Chapter 13: Accidents Happen

Kiara's POV


"So your leaving now?"

"Yes.." I walked passed him into our closet.

"Yo, would you at least listen to me."

"I am listening."

"Nah you just hearing me not listening. "

"Whatever same difference." I took some shirts and jeans out of the closet.

"It's not the same. You know what." then he knocked the clothes out of my hands.

"Don't start with me right now Khy!" I said quite irritated.

"I said I was sorry! At least try to understand where I'm coming from!"

I moved around him and went to the dresser.

Then I felt him grab my arm and pulled me towards him. "Why do you keep fucking ignoring me?!"

I looked at him as if he was crazy and moved my arm out of him grip.

"He's not your son so don't worry about anything me and my son do okay?" then rolled my eyes and continued packing.

I heard Khy sighed loudly then walked out the room. I knew he was frustrated but I was too.

Once I was finished packing my stuff I went to pack Malachi's making sure I have everything I needed.

After getting all that done in peace I went downstairs with Malachi and I's luggage and sat it by the door.

Khy came around the corner and I looked at him not saying a word.

"Listen...I'm done arguing...shit I didn't even wanna argue in the first place...but Kiara don't go. Let's just work this out."

"I'm going Khy. We'll have to talk about it later when I come back or something."

"Why are you so urgent in going to show him off to your parents for...They can't wait one more day while you have a talk with your fiance? Is it really that serious Kiara?" He looked at me. Then he chuckled out of no where. "Oh wait or is this your way of running from your know the shit you told I shouldn't do?"

I rolled my eyes and walked past him going upstair's to get Malachi.

I put Malachi in his car seat and carried it downstairs.

Khy was still standing in the same position with his arms folded. "I must be right." then he shook his head.

"Bye." I walked out the door not waiting for a response, a kiss, nothing. I didn't even let him say bye to Malachi.

I strapped Malachi in then started up my car and pulled off, heading to go see my parents.


After thinking to myself I started to regret not going after Kiara, I truly honestly felt bad about the argument. I figured I'd give her some time to cool down though.

In the mean time I was going relax my mind and play some ball with Aaron.

I hit him up and he agreed to me at the courts.

I changed and made my way down there to meet up.

When I got there Aaron was shooting around with Mike and Marcus.

"Hope you don't mind of I brought these two." Aaron said

"Nah, it's straight." I took off my jacket and jogged over to the fellas.

I dapped everyone up and then took the ball from Marcus. "We shoot for ball. Aaron and I against Mike and you." I said to Marcus.

He nodded and I attempted a shot at the free throw line.

The ball circles the rim and rolled out.

Next Marcus shot and made it.

"So wassup Khy?" Mike started conversation as we disbursed out. I guarded Marcus while Aaron guarded Mike.

"Shit too damn much." I stretched my arms out trying to prevent Marcus from passing the ball.

"It's about Kiara?" Aaron laughed

"Obvious?" I replied

"When you invite us to play ball something must be up." Mike laughed

Marcus finally shot the ball from the 3 point line but missed and Aaron caught the rebound taking the ball out.

"Well for starters...Malachi isn't biologically mine." Aaron passed me the ball.

"Damn" all of them said in unison.

"Yeah but you would think a nigga would at least get some kinda of appreciation for still caring for him and shit as my own."

They all nodded then I crossed Marcus up then went in for a easy layup.

"So exactly where does the problem come in at?" Marcus asked as I handed him the ball after my layup.

"Kiara wanted to take the baby to see my parents but I told her I wasn't sure if I was ready for that...Especially since my parents don't know Malachi isn't mine."

"I feel least you said not yet....wasn't like you said forever or nothing." Aaron said.

"Exactly, that would I was trying to get her to understand. I need time to wrap my head around all this still."

"Pause time out" Mike made a T sign with his hands. "Listen sounds to me like y'all need to talk it out my friend."

"I shook my head "She ran away from the situation saying she was going to see her parents instead. Then on top of that she tried to make me feel guilty and say I don't claim Malachi and all this extra shit." I exhaled.

They all shook their heads.

"But here to get my mind off of that not talk about it some more." I laughed

We all continued to play for hours on in.

Once all of us were tired and sweaty we decided to call it a game. Aaron and I won by 3 points, thanks to his finally 3 pointer.

I started walking back to the car with my back when all of a sudden my phone started buzzing.

It was Kiara. I wasn't expecting her to call so soon, well actually I was expecting her to call at all...I figured I would be the one to have to call first.

"Hello?" I answered.

