Chapter 5: Vacation

Kiara POV


As Khy went into the closet I sat on the bed waiting for him to come out. 

When he did, he came out with a small box in his hands.

"What's that?" I asked

He sat next to me and opened the box. "Some stuff I held on to."

The first thing he pulled out was an old Ralph Lauren cologne.

"Where did that come from?"

"It was Khalil's, he gave it to me before he was shot. His favorite one." he kept his eyes on it as he examined the dated cologne.

Next he reached and pulled out a old solid gold ring.

He smiled to himself and said "My grandfather gave this to me...he always said it was his lucky ring and nothing bad would happen when I wore it. Ironically I wore it the same day we became official."

I looked at the ring from afar and noticed the aged look it possessed.

He took out a few more items before he finally pulled out something thoroughly remembered, the watch he held in his hands the day of Khalil's shooting. You could still seldomly see blood stained in the deep crevice of the watch's design.

"I remember that watch."

"Yeah..." he kept looking at it.

I looked at Khy and seen he had a tear running along the side of his thick smooth cheek down alongside his jaw line.

"Baby you okay?" I looked at him.

I never seen Khy in such a vulnerable state before. I never seen him cry a day in my life.

He swiftly wiped the tear but another followed not much longer after the first. I could tell he had been harboring his feelings for a long time.

He got up without saying anything leaving he watch on the bed as he did. 

I didn't chase after him. I figure he wanted to deal with it on his own.

I picked up the watch and seen an engravement on the underbelly of the watch that said KCH My Lil Bro 4 Life.

Now it made sense why he got so emotional. 

After a few more minutes I got up to check on Khy. I checked the bathroom and he wasn't there. I checked each room in the house and couldn't find him. Lastly I checked the back deck and there he was standing outside looking at the view.

I opened the door slowly. "Khy.." I called out as I stepped closer to him.

He wiped his face again and turned away from me.

"Khy you don't have to afraid to show me this side of you. I know your hurt and been hurt for a long time. You can't keep sheltering you feelings, deal with them, express them because covering them isn't going to do anything but build it up more. I'm here for you and you know I'm not going anywhere. You probably think I don't understand but I do and I'm willing to help you if your willing to accept my help. Stop always trying to be hard and conceal your emotions."

Khy looked at me with a few more tears awaiting to be released.

He didn't say anything but he walked over to me and got on his knees before me and wrapped his arms around me and hugged me, letting out more cries as he did.

I rubbed my hands on top of his head as he continued to let out cries.

"I know Baby it's okay."

After a few more moments he wiped his face and stood up and looked at me. "I'm scared Kiara."

I looked back at him. "Why?"

"I never wanna experience a pain like that again...and that fact that I love you so much makes me fear that I'll loose you one day and hurt again."

I placed my hands on both sides of his cheeks "You won't loose me Khy, you never will. I'ma always be right here with you, on everything."

I seen a smiled slyly develop on the corner of his mouth.

He leaned down and kissed me then said "Thank you." before turning and walking back into the house.

Now it was hard to see Khy hurt so much but I knew it had to be released.

So way, some how.

6 Months Later

Kiara POV


It's been roughly six months since Trent has been staying with us and it seem like he's basically our son. He attends school at Morris Lake Middle School. Although everything still isn't settled about Trent, we got granted temporary custody until his mother came to fight otherwise, luckily Angie hasn't found out the news yet. 

Now being 9 months pregnant, I'm expected to meet Malachi in two more weeks. Khy decided that it would be best if we just wait until after he was born to get a paternity, since a lot was going on at the time. But me? I'm determined to figure it out, so Bryan agreed to come with me to get the procedure done if it wasn't too late. Only thing standing in the way, the fact I made a commitment with Camille and Tory and a few other ladies to do a get away trip to Camille beach house in Hawaii.

I wasn't easy convincing Khy to let me go but he eventually agreed and realized that I needed a break,

Khy came in and watched me pack up my things. 

"I regret saying yes to this trip." he plopped on the bed next to my suitcase.

"I know but I'm glad you said yes, give me some time to get away with the ladies. Plus gives you sometime to bond more with Trent and have guy time."

"Yeah yeah...You better call me every night too."

"Aha, Khy I'm only going to be gone for like a week."

"It's going to be a long week, no one to cuddle with, no one to cook for me, no one to give me a massage at night."

"You'll be fine, hang out with Derek or Jeremiah, make more friends."

"Nah." he laid back on the bed and put his hands over his face.

"You have until tomorrow so don't worry."

"What about Malachi?"

"What about him?" I added more clothes to my suitcase.

"Should you be flying is that safe?"

"Yes Khy, I already talk to the doctor."

"Why can't you just wait until after you have Malachi?"

"Because I know once he's born I won't wanna go anywhere."


"No Khy." I laughed finally zipping up my suit case.

I climbed on the bed and sat facing him.

"Cheer up baby.."  I shook his arm.

He didn't respond. 

I ran my finger down his arm lightly. "You know you wanna smile."

He cracked and started smiling. "Ugh, I don't want you to go."

"I'll be back before you know it" 

He flipped on his side and started rubbing my belly. "Little man try to stay in there until Mommy gets back okay."

"Khy I have 2 weeks to go, he's not coming out yet."

"Let's hope not."

We were both interrupted by Trent walking in.

"Hey, Kiara I need help with my homework." he walked over to the bed showing me his homework.

I examined it and helped him complete it without feeding him the answers,

After helping him I got ready to go to bed since I had an early morning tomorrow and had a flight catch.

After getting ready I snuggled in the bed and waited for Khy to follow suit but instead he decided to stay up and watch football. 

The following morning I woke up at 5:30 since my flight was taking off at 8:00.

I got ready and woke Khy up so he could drive me to the airport. After several minutes of shaking and yelling his name, he woke up and got ready.

The drive to the airport was pretty quiet, mainly for the fact Khy was still very tired.

We arrived at the airport and Khy assisted me with my things, unloading them out the car.

"Thanks Khy." He pulled the last bag out of the trunk.


I walked up to him and gave him a hug "Be good and stay out of trouble okay."

"I should be telling you that."

"I will no worries."

He leaned down and planted a sweet kiss on my lips before pulling away. 

"I love you." 

"I love you too" I responded before getting ready to get my bags.

"Have fun." he tried his best to smile and show he was happy.

I waved bye and started carrying my things into the airport.

After going the procedure of security and getting to my destination in time, I boarded the plane ready to take off to Hawaii. I could hardly wait.

Sorry for the delay.



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Amazingly_Unique <3
