/ 04 /

Three Boys

"Lunch! Come down now or miss it!" Fiona yells.

"More piss money food?" Lip asked as we all rushed down the stairs.

"You know it!" She replies.

"Sweet!" Carl grins.

"Cup of lasagna for everyone." Fiona says as she passes one to each of us. "Who was meant to do the dishes today?" She asks.

"Oh shit, sorry, I'll do then after I eat." I said to her.

"What's that smell? It's either vomit or fancy cheese" Veronica says as she walks into in the kitchen.

"It can be both if you want" Carl says. He then turned around and starts throwing pieces of his food at us.

"You little shithead!" I said as I threw some of mine back at him.

"Both of you stop it." Fiona says to us while I get up and flip Carl off.


Later after school, I was meant to be working with both Kash and Ian but Ian still wasn't here.

"Do you know where your brother is?" Linda asks as she walks in from the back.

"I have no idea, he wasn't at school either." I tell her.

Just a moment later, Ian comes rushing in.

"Better later than never." Kash smiles. Anytime that man opens his mouth I feel sick.

"Even better on time." Linda says. "What's with the costume?" She asks.

"ROTC. I made cadet lieutenant colonel today." He saids happily.

"Oh my god, congrats!" I smile over at him.

"You did? That's great!" Kash adds.

"So I have the boys scout trip this weekend so that means I'm leaving Morgan in charge, she is the only one I can rely on here." Linda says before leaving.

After she leaves, Kash steps closer to Ian. "Linda and the boys are gone for two nights, we can have a whole night of celebrating." He says.

I turn my nose up in disgust. "I am standing right here you kidfucker!" I said as I continue to restock the empty shelves.


I'm sitting at Sheila's dining table, helping Karen with some homework, while Sheila is making Veronica's wedding dress.

"You are going to make such a pretty bride." Debbie says as Sheila nods in agreement.

"The dress does looks great Sheila" Fiona tells her.

I turn my attention back to Karen who is now asking me something.

"I really want to get Lip a gift, I mean he's always doing things for me so I want to return the favour, any ideas? She asks.

"Uh I don't really know, he never shuts up about you so I think you just being his girlfriend is returning the favour." I tell her as she smiles.

"Oh I know! I should get him a laptop!" She saids. "He's all brainy and shit so at least now he can maybe study better. What do you think?" She asks.

"I think he'd love it." I tell her.


I walk into the church along with Lip, Ian and Carl. We needed a priest and we had a plan.

"Why do I have to do it?" Carl asks.

"Because you're the only one who's young enough to be an alter boy." Lips tells him.

"We'll stop him before anything goes down." Ian says.

I knock lightly on the opened door.

"Oh lovely, the Gallagher children." The priests stands up. "If you're here to steal the offering basket, you're out of luck, it's already off to the bank." He says.

"No of course not Father, Carl is actually interested in becoming an alter boy." I said as I ruffled his hair.

"That's a big responsibility." He replied.

"Yeah we have tried talking him out of it but he so cried so we thought we would bring him here." Lip says.

"Be back for you in a bit, bud." Ian whispers into Carl's ear as we all leave him with the Priest and go and sit down.

"Do yous want to watch Scarface face again tonight?" Lip asked us.

"Can't, got a date." Ian says.

"Ooh, Mandy or Kash?" Lip asks.

Honestly, I was hoping it was neither.


"Gross." Lip and I say at the same time.

Everyone jumped up when we heard a yell coming from the priest.

Carl had whacked the priest in the stomach with some holy ornament and now the priest was lying on the ground, clenching his stomach.

"Looks like we have a priest for the wedding" Lip says as we all smile.

"Good job Carl!" I say as I high five him.

It was now the day of Kevin and Veronica's wedding and I was with Lip as we went to go and get Karen.

I was wearing a short basic green dress, which Karen let me borrow the other day and I just kept my hair down.

When we entered the Jackson's house we saw Frank, who was wearing a flowery vest.

"Look who it is! My two beautiful children, Lip and Morgan!" He says.

"Yep, just here to get Karen." Lip says.

"What's up with the vest?" I ask Frank.

"Sheils made it." He answers.

Then Karen came, walking down the stairs. "Wow, you look beautiful." Lip says to her.

"Thanks." She smiled at him. She then looked at me. "That dress looks great on you!"

"Thanks!" I smile back at her.

"Oh hi, Morgan and Lip!" Sheila walks in.

I go to smile towards Sheila but then Frank stand in front of me, blocking my view.

"Does my head look bigger to you?" He asks.

"Uh.. I don't think it can get any bigger, Dad." I tell him as Lip and Karen laugh.

"I have to keep an eye on it. Watch for memory loss and vomiting." He tells me.

"That's uh, really good to know but we gotta go." I say to Karen and Lip.

"I'm going with yous!" Frank calls out as he follows us out.


I smile and clap as the priest announces Kevin and Veronica as husband and wife.

I go to look over at Mandy who is standing beside Ian, but she's already looking at me.

"Fuck, did I miss it?" Mickey is now standing beside me.

"What are you doing here?" I ask.

"Mandy told me about and she also told me about the free booze, so why not?" He says

"Fair enough." I reply.

As the music begins to blare, everyone starts dancing.

"I'm gonna go fuck someone." Mickey says as he walks over to a table of girls.

"Lovely." I mutter.

I push past all the dancing people and take a seat at the bar.

I look to my right and see that Mandy is also sitting there, alone.

"You're not dancing?" I ask her.

"Twisted my ankle this morning." She says. "What about you?" She asks.

"Nobody to really dance with." I smile.

She then moves over to the stool beside mines. "I'm sorry about the other day. I didn't mean to upset you." She says.

"Look, it's fine, you can't be someone you're not." I tell her.

"Yeah.." She says as she looks down at her drink. "About that.." She then stands up.

I look up at her, clearly confused.

"Follow me." She whispers into my ear as she walks off into the bathroom.

I follow her into a bathroom stall as she locks it behind us.

Her lips connect to mines as I start unzipping her dress.

"Morgan?" A voice calls out, it was Debbie. "Are you in here?" She asks.

"Yeah! Are you okay?" I call out to her as I place my hand over Mandy's mouth.

"We're having a group photo, hurry up!" She says.

When I hear the door swing shut again I remove my hand from Mandy's mouth.

"Turn around, I'll zip up your dress." I tell her.

I zip back up her dress and then I pat down my own dress, trying to hide any creases, I then ruffle my hands through my hair.

"About fucking time!" Frank says when me and Mandy finally come back out.

We both go and stand beside Ian. "What we're yous doing in there?" He asked. "I thought yous went home."

"We lost track of time, too busy chatting about stupid shit." Mandy lies as I smile at her.

"Right everyone, here we go!" Kevin says as he set up the camera.

We all smile as the camera flashes.

"Let's get outta here now." Mandy whispers to me as I follow her outside.


