You don't understand

Bill POV

I woke up to a sight that made my cheeks heat up.

I didn't realize I had fallen asleep. Or that Pine Tree had too.... On me.

I smiled slightly to myself and ran my fingers through his hair.

He made a cute noise and smiled. Still sleeping.

I silently laughed to myself and removed Dipper from me. Making sure not to wake him when placing him back on the couch.

I took in the sight before turning around and letting out a noise that sounded something like a 'meep'.

Six fingers was here.


"Hey old paaal" I said nervous.

"Step away from my nephew you demonic triangle." He said monotone.

I heard stirring behind me and a soft, "Bill?....".


"Dipper don't move!" Ford said aiming at me with his gun thing.

I let out a nervous laugh and try to convince ford to put the gun down.

"Great uncle Ford? What are you doing?" Dipper asked standing up.

But before he could walk over Ford yelled at dipper to stay put.

"Dipper? Bill? Ford?" I heard a female voice sound from behind six fingers.

"Mabel stay back! It's Bill!" Ford put his arm in front of Mabel to shield her, but Mabel just rolled her eyes and pushed it away.

"I know Ford. I met him last night." She says like it's nothing important.

Mabel walks over to Dipper while a confused Ford watches.

"Met him last night?! And you didn't tell anyone?!" He said raising his voice.

"What's all the noise!?" Came a shout, followed by none other than Stanley.


Stan's eyes moved from Ford, to me, to Ford, and me.

"Attacking customers now Ford?" Stan said unamused.

"Stanley are you really that blind?!" Ford said re-aiming his gun at me.

"Alright this has gone on long enough". Dipper says annoyed.

Dipper pushed past me and stood in front of Ford.

"Dipper why are you with... Him..."

"While I'm offended." I say placing a hand on my chest.

"Shut it Bill." Dipper says, refocusing on Ford.

"He's fine Ford. He's not here to trick anyone." Dipper tried to convince Ford.

Ford only shook his head.

"I promised I'd never let you kids get hurt. And I'm not breaking it now." Ford said, pushing dipper away and loading the gun.

"Whelp uh my time to go!" I say a little panicked.

I run over, grab dipper's wrist, and the world goes white.

Ford is gonna be soooo mad ;)