Kiara's POV


I hated the fact that I had to leave on such bad terms with Khy but I just had to get out of there. I had enough on my mind dealing with the fact Bryan tried to come on to me.

I needed my space although I couldn't stop thinking about Khy. He was all that kept running through my mind. I decided to turn on the radio to distract my mind a little. When I did the radio was playing a bunch of throwback jams.

First they played Tevin Campbell's "Can We Talk"

All I heard was "Can we talkkkk, for a minute..." keep repeating in my mind over again with made me think about the argument we had before I left.

I turned the station and they had on "Sex Therapy" by Robin Thicke. Just hearing that song flashed me back to the moments we'd make love together.

So turned the station again and as I quickly glanced at the radio then back at the road I noticed SUV come flying on the through an intersection. I tried to quickly slam on the brakes to avoid getting hit but it was too late.

All I see after that was glass shattering and the sound of horns honking. I heard Malachi in the back screaming to the top of his lungs. I couldn't move, I felt myself slowly drift unconscious.

I opened my eyes briefly and seen a dude over by my window asking if I'm okay as he held the phone up to his ear. Once again I tried to move but I couldn't.

Then I seen darkness again.

When I woke up a third time I seen a fireman opening my door trying to get me out safely. I managed to ask. ""

The fireman looked at me in shock and responded. "I have a response!! She's awake!"

But then I slipped back into the darkness.

By the time I woke up again I'm at the hospital getting examined by a Nurse.

"Where am I at?"

"Central Medical Hospital ma'am." the nurse response putting a bandage on my head.

"What happened?"

"You were involved in a collision. An SUV ran a red light at an intersection and collided with you on the passengers side. You suffered from a mild concussion and some cuts and bruises but for the most part you are doing fine."

"Where's my son?"

"He's down at child care. He's doing fine. Actually the officer said when they found him he was perfectly okay...Just shaken up from the rattling of the vehicle but no harm done."

"He's fine? No cuts or anything?"

"Nope he's perfectly fine." she smiled.

I was relieved. "I have to call my fiance..." I picked up the phone.

"I'll give you a minute."

"No no..." I pushed the call button. "I need you to talk to him explain what happened."

She looked uncertain then she grabbed my phone.

She proceeded to tell Khy what she told me moments ago but she left out the part about Malachi. I figured they would tell him when he got here.

After the call she handed back my phone and said. "I'll be back to check on you in a few alright?"

"Alright." I then decided to lay back and close my eyes and rest.

After what felt like a fifteen minute nap I was awaken but a disturbance in the hallway.

"..Where is my son?!"

Then I heard some nurses trying to calm the person down.

It sounded a lot like Khy but I kept listening.

"..Nah! Where's my son and fiance?"

I heard the nurse ask for the name of his fiance and he said "Kiara Davis."

"Oh she's right this way. Follow me."

Then suddenly the curtain opened and I seen Khy and the nurse standing there.

Khy face immediately lit up. He walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me. "Yo you have me scared man. I thought I lost you."

"I'm fine." I smiled as I hugged him back.

The nurse left giving us privacy.

"I heard you out there making a ruckus." I laughed pulling away from the hug.

"Man cause I was scared I lost y'all. Speaking of where is our son at?"


"Yes" he put his forehead against mine.

"He's fine, he wasn't hurt at all. He was a little trooper."

Khy smiled then said. "Good. See this is why I don't wanna argue with you Kee. I never know what will happen and I don't want my last works to be something stupid over an argument."

"I know."

Khy bit his lip "I love you Kiara."

"I love you too." I wrapped my arms around his neck.

He lightly pecked my lips, leaving a lingering sweet kiss behind. "So you're alright right?"

"Yes, I'm fine...just a mild concussion and a few cuts and bruises but that's it."

"What happened."

"A SUV ran a red light at an intersection and hit us."

"Damn, so how's the car? Totalled?"

"Not sure. I just wanna know when I can leave." I sighed.

Ironically as I said that the nurse came in with a smile. "Well you are actually free to go. You've already been treated and you're good to go. Just follow me and we can go check on your son."

I nodded then Khy helped me out the bed and we both followed the nurse.

She took us to the nursery section where I seen Malachi still sitting in his car seat as another nurse checked a monitor.

I smiled when I seen that he looked perfectly fine.

Khy held my hand as we walked over.


They let us go especially since we went admitted into the hospital so we got treated and released the same day. Khy ended up driving us home instead so I could get rest and we could recuperate after the long day we had.

