Chapter 9: Dirty Little Secrets

Kiara's POV

4 Days Later


After being in the hopsital for 3 more days they finally released me. But before I left they gave me the results to the paternity test. My heart was racing a million beats per minute and I didn't tell Khy they gave them to me. But i figured tonight I would tell him, from there he would decide what he wanted to do.

We only had two more days left in Hawaii before we went back and honestly I barely got to do anything. I mainly been sore so I been staying home and resting with the baby while the ladies go out. Khy has been staying at a hotel not to far from the condo and visiting when he can.

"Baby?" Khy said entering the condo.

"In here." I responded putting Malachi in the carseat.

He came into my bedroom "Hey." he smiled.


He leaned down and pecked my lips. "Where's all the girls?"

"They went out jet skiing." I sighed.

"Awe you mad?" he mocked me by sticking out his bottom lip.

"Shut up." I laughed hitting him with a pillow.

"Aye I wanna do something special. Get yourself ready okay?"

"What about Malachi?"

"I'll get him, you just get dressed."

"Okay." I sluggishly got up and went into the bathroom to get ready.

After I got ready I seen Khy ready with Malachi in the carseat with an attatchable stroller. 

"I'm ready." I said grabbing my sweater in case it got cool.

"You look beautiful." he smiled and stood up.

Although I didn't feel to beautiful the past couple days it made me smile. "Thanks."

We all left the condo and walked along the water and just talked to one another. The sun was just above the horizion and the sand was still warm from baking in the sun all day. A soft warm breeze blew against my skin and hair.

"I wonder how Trent is holding up." I asked looking at Khy.

"Well I got up with Mike and asked and he told me Trent was good. Misses us a lot though."

"I can only imagine." I sighed

I really did miss Trent, and being away from him made me feel bad. I don't want him to be abandoned like he's been his whole life.

Khy didn't say anything he just keep walking. I figured it would be perfect time to tell him I got the results. I packed them in my purse just in case i needed them.

"Khy...I got the results."

"You did?" he looked at me eagerly.

"Yup." I fished in my purse and got out the envelope. 

He looked at it and took it. "You didn't open it?"

"Nope, I wanted to wait on you."

I could since the hesistation he had as well. "I'll check it out later." he out in his pocket and kept on walking.

"You sure?"

"Positive, right now I just want to enjoy this time with you aight?"

I nodded and we proceeded walking on.

After the sun setted and the moon and starts began to glimmer in the sky we decided to head back to the condo. 

When we got back to the condo he let Tory and Camille take Malachi while he pulled me back outside.

"What?" i looked at him puzzled.

He pulled me close to him and kissed me. "Nothing, just want you to know I love you."

For some reason Khy always knew how to make me feel special and feel like a teenage girl with butterflies in her stomach. Even though we been together for a long while he always managed to always make me feel like a little girl again. I couldn't  help but laugh and giggle. 

He put his arms around me and said "Come with me."

"Where?" I asked wondering what he meant.

"Back to the crib, cause you know that I wanna...." he started singing being goofy.

I playfully nudged him "Singing isn't your thing Baby, just stopped." I laughed.

"Awe damn, I thought I was doing something." He acted as if his feelings were hurt.

"I'm sorry." I said babying him and pinching his cheeks.

"You better be." he said as he placed both hands on my butt, taking a handful in each hand. As he did he bit his bottom lip.

"Uh-Uh, I know that look Khy." I laughed and pushed myself away from him.

He smirked "What look? I'm chillin'." 

"No you aren't, nothing but pure lust in your eyes right now." I laughed

"Damn right, I can't help myself. Have you looked at yourself." he joked.

"Well i'ma tell you before you get any ideas, the answer is no."

"I wasn't even going to ask anything." 

"Sure" I said turning to go back inside.

He stood and laughed, pulling me back by my waist. "I don't get a kiss goodnight though?"

"A kiss?....hmmm..."

He didn't even wait for my response and kissed me. BUt this wasn't the ordinary kiss he normally gives me. This one was full of love and passion. Felt like we were kissing for an eternity and it must've been awhile because Camille opened up the door smiling saying "Dang, don't y'all come up for air?"

I blushed and looked at Khy. "Goodnight Khy. I'll talk to you later." 

"Aight, Bye." He smirked then slowly back up still looking at me with a lustful look.

Camille wasted no time snatching me back into the house. 

"Y'all are nasty." she laughed.

All the ladies were in the living room giggling.

"It was him not me." I blushed even more.

"We heard eveything girl. And Camille was spying for us so we know what was happening." Karley said

I took a seat next to Myra and started talking. "Alright I'm sorry. I know this is supposed to be a ladies retreat."

