Confusion of the Heart

Mabel POV


I burst into the room Dipper and I share, but I'm confused by the scene before me.

"U-uh hi Mabel..." Dipper stutters nervously.

I stare at the teen boy standing REALLY close to him.

And man...


But wait....

"I thought I heard Bill..." I say confused.

I could've sworn I heard his voice.

"Psshhh whaaaaaaaat?" Dipper's eyes wander around the room before settling on the floor.

It was only then I fully understood the scene before me.


I scream at him, looking back and forth between him and mystery hottie.

"SAY WHAT?!" Dipper shouts. Having a voice crack while heat radiates off his cheeks.

"Awwww, your voice cracked!" Mystery guy says.

"NO VOICE DIDN'T" Dipper yells in defense. If only he thought about his sentence before hand.

Mystery guy and I brake down laughing.


"No Mabel wait it's not what you think!"

Too late ;)

Bill POV

I have to admit. That was hilarious.

But because of shooting star Dipper is now having a 'Dipper Moment'

I have to do something...

Dipper POV

Oh god oh god everyone's going to judge me and I'm not even gay and oh god and and and-

My thoughts were interrupted when I felt a hand land on my shoulder and pull me into a hug.

"Shhhh. Just calm down." Bill whispered in my ear.

Why is he acting like this?...

It's not like he actually has feelings for me...


"And what if I do?..." Bill says. Releasing me from the hug to give me a wink and a smile.

My heart skipped a beat.

'Stop it!' I commanded, but it ignored me.

"Pinetree... I don't know what you think of me- actually wait. I kinda do, but that's not the point."

I looked up into Bill's golden eyes. So welcoming and kind.

"I'm not trying to trick you this time." He said to me.

Call me crazy, but I actually believed him.

"You're not?" I asked.

A glint flashed in his eyes. Not one of hostility or greed. But one of trust.

"I would never try to hurt you... Again." He smiled sheepishly.

"Now, why don't we sneak downstairs and watch one of those light shows on that box of yours." Bill said grabbing my wrist an pulling me out the door.

I laughed and said, "Sure Bill."

As Bill and I sat on the couch, I felt my eyes getting heavy.

You know.... Maybe having people think I'm gay won't be so bad... I though before drifting off to sleep.

It was the best sleep I ever had.
