Quiditch tryouts

I get out onto the field. Smells like fresh grass. Quiditch season was wonderful last year, and Tommy Satch, a 7th year, moved last year. He was the captain. And now that he's gone, I have to be the team captain. That means that I have to watch 100 people play Quiditch without playing it myself. Wee! All positions are open exempt mine, I'm a keeper. Rosie is the best seeker I have seen so far, and she always get that part, but we'll see.as for the other parts, well I don't really know..
People start walking in, their brooms in their hands. They all sit, and I start to call out names.
" alrighty, I'm starting with the seeker position. First On The List, Rosie Thomas! ( author note!! Remember, I had to change rose's identity. Hope u adjust! Sorry again!) I yelled.
She walked up to the field and I let go of the snitch, she quickly looks arounds. Trying to find a glimpse of it. I sit and count the time with my new time management ring. She sees the snitch and quickly goes after it.
" 73 mph! 5 minutes and 28.26 seconds!" I yelled, she smiles, and walks out. " anyone else for seeker?!" I yelled. Usually Noone dares to try and beat rosie. But I see a small pale hand slowly rise in the crowd.
Heidi slowly walks to the fiel, she has an old broomsweeper. Those were bad even when my dad was in school... she's going to humiliate herself!
" alright. Heidi for seeker!" I let go of the snitch and she looks around. Not just flying in one place but moving around. Nice tactic..
She finally sees the small round ball, and dives. Dives are of high danger without the proper training, but she dives, gets the snitch and comes up flawlessly.
" 98mph! 2 minutes 38.27 seconds! New record!" I yell and everyone cheers. Exempt rosie, she runs away from the field. I get on my broom and fly after her.
" rosie! Rosie! Are you okay?" I ask her. She looks at me, tears running down her cheeks.
" NO! I'm not okay! She's better than me in everything! Arithmacy. Potions, transfiguration, even défense against the dark arts! Everything! All I had was Quiditch and you! And she's taking even you both! I don't have a spot on the team and don't you dare tell me you don't have feelings for her! You would have kissed her if I didn't enter the common room! " she yelled. I didn't day anything. She was completely right..
" so let's make things easier. .hurt less for both of us.." she said frowning and wiping away her tears. " I'm done with you.. goodbye Albus."

Sooo, how did you guys like it?! Is rose dramatic enough? Should I add more magic in? I try not to, cause later on it will be so much magic things. But okay.
Read my other stories
Love yal
