Chapter 02

When humanity had its first humans modified it was an uproar, almost no one accepted such an act of affront to the true creations of God, this caused a war to break out. This war lasted for years, and in the end the new species won and from there a new world was created, where humans were not only human. Today the human species was called Lupus Hominis, but as every species evolves this also evolved and over the years it became more Hominis than Lupus and this made the pureblood become a rarity and those that still existed were feared for being strong to the point of killing with just the blink of an eye.

Vincenzo was part of this rare species. He wasn't much to show his true form, only in situations of dire need. And when that happens he transforms into a gigantic black wolf with sharp teeth. His size was according to his anger.

People like Vicenzo didn't relate, they were reclusive and couldn't relate to those of other species. This caused Cassano to become a reclusive leader and people said he was cold.

Vicenzo gets off the plane and takes the first taxi he sees outside the airport. He still didn't know what he was looking for, from the moment he felt that pain he was overwhelmed by his instincts, on the level of not caring about anything, he just smelled the smell, that smell that every moment got stronger, he was was a smell of flower, which looked a lot like Lotus Berthelotii, but if it really was smell of that flower, that would be an amazing thing. Cassano arrives at the hotel and settles into his room, he pulls the air deep and looks forward with his eyes glowing a vibrant red, his whole body shivers, he could see.

— I see you. — He keeps staring at the office building in front of his hotel. "We'll see you soon, my sweet Lotus.

Vincenzo had the sharpest senses, being a pure alpha lupus, he felt the same more than other people. So it was very easy for him to find what he wanted, he just needs to get the grand prize at the end of the course. He pulls out his cell phone and makes a call still looking at the building in front of him.

— I'm in Korea... I want information about a company... Babel... Yes... Bye. - He puts away his phone and waits for the information that didn't take long to arrive.


HanSeo feels being watched, he didn't know where he came from. The same was on the top floor of a building of more than twenty floors, there was no way anyone could look, only if his brother had cameras put in his room. He wouldn't get to that point. Or would it arrive?

— Of course not. The hunger must be affecting my reasoning. — He gets up from his chair and leaves his room. HanSeo liked to eat in a restaurant that had nearby the place made a dish with several different meats that was from the Gods, he would not trade that place for anything. After walking for a few minutes he arrives at the establishment sits at the usual table and again that feeling. HanSeo looks around and doesn't see anything abnormal, he didn't even bother to sniff out the air, he was a simple omega, he didn't have as many skills as alphas.

— The usual, sir?

— Yes. — HanSeo snuggles up in the chair and lets his body relax, it had been two days since his brother don't disturbs, HanSeo gave thanks to all the Gods he could hear. Probably HanSeok is busy with that lawyer, he had found a new toy. Poor woman. — Thank you. — He says when the man puts the plate in front of him. HanSeo begins to eat every piece of meat with gusto.

He was so inert in his food that he didn't notice that two tables from his, Vincenzo was watching him intently, so intently that if he looked at it, HanSeo wouldn't have an inch of his body left.

Vincenzo's gaze passed a mixture of things that would be difficult to explain, it was so much feeling on top of each other that no words could be used to describe it.

— So beautiful. — Vincenzo whispers. "And if you want I can be all yours one day, and you would be all mine". — Cassano would never stay with someone who didn't want him, and if one day HanSeo ever turned him down, Vincenzo would respect his decision, even if the rejection for him was far worse than for a normal alpha. Pure alpha lupus only loved it once. And that boy in front of him seemed to be his destiny. — What? — Vincenzo focuses on the scent of fear as soon as HanSeo picks up his phone and answers. — Who are you so afraid of?

— What do you want? — The waiter asks

— Wine from the 1990 vintage.

— Yes sir.

As soon as the waiter leaves, Vincenzo turns his gaze to HanSeo.

— I'll find out who it is. — Cassano wouldn't let anyone hurt HanSeo. - Looking closer, it looks erased.

— Here sir.

— Send a bottle to that table.

— Yes sir.

A few minutes later the waiter leaves the bottle of wine on HanSeo's table.

— I didn't ask for that.

— The gentleman of that table you sent it, it's a great vintage.

— Okay. — HanSeo looks at Vincenzo who raises his glass and smiles smallly. — What a weird guy... But beautiful. — HanSeo puts some of the wine in the glass and brings it to his lips and drinks a little. — Delicious.

— I knew you'd like it.

— Oh... How did you get here?

— I'm sorry if I scared you. Can I sit down?

— Clear.

— You're gorgeous too. — Vincenzo day sitting down.

— The... E-I... Co-like...

— I have a good hearing.

— What do you want? — HanSeo throws the nervousness away.

— Potrei guardarti tutto il giorno.

— What?

— nothing. — Vincenzo drinks some more wine. — Just a silly sentence in Italian.

— Do you know Italian?

— I'm Italian.

— Wow!. — HanSeo smiles. — I would like to know your name.

— Vincenzo Cassano.

— Vin... Vin... Ours is very difficult.

— One hour you can.

— What does an Italian do here in this simple country?

— Find mia anima gemella.

— What?

— Just tourist.

— You will... Apologies I have to answer. — HanSeo pulls out his phone, and again Vincenzo notices the smell of fear. — I have to go. — HanSeo speaks nervously. — It was nice to meet you.

— Equally.

HanSeo hurries out of the restaurant, leaving a thoughtful Cassano behind.