Camille took over. "Girl we're just messing with you. We know the circumstances."

All the ladies nodded their heads in agreement.

"So I think it would only be right if, in honor of what just happened, tonight's girl talk topic be........SEX!" Karley blurted out.

Myra shifted in her seat. "Umm, I'm not too compfortable discussing my love life with husband with you all."

Karley laughed "Myra come on loosing up. Your husband isn't here and we damn for sure aren't going to tell anyone."

Myra didn't speak which caused Karley to move on. "Let's go around and everyone tell your wildest time or something the most special or something."

Camille started "I remember when Ty and I first got married and our first time together used whipped cream, chocolate, honey, damn near anything sweet in the house was used. Talk about a delicous night." she laughed.

"Oooooo!" A few ladies fan themselves laughing.

"What about you Tory" Camille asked

"I mean, I never had anything super wild." Tory responded

"Where's the craziest you done it. We'll go around and everyone say a place." Kendra said.

Tory responded "Doctor's Office."

Everyone looked at in shock. "Oooo! TORY!" Camille jumped up "I ain't know that."

"Me neither!" I joined in.

Tory laughed "Y'all ain't ask."

Then Kendra went to Myra. "How about you My."

Her little fair skin lit up red as all eyes looked at her. "In the church parking lot."

Everyone's eyes were on the verge of popping out of their head's .

"MYRA!" Camille said nearly falling out of her seat.

I was shocked, I never knew Myra had a freaky bone in her body as holy as she was. But you know what they say about them church girls.

"Yeah, I had to make sure my hubby was ready for church, completely ready." she laughed turning even more red.

Everyone kept laughing. I guess we were really laughing hard because Malachi shifted in his sleep and blinked his little eyes open. 

I picked him over and held him as they continued around the circle.

"Angela what about you?" Kendra asked one of the ladies I didn't know.

"At the club, in VIP." 

We all chuckled and kept sharing. Karley said her balcony, Kendra said behind the bar at her job, Camille said in her parent-in-law's house and Stacy said at a movie theatre. 

Then everyone looked at me to answer "What about you Ki?" Karley smiled "Based off what we witnessed, I know you have something juicy." 

"Well I think the craziest would be my parent's pool, but nothing really got to start because we got caught."

Everyone bursted out laughing. "What happened?" Tory asked "You never told me that story."

"In the process of Khy and I trying to get back together I came up with this crazy idea to do a treasure hunt. Well the treasure was me at the pool in my bikini chilling by the pool. You know." I laughed. "Then one thing lead to another we're messing around then the music aburptly stopped. We both turn and see my Dad standing watching in complete shock. Now mind you, I'm naked and Khy is blocking my body. It was so awkward." 

Everyone laughed then Kendra said "I guess Daddy learned his baby wasn't a baby no more that night." 

"Yeah I guess not. But he hasn't said anything about that night to me so maybe it wasn't that bad."

Just about everyone nodded "Yeah it is girl." Karley chuckled.

Then Kendra stood up "Time for drinks ladies!! Minus Kiara and Myra." she looked at us.

Camille interveined "Umm, how about we stay sober tonight. We don't wanna get too wild since we have baby Malachi now."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Tory stood up and walked over to me. "Hey Ki, umm I got to talk to"

"Sure thing." I put Malachi in the carseat and asked Myra to look after him while I went out with Tory.

"What's up?" I asked as we walked to beach.

The moon nicely illuminated the water and sand.

"I haven't been able to stop thinking about Mark. You know when he left we didn't necesarily end on good terms Ki."

"You didn't?"

"I turned him in Ki. He was going to keep all that money from robbery and we argued about it and when he told me that he had no intention of getting rid of the money I had to turn him in."

"Does he know you did it."

"No but I'm sure he figured it out."

"Relax Tory, I'm sure he forgot about it."

"Ki, I'm nervous." 

"Relax, when was the last time you talk to Mark?"

"A while ago. He wrote me a letter talking about his attorney was going to help him get his sentence shortened and that he would be back soon and I wrote back saying I was hoping for the best. But I never got anything back."

"How long ago was that?"

"Like 3 years ago?"

"Well I guess you'll find out when he comes back."

 "Yeah I guess so." She sighed

We both started heading back to house but phone started vibrating. I picked it out of my pocket and answered without looking at the I.D caller.

"Hello?" I answered

"Baby, I opened it."


"Yeah I opened it and got the results."

"Well what is it?" I asked curiously.

Sorry for the Cliffhanger y'all. But yeah, any last minute guess before we find out? 

Khy or Bryan?????

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Thanks alot

