The Letter &the necklace

Heidi's POV
6 months later....
" happy 6 month anniversary!!" Albus said to me, then picking me up and spinning me. I smiled at him, I was happy. I cant believe we have been together so long. Quidditch made us see each other even more. We only have one more match in the season, against the Hufflepuff. We beat the Ravenclaw house when I catched the snitch 23.5 seconds into the game.

The Slytherins lost to us when their seeker fell off her broom, & I caught the snitch. I had to help the girl though, she went into full shock, I had to fly down and help her.
Albus and I sat down to eat and I stuffed my face, i was starving.

" how can you be so small, and light but eat so much?" He asked. Just then, the mail comes in. I get my weekly letter from mom and dad. You just said something about my dad's job, or a new neighbors. But today, it was different. It read:
    Dear Heidi,
  I hope school is going well, and that you're happy. I have some news, I got a brand new job! I was so pleased, that I bought you this necklace. I'm hoping that you can come and visit one weekend, so you can help me at work. And, well this is terrible news. They hurt me very much, your mother is dead. The funeral will be on March 15th. I'm sorry you couldn't come, she was... Murdered when I was at work. I'm so sorry honey... See you on the 15th. You can get more details then, okay honey? I love you.
            Love. Dad.
P. S. This necklace will help you understand. It will make you understand me.. Please wear it ,I love you and I'm really sorry honey.

A silent tears slid down my cheek. How could he be happy about a new job with my mom is dead? How can she be dead? Who, why? He told me the necklace would help. I took it out of the envelope. If it in the envelope because it's small, it had a ring like amulet. I put on my clothes, and realized Albus was reading the letter.
" I'm so sorry..." he said softly, then put the letter down and gave me a kiss on my forehead. Grabbing my hand, he told me, "everything will be okay."
He then took the necklace and wrapped it around my neck. I get a chill down my spine but as quick as it comes, it goes. I smile and wave goodbye. I wanted to be alone, and be able to cry.

But I didn't get what I wished for. Lunaine was in there, and so is Rose.
I hated lunaine and rose still had a grudge against me.
  I went straight to bed,silent tears going down my face. Alas, I went to sleep. But sleep... didn't let me rest.

Well. Hello my few fans. I updated a little later than I said I would.  But I did. So it has to count for something. This is where the evil comes in, rn they are around May. 6 months after they finally go together (Albus and Heidi). So school is about to end. Probs gonna have a few chapters during the summer break, but don't expect much detail. If u want any spoilers (idek who would but if u do) just PM me. I will try to answer asap.
