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Crazy Love

"What the hell happened?" Fiona asks as she walks into the Milkovich's house, Lip and I following her.

"He steals baby, he's crazy." Svetlana answers. "He needs to be put away into crazy-people place where they spray him with crazy-people fire hose and put electric in his head."

"Please, shut the fuck up!" Mickey shouts. "I told him I was gonna take him to the hospital. He freaked out and he took the fucking baby."

"Stole the car. I need it back for work." Iggy says

"Since when do you have a fucking job?" I ask.

"I got to take those guns we lifted down to the projects. I spent all day yesterday filing off serial numbers." He replies.

"Take a fucking bus!" Mickey yells.

"With a dozen uzis?" He questions.

"Yeah! Call a cab or fucking Davey or.."

"Did Ian have a psychotic break?" Lip whispers to Fiona and I while Mickey and Iggy argue.

"I think so." Fiona nods.


"He took Yevgeny last night?" Debbie questions.

All of us are gathered in the kitchen, telling Carl and Debbie what happened.

"Late, yeah." Fiona answering.

"Did you try calling his phone?" Carl asks.

"Yes, he's not answering." I reply.

"Who's Ian, the one with the red hair?" Chuckie asks.

"Yes, sweetie, he's the gay one with all the problems." Sammi tells him.

"Him being gay doesn't have anything to do with his problems, okay?" Fiona snaps.

"I didn't say gay was a problem, just that he is gay and he has problems." Sammi responds.

"He left, like, 18 hours ago. He could be anywhere by now." Debbie says.

"Maybe he's in Colorado." Carl speaks.

"Why would he be in Colorado?" I question.

"Free weed." He smiles.

"Not free, dumbass, legalised." I reply.

"Shouldn't somebody call the police?" Sammi asks.

"No!" We all shout.

There's then a knock on the door.

"I'll get it." I walk out of the kitchen and over to the door.

"Wow, Morgan, it's been a while." Jimmy says when I open the door.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I ask.

"Fiona." He answers.

I let out a laugh. "Yeah, as if she'll let you back."

I open the door wider and let him into the living room.

"What the fuck is he doing here?" Lip asks.

"I have no idea." Fiona answers.

"Hey, Lip, how you been?" Jimmy smiles.

"I thought you were married." Lip says.

"I am." She responds.

"You're married?" I question.

"What? To who?" Debbie asks.

"Gus." Lip tells us.

"Is that Gus?" Sammi points to Jimmy.

"No, that's Jimmy." I reply.

"Who's Jimmy?" She asks.

"Her old boyfriend who lied about many things, including his name, and then randomly left one day." I explain.

"What's that smell?" Jimmy sniffs.

By the look on his face, he's not surprised when Fiona points to the sleeping Frank on the sofa.

"Who's Gus?" Sammi asks.

"Gus is an incredible musician. I met him at work, and he's a great guy." Fiona says.

"Yeah, musicians are notoriously unreliable husband material." Jimmy replies.

Fiona scoffs, "Oh, said the asshole who disappears from the face of the Earth for years at a time."

"When did you get married?" Sammi continues with her questions.

"A few days ago." She answers.

"And you've been keeping it a secret? Why?" Sammi laughs.

"Excellent question. Why keep wonderful musician Gus a secret if he's so great?" I question.

"Exactly, why?" Jimmy agrees.

"Out, now!" Fiona pushes him out the door, her following behind him.

"I am incredibly confused right now." Sammi checks.

"Yo, guys, check this out." Carl is peering out through the window.

When we all go over and look out the window, we see Fiona and Jimmy kissing.

"Shit." Lip mutters.

"No, Fiona." Debbie let's out a sigh.


The next morning, I'm lying on my bed, wide awake, while everyone else is still asleep.

Like I do every morning now, I take out my phone and ring Mandy.

"Hey, it's Mandy. Sorry-"

I'm used to her not answering. I gave up on leaving her voicemails, I really just do it now to hear her voice.

"Morning." I look over and see that Liam is waving at me.

"Good morning, sunshine." I smile as I whisper. "Let's go get ready."

I take his hand and walk out of the room, shutting it quietly after me.

