingness. — I know it's broken, but I can fix it, I can put all its pieces together, and at last you'll have what you've always dreamed of... A family.

— Mr. Cassano?

— Yes. — Vincenzo says looking at the man who had just entered his room.

— Jang HanSeok has just landed in the US.

— Sure. — Vincenzo speaks without interest. — Let me know about any move by it.

At least one thing less, now he had to solve the biggest problem of all... HanSeo's mind. He's been so broken all these years that now he couldn't go through his head. But that's okay, he'd make HanSeo think for himself. Vincenzo would be away for a few days.

While HanSeo was still sitting at the foot of the closet door, he had just had the first fight with Vincenzo, and the same never thought it would be so painful, it seemed until Cassano had taken some of himself.

— Idiot Italian. — HanSeo wipes away his tears and finally after almost an hour gets up from the ground. — Enough HanSeo, be a brave adult. — He straightens his clothes and leaves the room heading towards the kitchen and as soon as he enters it he remembers Vincenzo. — Damn Italian who can't stop drinking wine. — He takes the bottle and throws it in the trash, causing it to break. — I didn't really pay. — He shrugs and leaves the kitchen. — I might as well live without it.


— I can't live without it. — It's been three days since HanSeo got out of his bed. His body didn't obey, at first he thought it would be for lack of the medicine but something inside him said he didn't need it, it was a voice in the back of his mind. At first she was short but after a while she had gained more strength.

— Go after it.

— I can't.

— Why not?

— He must be hating me.

— Foolish humans. Look here I also miss my wolf, so you better lift your fat ass off this bed and go after it.

— I don't even know where he lives.

— I'll help you.

HanSeo gathers all his courage and gets out of bed, gets ready and wanders aimlessly through the streets of Korea, but for some reason he knew where he was going, he didn't know how, but at the same time he knew.

— It's here, it can go up.

— Co...

— Mr. Jang what a pleasure to see you here, Mr. Cassano is in your office. — A man with a heavy accent greets him. — You can go in.

— Oh... Is... Thank you. — He passes the security guard and slowly enters Vincenzo's house. After the fight, Cassano decided to rent a house and leave that hotel, he realized that he would not leave Korea anytime soon.

— He already knows he's here.

— You better shut up, I can't think of you talking in my mind.

— Creed.

HanSeo follows his extincts and so manages to find Vincenzo's room, he opens the door and finds Cassano waiting for him.

— You found me. — Vincenzo smiles giant and heads in HanSeo's direction.

— Something helped me.

— Your wolf.

— Um?

— I wasn't sure, but after I put it all together... You're just like me.

— ...

— One of the pure ones.

— Don't make cute.

— I'm serious... Probably your mom or dad was a pure one and you ended up taking the DNA from one of them. This is very rare, usually a pure is only born behind two pure. — Cassano smiles. — But you're the rarest of them all, your smell... And I know your wolf talks to you, mine does that too.

— That's all...

— I know. It all sounds very new, but that's you. I knew that after you stopped taking that, you were going to be your original self, I've even found myself wondering what color your wolf would be.

— ... — HanSeo couldn't think straight. You know when you dream about a thing and after a long time you get that thing, HanSeo is with that feeling. — Transform?

— Yes.

— Could you really do that?

— Yes. When all the substance of that medicine comes out, you will be able to be the real HanSeo, without restrictions, without fear... Just the Jang HanSeo that always should have been from the beginning.

HanSeo didn't say anything else, he just threw himself into Cassano's arms and kissed him next. Unlike the first kiss, this one was more urgent, had more fire.

— I... Want.

— Um? — Vincenzo separates the kiss and holds HanSeo's face between his hands.

— I want to.

— What do you want?

— ... — HanSeo doesn't say anything, he was too shy for that, so he just makes a gesture. He looks down and then turns his gaze to Vincenzo's eyes. Cassano finally understands. He takes HanSeo's hand and pulls around the house stopping only when he reaches his room.

— Are you sure?

— If you ask me again I give up.

That was the cue for Vincenzo to gently push HanSeo onto the bed and then pull away a little.

— You're so beautiful. — Vincenzo starts to take off his clothes slowly and HanSeo watched every part being taken off and every piece of skin being exposed, and so he worked up the courage to make the same moves as Cassano. — I could be admiring it for the rest of my life.

— Then do it. — HanSeo speaks taking off his last piece of clothing.

— Only if you're mine.

— I already am. — HanSeo turns his head exposing the target neck. Cassano, as soon as he sees it, feels his desires wanting to come out, and doesn't worry about not exposing them.

— There will be no going back.

— I don't want to go back.

And there that night Jang HanSeo and Vincenzo Cassano became one, in every way you can imagine. They loved each other as no one ever did, and that love formed a bond that no God in any of the universes could break.
