six シ

[ social media , real life ]
"we were never friends!"

"mason!" she yells after him, crossing her arms over her chest once she feels the cold breeze.

"what." he says, not looking back. she quickens her pace to get ahead of mason, stopping once she's in front of him. she lightly pushes him, that was her attempt to get him to stop walking. he stops moving, but avoids her eyes at all costs. since he's taller, he fights the urge to look down at her. he just stares at the sky.

"what is your deal? you were just fine 5 minutes ago!!" she exclaims, throwing her hands out to the side.

"nothing's fine, move." he mumbles. he steps to the side so he could start walking again, but melanie was quick to follow his movements so he couldn't walk since she was in front of him.

"don't bullshit right now mason, just tell me what's wrong. i don't want to go back to hating you, i really don't." she admits. she didn't lie, she didn't want to go back to hating him. now that the two were friends, she realized that he really wasn't that bad to be around.

"stop pretending like you care!" he scoffs as he makes another attempt to get around the brunette girl. he does it successfully this time. she quickly started walking after him. the two walked passed maddy and miguel's trailers just as they were coming outside to see what the yelling was.

"i do care!" she tells him, quickening her pace to try and keep up with him. he surprisingly walked really fast so melanie was struggling to keep up.

"no you don't!" at this point miguel and maddy came out of their trailers.

"yeah i do, mason! don't be like this. we just became friends." melanie yells, which causes mason to stop and turn around. since melanie was walking so fast to keep up with him, she almost bumped into him from how suddenly he stopped.

"friends? we were never friends!" he snaps, pointing his finger at himself and then her and he moves it back and forth a few times. he rolls his eyes, and starts walking again.

"fine be like that, now i remember why i hated you to begin with." she yells at him but he just keeps walking.

"holy shit i'm cold." she shivers, turning around and walking back to her trailer with maddy following, as miguel following mason.

"what was that?" maddy asks, closing the door to melanie's trailer once they're both in.

"i don't even know, mads." she sighs, sitting back down at the vanity.

"why was he mad?" maddy lays on her stomach on the bed with her face resting on her hands.

"he was just fine i swear. he knocked on my trailer and said he wanted to hangout. i was on the phone with a few of my friends and once i hung up the phone he was like grumpy. i was talking to him and he was giving me short answers. and now i have to kiss him soon, i can't do this. i have to have scott change the script. i can't do it, i really can't." melanie rants, her voice breaking. she was so confused because he was just fine and then all of a sudden he snapped. since she was anxious she started spinning in the vanity chair.

"okay okay, it's okay." maddy comforts, putting her hands out.

"no it's not! i don't wanna go back to hating him, now i have to pretend!" melanie whines, rubbing her eyes to make the tears go away.

"what the hell just happened?" miguel asks and mason starts pacing back and forth.

"i went to her trailer because i wanted to hangout and she was on facetime with some guy and when she hung up she told him that she loves him and she put the 'i' in front of it and everyone knows that means something and i think that was the same guy she called 'bae' on that one instagram post. i don't know it just like put me in a bad mood i don't even know what happened." mason ranted as he continued to pace. he spoke so fast it took miguel a second to process everything mason had just said.

"okay, okay. just stop pacing." miguel says, putting his hands on mason's arms to try and stop his pacing. it was honestly making miguel a little busy.

"why are you so freaked out right now?" miguel continues and mason starts breathing heavily. he puts his hands on his knees and eventually drops to sit on the ground. miguel gives him a concerned look before sitting next to him. they two lean against the brick wall that was behind them.

"she hates me." mason mumbles. he puts his elbows on his knees and rests his face in his hands. miguel shakes his head.

"she doesn't hate you, she was mad and it was just the heat of the moment." he reassures.

"were you not there? she literally said, 'now i remember why i hated you to begin with!" mason mimicked, doing air quotes.

"it was just heat of the moment, you guys will make up. remember how fast she forgave you after hating you for all those years." miguel repeats, while mason just nods.

melanie walks out of her trailer, slamming the door behind her. she was still upset at the events from last week and it was evident on set. now that filming was more than halfway done, melanie and mason had to film together even more. anytime they were on set the tension was clear, and it wasn't just when the camera was off-they couldn't even count the times scott had to have then reshoot a scene because of how awkward it felt.

she was walking towards the parking lots because scarlett had just flown into north carolina and she wouldn't have been able to get into the set by herself so melanie had to get her.

she was looking down at her phone, trying to figure out exactly where scarlett was so she wouldn't have to walk all over the place trying to find her. since she was looking down and not paying attention, she bumped into someone, letting out a gasp as she dropped her phone from the impact of another person.

"shit, i'm sorry!" she quickly apologizes, bending down to pick up her phone. she gasps again when she saw the other person was doing the same. their hands brushed against each others as the person grabbed her phone. she looked up and saw the one person she'd been avoiding. mason.

melanie sighed and snatched her phone out of mason's hand. she stood up and quickly walked away, purposefully bumping her shoulder against mason. she didn't even glance back at mason.

after walking around four parking lots, melanie had finally found scarlett. scarlett wasn't paying attention so melanie decided to scare her. as she was walking towards her best friend she let out a loud whistle.

"damn mama! you lookin' good!" melanie joked, which cause scarlett to whip around in melanie's direction.

"oh my god, you scared the hell outta me." scarlett said, putting her hand on her chest and letting out a breath.

"i'm sorry." melanie laughed before pulling scarlett into a bone crushing hug.

"come on, let me give you a tour of my trailer and our set." melanie suggested, grabbing scarlett's hand and pulling her in the direction she came from.

"so this is my trailer. it's pretty basic, but it works." melanie nodded, with her arms out in the air as she spun around.

"i like it. it's way cuter than any of the trailers i've had." scarlett said, putting her bags down in the corner of the trailer.

"i love the trailers you get." melanie smiles, plopping down on her bed.

"mel?" scarlett speaks, looking at her best friend with a smirk.

"hm?" melanie hums, looking at scarlett.

"wanna get dressed really fancy and go to dinner?" scarlett smiles, already knowing melanie's answer. a big smile forms on melanie's face.

melaniebarton ✔️

liked by: onwardjdub , madeleinemcgraw and 237,267 others

melaniebarton - back with my gf

tagged: scarlye07


onwardjdub - you guys look very classy
melaniebarton - jaden baby, that's the point

jaylawaltonofficial - will you look this hot when we get married
melaniebarton - i will look hotter

tribe6strong - miss you my sweet girl ❤️
melaniebarton - miss you more mama ❤️

jacobtremblay - hiii melanieee
melaniebarton - hiii jacobbb

scarlye07 ✔️

liked by: raeganrevord , walkerscobell and 153,024 others

scarlye07 - she's so fine

tagged: melaniebarton


onwardjdub - woah
melaniebarton - oh hi jdub

walkerscobell - she looks like she's gonna murder u in ur sleep
melaniebarton - i would never murder scar. i might murder you tho 😇
walkerscobell - i'm gonna sleep with one eye open.. 🤗

raeganrevord - we all need to hangout!! @mckennagraceful as well!
melaniebarton - definitely!!


hi so outer banks cast will be in the next chapter. i literally cannot think of anything right now so please just go along with it.

the fight they had was kinda pathetic but as i said i cannot think of anything.

i love you 🩷