As we walk to the bathroom, Fiona is leaving her room.

"Did Jimmy spent the night?" I ask her.

"Yeah." She nods. "Have you heard anything from Ian?"

"No, I'm going over to see Mickey soon." I tell her.

"Great way to start a marriage." I look over at the sleeping Jimmy.

"I know, I'm an awful person." She sighs.

"Don't worry about it, we all make mistakes. Just tell Gus the truth, don't lie." I respond.

After getting myself and Liam ready, I walk downstairs.

"Has Mickey heard anything from Ian?" Lip asks.

"No, he's stayed up all night, waiting to hear from him." I answer.

"I gotta get to school." Debbie stands up as the door knocks.

"Yeah, I got to go too." Lip grabs his jacket.

"Morgan, door!" Sammi shouts as the door continues to knock.

When I open the door, Gus is stood there.

"Hey, congratulations on the marriage." I smiles.

"Thanks. Hey, do one of you guys own the car parked out here? It's a pricey car." He points to Jimmy's car.

"Oh, yeah, that would be my girlfriend's car." I lie.

"She's got a good taste in car." He says.

"Yeah, she sure does." I awkwardly laugh.

"Who is it?" Thankfully, Fiona calls out.

I open the door and let him in. "Just you're husband."

"Oh, uh, yes this is my sister, Morgan. Morgan, this is Gus." Fiona introduces us.

"That's really good to know, but I gotta go." I reply before walking out.


Mickey is sat at the table while I'm pacing back and forth, both of us trying to get ahold of Ian.

"All right, shithead, this is, like, the 200th time I'm calling and you not picking up. I'm starting to get fucking homicidal. Call me the fuck, back, Ian. I'm worried about you. I love you. Call me back."

Mines also goes to voicemail. "Hey, Ian. Please call us back, we just want to make sure you and Yevgeny are safe."

Svetlana sets her bag down on the table. "I call Nika to take me."

"What?" Mickey questions.

"Hospital. Contractions and water breaks on sofa while I watch tv." She answers.

"Nice outfit. Are you a moron now?" Mickey asks.

"I have to wear shitty, boring clothes for surrogate baby parents." She replies. "When I'm done selling this baby, I want my Yevgeny back in my bed to sleep where he belongs. In my bed, or I call the cops."

"Oh, my fucking God, you need to stop with the cops." I tell her.

"No cops." Mickey says.

"Yes, cops." She snaps back.

Nika then walks in, and her and Svet start speaking in Russian.

"No more fucking Russian either. I hate that Boris and Natasha shit." Mickey snaps. "You get the money before you hand the baby over. Or we find some other infertile idiot to buy your broken condom kid."

"No Yevgeny, then cops." Svetlana states before leaving.

Mickey sighs and goes to pick up his phone again but I snatch it out of his hands.

"You need sleep, Mick. You go rest and I'll keep calling." I tell him.


Mickey is asleep on the couch while I keep leaving Ian dozen after dozen of calls and messages.

Someone then starts banging on the door, waking Mickey up.

"Here, take this." Mickey gives me a gun to take with me as I answer the door.

I look through the keyhole and see a familiar face, causing me to lower my gun.

I open the door for him and walk back into the living room, setting the gun back on the coffee table.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Mickey asks when Carl walks in.

"I was running an errand down the block for work. I thought you guys might have heard something from Ian, have you?" He asks.

"No." Mickey shakes his head.

Carl smiles as he looks at the gun. "A Beretta px4 Storm."

"Don't touch it." Mickey and I say at the same time.

"So nothing from Ian?" Carl asks again.

"What the fuck do you think?" Mickey questions.

"Saw it a couple times with my mom, Monica. Kind of scary. Weird stuff. She climbed to the top of our roof and thought she was a bird." Carl tells Mickey.

"Did she jump?" Mickey asks.

"No. The firemen came and got her down." I answer.

"You got any weed?" Mickey asks him. "Heard you're working a corner. You might just make it out there. Not a white man's game anymore, though."

"Wait, what?" I question, shocked at what I just heard.

"Shit, did she not know?" Mickey laughs.

Carl looks over at me. "Look, don't be mad, okay?"

