Choices to Make

Dipper POV

The sun had already begun to rise when Bill and I ended our little "make out session".

I still cannot believe I'm in love with the demon who tried to kill me.

But I know one thing for sure, I love him.

And I think he feels the same way based on past events.

Bill and I were sitting on the roof, hands intertwined while watching the sunrise.

I heard the trapdoor swing open and quickly let go of Bill's hand.

After all, it is supposed to be a secret.

Bill made a sad noise and I really wanted to hug him to make him feel better.

"Dipper? Bill? Why weren't you guys sleeping in our room last night?" Came the voice of my dear sister Mabel.

"Well, apparently we both have sleeping problems. Weird right?" I say trying to ease the tension.

Mabel looks at me suspiciously.

'Seriously what is up with her?'

Mabel eventually leaves and Bill turns to look at me.

"Listen PineTree, remember the rift I used two years ago?"

'Uh oh'.

"Umm yeah... Why?"

"In order for me to stay in my physical form I need that rift."

"But wasn't the rift destroyed?"

"Not exactly. When my dimention was sucked back into, well my dimension, the rift had been restored."

'I don't know about this.'

"I will try my best, but I don't know where it is..."

"I do! It's hard to explain and only humans can access it."

I then came up with a really bad idea. LIKE really bad. I will totally regret this.

"Well um you could um...... Possess me?" I say very awkwardly.

"Hmmm. That could work..."
He seemed to be deep in thought.

"Let's make a deal PineTree!!!"

"Umm about what?"

"Well we need a deal in order to possess you."

"Ok then. How about...."

"I get to possess you of course, but we have a little fun while we're at it!"

"Alright, sounds good!!"

"Then it's a deal!"

And on that Bill extended his hand and lit it ablaze.

I shook his hand, feeling the blue flames lick my arm.

However, that feeling didn't last long because before I knew it I was already in the mindscape.

"Now pine tree, LETS HAVE SOME FUN!!!"

'This will not end well'

*cue 90's montage*
