Chapter 05

After three days without eating and drinking water Jang HanSeok accepted the deal with Vincenzo and on the same day he returned to the United States of America, leaving HanSeo running the company in South Korea. At first HanSeo thought it was strange, but he let it go. If HanSeok wanted to leave, he wouldn't interfere.

— You never told me what you do with your life. — At this time the future couple was lying in bed. HanSeo was lying with his head on Vincenzo's chest as he stroked his hair.

— I'm head of the Cassano family.

— Chief?

— Yes. After my parents died I became the leader.

— I'm the only one who can manage it.

— Because?

— I don't usually tell anyone this, it's not good for many people to know. — Vincenzo sits up and holds HanSeo's hands. — I'm a pure alpha lupus, so far I haven't found anyone else like me, so I guess I'm the last of my kind.

— ... — HanSeo looked wordlessly at Vincenzo, he couldn't believe that the stories his mother told were true, and that it really exists. — You...

— I.

— I don't think so... Wait... — HanSeo pauses dramatically. — Is it true that people like you only fall in love once?

— Yes.

— So...?

— Yes.

— Are you sure?

— Absolute.

— Italian... Chief... Cassano Family.... — HanSeo gets up from the moment by getting on his knees in front of Vincenzo. — You're from the mafia.

— In all my life I never thought I would have someone like you. — HanSeo throws himself into Vincenzo's arms causing them both to fall on the bed. — Wait. — HanSeo stands up. — Now that I've remembered. — He pulls on his shirt. — Look.

— So that's where it appeared.

— Did you know? — Arrange the clothes in place.

— I felt it when it was done. — Vincenzo runs his fingers over the fabric where he covered his initials. — I have yours too. — Cassano pulls the sleeve of her blouse and shows J.H on her wrist. — From the moment our red thread met our link was made, if I were a normal alpha it would take me years to find you, but since I'm not, I could smell you from afar. So I came to find myself.

— This is still very confusing. — HanSeo pouts.

— As our relationship progresses, you get used to this being. — Points to itself.

— ... — And once again HanSeo had no words to express at that moment. — Wow. — HanSeo remembers something out of nowhere. He gets up from the bed hurriedly and runs towards his closet.

— What do you hear? — Vincenzo goes for it.

— Where is it? I can't believe it's over. — HanSeo was looking for something hurriedly. — No, no, no, no, no...

— What do you hear? — Vincenzo asks again.

— Because he had to leave without buying more.

— Who? Buy what?

— Drug. — HanSeo throws himself to the ground in despair.

— HanSeo.

— I have to take it.

— What?

— After I had my first heat I started taking medicine, and these remedies make me no longer have estrus. — HanSeo pauses. — I wasn't remembering them, and now there's no more, HanSeok didn't buy it.

— Why do you take that? — Vincenzo kneels in front of HanSeo.

— My father said that I have a health problem and that I can't go through estrus, and if one day I go without taking the medicine I may die. After my father died, HanSeok was in charge of buying, only he left without stocking up.

— Do you have the bottle of medicine? — Vincenzo was finding this story very strange.

— Up there. — Points to a bookshelf behind Vincenzo. Cassano turns around and goes in search of the bottle.

He picks up the bottle that bore the name "Celare."

— You're not going to take this thing anymore.

— I have to take it.

— No no.

— Yes I do. — HanSeo gets up and faces Vincenzo. — I can die and not take it.

— Of course not.

— You don't know anything.

— HanSeo.

— Vincenzo.

They stared at each other without saying anything, each with their thoughts a thousand.

— You...

— Don't get closer. — HanSeo dodges Vincenzo's touch. — My dad took me to the doctor and the doctor said I'm sick, so I have to take it.

— You're not sick.

— Shut up. — HanSeo yells. — You don't know anything, for years I've been battling this disease and now comes a stranger I just met saying this nonsense.

— HanSeo.

— I think you'd better leave.

— ...

— You're waiting for what.

— Please listen to me.

— No. — HanSeo looks away. — Go.

— I'll prove to you that you are not and have never been sick.

— ...

As soon as Vincenzo left HanSeo's apartment, he went back to looking for his medicine, he still had the hope of having at least a measly bottle. He had to find something, his heat would be next week. If he doesn't think the same, he could say goodbye to this world.

— Found. — Screams as soon as he finds a bottle in a drawer in the bathroom. He holds the glass as if his life is inside it. - I have to find a way to find more. — HanSeo says looking at the glass with only two pills. - It's only a week.

HanSeo looks around and only at that moment does he realize that he is alone. Vincenzo was really gone. But that's okay, maybe he wasn't right, or maybe he won't come back after a while.

— My father isn't a liar, is he? — HanSeo sits on his couch. — He wouldn't do such a thing to me... But what if he did? No, you can't... But for what reason? For HanSeo, your father would never do something like that to you, stop thinking nonsense.