"Mad? Carl, I swear to God, you better be fucking kidding me. You-"

We are then interrupted by Mickey's phone. "Yeah, that's him. Okay, we're on our way."

"Cops got Ian and the baby. Where the fuck is Terre Haute?" He asks after ending the call.


I'm driving to the police station in Jimmy's car, which I 'borrowed', with Debbie in the passenger seat, and Mickey and Carl in the back.

"Are any of them picking up?" I ask Debbie who is ringing Fiona and Lip.

"I'm just getting their voicemail every time." She answers. "Should I try texting them again?"

"Can't hurt." I nod.

"I'm sorry. I should have listened to you." Mickey says.

"Yeah, you should have." I reply.

"I didn't know things could get this bad." He responds.

"They can get worse. Much worse." I tell him.

Thankfully, I find a parking space directly outside the station.

We all get out of the car, except Carl, who has his eyes focused on a police dog.

"Hey, you coming?" I ask.

"I should probably stay in the car." He says.

"Why?" I ask.

"I might have a pound of weed on me." He holds up a bag.

"Jesus Christ, that's a pound?" I question.

"Give or take." He nods.

"All right, you can stay in the car, but we're gonna talk about this later, all right? Oh, and keep that bag hidden." I tell him.


Mickey, Debbie, and I all walk into the station together.

"Hey, excuse me? I got a call about my brother being in here, Ian Gallagher?" I say to a cop.

"Yeah, that's me. I was the arresting officer. Does your brother have a history of mental illness?" He asks.

"Yes." I nod.

"He was acting irrationally, left a baby locked inside of a hot car, and then he ran away when we tried to question him." He tells us.

"Is the baby okay?" Mickey asks.

"Yeah, he's sleeping in the back." He answers. "Is the baby your brother's baby?"

"No, he's mine." Mickey says.

"You're the father?" The cop questions as Mickey nods his head. "Who are you in relationship to Mr. Gallagher?"

"His partner. Lover? Family? You know?" Mickey answers.

"When we took Mr. Gallagher to the E.R., they gave him a sedative, seemed to calm him down, but he's clearly a troubled kid." He says.

"Is he under arrest?" I ask.

"He'll have to face some chargers, but we're not gonna hold him, but his car went to impound. You won't be able to get it processed for a couple days, and you'll have to pay the tow charges. You need to get him some help."

"Yes, sir, we know." I respond.

Ian is then brought out to us.

I'm the first one to wrap my arms around him, then Debbie, and then Mickey.

A cop then walks towards us, carrying Yevgeny.

"He's a cute kid, good sleeper. Got one about his age at home. You're a lucky man."

"Yes, sir, thank you." Mickey lifts Yevgeny out of the cop's arms, and places a kiss on the side of his head.


"Did you get ahold of Fiona and Lip?" Debbie asks once we're all back in the car.

"Yeah, both of them." I nod.

Through the mirror, I glance back at Mickey, who has a sleeping Ian resting on his shoulder.

"We need to get him committed even if he doesn't want to go. We can just tell him that he kidnapped the kid, right? They have to take him. There's got to be some kind of, like, 'danger to others' law, right?"

I shake my head, "No. It could be complicated."

"Well, if he won't go, I'm just gonna call the fucking cops on him, tell them that he stole the baby. They'll put him away for a while. At least he'll be getting some kind of fucking help." Mickey's voice breaks as he speaks.

"You did okay, Mickey. Hell, you tried. That's a lot more than most people would do." I tell him.


Lip is already waiting for us when we get there. He helps Ian fill some forms, while I hold Yevgeny.

"Ian, fuck." Fiona rushes in and tightly hugs him.

"Ian, they just need your signature." Lip points to where he needs to sign.

Ian looks back at Mickey, who nods his head, before signing his name.

"Mr. Gallagher?" A woman calls.

Ian walks over and places a kiss on Yevgeny's head.

"Sorry." He mutters as he walks past Mickey.

All of us slowly follow behind him, watching him.

Mickey then pulls Ian into a hug just as he's about to go in.

"Can I go in with him?" Mickey asks.

"No, sorry." The woman answers.

We all watch as Ian follows behind the woman, before disappearing as he turns a corner.
