nineteen シ

[ imessage , social media , article , real life ]
"melanie what the actual fuck."

my homie miguel - miguel cazarez mora
my homie melanie - melanie barton

my homie miguel

my homie miguel

my homie melanie

my homie miguel
wanna hangout?

my homie melanie

my homie miguel
i don't know
just come pick me up we can figure it out from there

my homie melanie
okay i'm leaving now
also i will be coming in and saying hi to mama

my homie miguel
i figured
i already told her you were on your way

"hi mama wendy!!" melanie smiled as she ran to wendy with open arms. wendy immediately accepted the hug. since filming, melanie and miguel had gotten super close. they won't talk for a while and then when they start to talk again it's like no time has passed. melanie considers miguel a brother and vise versa.

"hi baby! how are you? are you hungry?" wendy asks, immediately bombarding her with questions to see if she need anything and to make sure she was comfortable.

"i'm okay, thank you though." she said, sending her smile before miguel shooed his mother away.

"so what should we do?" melanie asked as her and miguel walked into his room.

"we could just hangout here if you want." he suggested as melanie walked around his room looking at all the decor. he had a picture on his wall of the cast and one of just him and her which made her smile.

"sounds good." she said, continuing walking around. she had never been in his room and she thought his room was so cool.

"miguel look at the sunset!!" melanie said with excitement. she had just so happened to open miguel's curtain and she saw the sky.

"woah, that's pretty." he told her, her nodding in agreement.

"can we go outside?" she asked, already putting on her shoes since she wouldn't take no for an answer.

"i guess i don't have a choice." he said, putting on a fake annoyed tone. they both took off downstairs and outside. they had walked away from miguel's house and to a more popular area to see the sunset better. melanie had taken so many pictures she started to get notifications saying she need to upgrade her icloud or whatever. she just rolled her eyes and deleted the notification.

after a few more hours of hanging out, she decided it was time to go home.

"i'm gonna walk you out cause it's dark out." miguel told her, putting on slides as she struggled to get her shoes on.

"okay cool." she said as they both started walking outside. she gave him a quick hug before saying goodbye and getting in her car.


actress and model, melanie barton and former co-star and actor, miguel cazarez mora were seen out in public today. they were spotted walking around downtown los angeles, laughing, taking pictures and seemingly making tiktoks.

the new couple, mason and melanie, just recently made their relationship public earlier this year in february. they both made a post on instagram, barton's captioned 'boyfriend' and thames' captioned 'girlfriend' but have they hit a bump in the road already?

fans seem to think that her and mora might be together after what they saw today between the two. one fan believed thames and barton made those posts to cover up the fact she was actually with mora and didn't want anyone to know. a witness said, "you can't fake that passion, what we saw today? that was real."

fans have said they've speculated this ever since their movie 'the black phone' came out. they've said ever since mora made and instagram post dedicated to melanie that was captioned 'mela spam' with a heart.

we hope to see more of them!

article by people magazine - july 7, 2023

handsome 🩷 - mason thames
gorgeous 🩵 - melanie barton

handsome 🩷

handsome 🩷
melanie what the actual fuck

gorgeous 🩵
you don't swear what's going on?

handsome 🩷
you're making me look like a complete fucking idiot.
they think our relationship is fake and one-sided. everyone thinks you're cheating on me.

gorgeous 🩵
what the fuck are you talking about?

handsome 🩷
the article.

gorgeous 🩵
what fucking article?

handsome 🩷

gorgeous 🩵
what the fuck.
that's actually real?
like that's a real article made by people magazine?

handsome 🩷
please tell me it isn't true.
please melanie.

gorgeous 🩵
of course it isn't true.
i'm gonna fix this. i'm so sorry
please don't be mad at me i had no idea someone even took that picture.

handsome 🩷
can you tell me what actually happened?
because i'm a literal joke to the entire internet right now and so is our relationship. everyone thinks it's fucking fake.

gorgeous 🩵
it's not fake at all i promise you.
miguel texted me asking if i wanted to hangout. i said yes and i went over his house. we just hungout and i looked out the window and the sky was super pretty so we went outside. all we did was walk around and look at the sunset.

handsome 🩷
"one fan believed thames and barton made those posts to cover the fact she was actually with mora and didn't want anyone to know."
what the fuck is going on melanie?

gorgeous 🩵
i don't know mason. i promise nothing is going on with me and miguel. we just wanted to hangout. i would never ever ever like him like that. especially since i'm in love w you.

handsome 🩷
i can't do this.
like i literally can't think rn
they think it's fake melanie.
what am i supposed to do with that?

gorgeous 🩵
no mason wdym?
it doesn't matter what they think. we know what we have is real.

handsome 🩷
i need time, please just leave me alone for a little while. i'll text you in a bit.

gorgeous 🩵
i understand.
i love you so much.
read 8:39


liked by: jaylawaltonofficial , jacobtremblay and 395,748 others

melaniebarton - i cannot believe that i am writing this right now. i'm clearing this up once and then i am never talking about it again. nothing is going on between me and miguel. i would NEVER like him like that. miguel is like my BROTHER and we simply just wanted to hangout. as for my relationship with mason, we are happy. that article was so stupid and no where near true. i am completely in love with mason and ONLY mason. not secret but private relationships are a thing. just because we have a private relationship does not mean that we have broken up. mason makes me so incredibly happy and if you can't respect that then unfollow me. this actually makes me sick to my stomach. as for people magazine, i am a literal child and you guys are grown adults. please grow up and get a real job. this is absolutely ridiculous, and not to mention disgusting.

tagged: people + masonthamesofficial


jaylawaltonofficial - i'm so sorry my love, you do not deserve this.
melaniebarton - thank you jay.

official_miguelcazarezmora - i'm sorry mel, i didn't think it would turn into this
melaniebarton - do not apologize. this is not your fault at all.

masonthamesofficial - i'm so in love with you.
melaniebarton - i love you so much.

madisonbaileybabe - just read the article and what.the.fuck.
melaniebarton - literally almost jumped out my window.

(comments limited)

madelyncline has posted on their story!



i'm lowkey kinda proud of the article tho, and this chapter it's kinda entertaining.

i love you 🩷