When I got home I fed Malachi and rocked him to sleep before putting him back in his crib. Afterwards I took a shower and tried to relax myself. My body was slightly sore from that accident. After the shower I got out and wrapped a towel around myself and walked into the bedroom.

I seen Khy laying on the bed on his phone texting but soon looked away when he noticed my presence,

"Look at you." he smirked.

I blushed a little and kept walking towards the dresser.

"Come here." he sat up.

"Khy I wanna get dressed okay." I smiled.

"Well get dressed. Go ahead and take off the towel."

"No" I laughed.

"Why you don't want me to see you naked. I mean I already have but I'll close my eyes." he shut his eyes with a smile on his face.

I couldn't help but laugh "Would you stop." I grabbed my bra and some panties out the drawer.

"What I ain't looking. You can drop it."

"No Khy." I laughed going back into the bathroom and putting on my bra and panties. While I was in there I grabbed the lotion and left the bathroom.

"You could've changed out here."

"Nope, I know how you get with your wandering eyes." I smiled then started putting lotion on my arms.

"Come here let me do that for you."

"Uh Uh!" I shook my head

"Why not?" he laughed

"Only if you give me a massage. A massage only nothing extra!" I looked at him.

"Alright alright come here. Let Daddy take care of you."

I laughed then plopped on the bed laying on my stomach as Khy took the lotion and rubbed it in his hands.

He started with my legs and feet, rubbing them gently in a circular motion.

Then he travel up to my thigh rubbing them up and down.

"How does that feel?" he asked

"Mmmm, it feels good keep going." I closed my eyes

Then I felt a smack on my butt which instantly caused my eyes to shoot open. "KHY!" I looked at him sternly.

He busted out laughing and said "My fault I couldn't resist. Want me to rub it?" He laughed.

"No, I'm done." I started to sit up but he stopped me.

"Alright alright I'm done. No more games." he smiled.

I playful rolled my eyes and said "Last chance."

"Okay." they he started massaging my lower back all the way up to my neck and shoulders.

His massage felt like it was taking to another place. I felt like I was in heaven.

He even did my arms and massaged my hands. He gave me a full body massage and I was loving it.

I felt myself starting to drift asleep until I felt another SMACK!

That time is was much harder.

"I'm done!" he laughed and laid back. "Now my turn." then rolled onto his stomach.

I looked at him and shook my head then gave him a back massage the best I could.

"Damn Baby you can really work them fingers."

I smiled then when I finished I decided to do him like he did me and I slap his butt as hard as I could.

He flipped over on his back and looked at me as if I lost my mind.

I busted out laughing. "I had to get payback."

"You know I don't like that...." he eyed me seriously.

I laughed and climbed on top of him. "I'm sorry baby." I poked out my bottom lip.

He cracked a smile and rested his hands on my lower back.

"Give me a kiss and I'll forget all about it." he smiled.

I quickly pecked his lips and said "There you go."

"Nah.." then he flipped us over putting him on top of me. "That wasn't a kiss. This is." then he kissed me deeply and passionately.

After a minute I pulled away "Okay okay, you made your point." I smiled.

"I don't think I did." he bit his lip looking at me up and down.

Then I heard Malachi fussing in the crib. "I gotta get Malachi." I pushed Khy off of me causing him to roll over on his back.

I climbed out of the bed and walked over to the crib and picked up Malachi. He needed to be changed so I walked over to Khy, "Here, Daddy is going to take care of you while Mommy finishes getting dressed." I said as if Malachi could understand what was going on.

I handed Khy Malachi quickly then started to head for the closet.

"Kiara he needs to be changed"

"So change him" I smiled and went into the closet to change into my pajamas.

When i came back out Khy was throwing away the pamper while he had Malachi wrapped up in a blanket and tucked in between two pillows.

I shook my head and walked over and climbed into the bed and held Malachi in my arms.

I kissed his little cheeks but was interrupted by Khy coming back in.

"But you don't mind kissing him though."

I laughed "Oh hush."

He laid next to me and wrapped his arms around me. "I'm just glad y'all are okay. I love both of y'all with all my heart."

"And we love you." I smiled

Khy kissed me cheek then said "All we're missing is Trent. I miss him man."

"I do too." I sighed.

"Good thing we're going over there tomorrow."

I smiled and said "Thanks Khy."

Then we all cuddled with each other rest of the night.

Sooooo I tried to write a lengthy chapter hopefully you all like.

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Thanks again SOO much.

This story wouldn't be a success without all the help and supporters that I have.

Once again thanks and new updates should be coming quicker.

