Hotel Time Pt. 2

I started to open my eyes slowly. It was bright yellow and red. "Where? Where am I?" I blinked looking down noting I was being carried by Karma piggy back, Karasuma was strangling someone.

"Ah, your awake now, that's good. Were about to storm the top floor. You good?" I nodded looking at the glass doors leading to the stairwell. He carefully set me down holding me up with his other arm. "Didn't bring any of your medications with you, right?"

I shook my head looking away. "Karma... after this is all over we need to talk." I stated, before we followed the others up into the top floor room. We were silent as we infiltrated the top room. Even I had to move carefully so as not to drag my feet. 

"Itchy. The very memory makes me itch. But maybe that's why my senses have grown so much keener," I froze. Everyone looked frozen when this man started speaking. "because my wounds are always exposed to the air." He tossed detonator into the air, what was this? "I told you, I'd come prepared to kill a Mach-twenty monster. I have spare detonator remotes in case one is snatched away at high speed. Enough to press any one of them if I happen to collapse."

This voice, I knew it all to well. The one man I despised almost as much as my own father. "Of the people I couldn't reach there were three assassins and one other. An insider who vanished with Ministry of Defense secret-service funds and the assassination budget. What are you doing, Takaoka?!" I stared in shock, seeing this man. The one who could kill me with just a single punch.

There were scars all over his face, what had he done to himself? "What naughty children. Coming in the back door to see your dear teacher? That's not how your good old dad raised you." I clung to Karma's arm, this man was terrifying. I could already feel my breaths catching in my throat. "Ah, well. I'll have to give you some summertime tutoring." He started scratching at his face, that explains those scars. "Shall we go to the roof? I've got everything ready to welcome my beloved students. You'll follow me up there, right? After all, your class is only alive thanks to my benevolence."

We all glanced to each other before silently following Takaoka up to the helicopter pad. "Hiring assassins, threatening students with a virus- such atrocities.. Have you gone mad?" I was feeling nauseous now. This whole thing had me on edge.

"Now, now.. I am exceedingly sane! This plan will save the world! If only you'd sent those two littl'uns along to bring me the one with the bounty, my assassination plan would've gone off without a hitch. See, my plan would've used (Y/n)." His smile, the way he said my name it sent shivers down my spine. "The bathtub in my room here is filled with anti-Sensei BB's. I'd have her go in there holding the target. Then I'd bury them alive in cement. For him to return to his usual form without touching those BB's he would have to blow everything up- including his student." I gripped my shirt, it was getting harder to breathe now. The feeling of nausea growing greater.

"But he cares to much for his students to do anything so heartless! So I figure he's just do me a favor and melt away. Not that it would be a great loss if she died anyway, right?" Karma tightened his grip on me as well. He didn't like this at all. "It gave me a fright when I learned you all came here together, but it doesn't change what I have to do. My mood will determine how many of you leave here alive."

"Do you think you can get away with this?" Koro sensei sounded mad. I couldn't blame him, someone was threatening his students. And he could do nothing to stop it.

"It's the more humane route.. compared to the inhumane way you've treated me!" I dropped my head, letting my arm fall to my side as well. This man.. I would not let him get the best of me, not this time. "Takaoka lost to a bunch of junior-high kids and totally blew his mission! Whoa! And after he was bragging about his teaching chops? His bosses won't think much of him now! Their humiliating glances and that knife you tricked me with.. Whenever they cross my mind, my face get's so itchy I can't even sleep at night! I'll pay back my bad evaluations with results. I'll take the humiliation I suffered and give it back in spades! You in particular, Nagisa Shiota. I will never forgive you for spoiling my future!"

I was behind Takaoka now standing on the helicopter pad. "This is all because you lost, and couldn't handle defeat. All of this suffering is because you couldn't move forward. Unforgiveable. You lost due to your own rules. This is not his fault. It is only your own." I looked up, tilting my head with a crazed grin on my face. He turned around slowly seeing me now standing behind him.

"What? How did you get there so quickly?" He questioned shocked, Karma looked to me shocked.

"(Y/n)! What the hell do you think your doing, get back over here now!" I didn't acknowledge him, my gaze fixed solely on Takaoka.

I let my eyes tell my story, there was no way I was making out of this unscathed. I knew I wouldn't at the rate my body was rejecting itself. "What does it matter, I'm dying Mister. What could one dying girl do to a healthy, crazed government man like you? Oh that's right, she can get you fired with one phone call. All I would have to do is call your superiors and have them stick you in a cell, nice and padded white."

He stared at me, his eyes piercing my own. "You won't have time to do that, little girl. I can just kill you first." My hand moved to grip my shirt, my crazed smile widening.

"I'd like to see you try before I die all on my own. I only have until midterms anyway. Noting you could do to me now would be as painful as letting someone sit beside your bed watching you die, slowly. Agonizingly slowly. They have their whole lives ahead of them and you know you aren't going to be there for them. So come at me Mister, show this little girl who is in control."

He dropped the box charging to me, I moved dodging quickly hoping the other students would take the opportunity to get the package and be rid of the explosive. I can't say I didn't see it coming. Plastic explosives make the most sense, especially when trying to kill large numbers of people, or trying to make someone feel helpless and broken. I was already, there for he had nothing on me. Nothing he could do to me now was worse than dying while everyone else lived.

I dodged a knee spinning to a stop, this was like the dance of death. One wrong move and I would be toast. "Is that all you've got, teach? Your going to have to do better than that to defeat me." I tilted my head before running at him, I was quick to sweep low as he jumped to maneuver away I got behind him jumping up as he came down taking his neck in my arms. I put them in a lock, In this position the only thing getting me off of him was for him to jump. He growled reaching back trying to get at me, I moved when necessary to avoid being grabbed.

Then he stopped, like he had an idea. He dropped backwards, myself being squished beneath him and the concrete roof. It was hard enough to breathe without his weight on me, now it was impossible. So I tightened my grip, hoping he would pass out before I did. I could hear him laughing as my vision swam. "You lose, again. Nighty, night." He reached up taking my neck and pulling me from him. I tried to fight back, to keep my grip but failed. Instead got tossed like a rag doll across the floor.

I looked up weakly, Nagisa now standing before me. "Stop, what do you want Takaoka?" He smiled, taking the package and setting it up beside him properly. I grimaced moving to stand but was unable to. I watched him pull out a detonator.

"Takaoka!" Karasuma aiming the stolen guns now.

"Don't take this wrong, Karasuma. I don't want you interrupting my precious time with Nagisa Shiota." The button clicked and the stairs exploded, no one could do anything now. Nagisa looked to me, shocked and worried. I could see it in his eyes, the pity. Then him looking to Karma. Karma looked angry, ready to kill. "Now no one else can come up here. Do you understand what I'm trying to do? This is revenge for our earlier fight."

"Wait, Mr. Takaoka. I didn't come here to fight." Nagisa spoke clearly and strong. I knew he felt that way so I let myself close my eyes, There wasn't anything I could do anyway. I could hear Takaoka shouting, angry. But it was all buzzy, I couldn't understand any of it. What I did understand was the explosion. I opened my eyes, fire in the air and Nagisa's face, that of horror, anguish, and pure rage. We had lost.

I fought to stand, my friend needed me. This man, Takaoka was cruel.. heartless and worse. I would see to his end myself. "Oh you can still move, I'm impressed." He spoke through his laughing. I stumbled forward standing behind Nagisa breathing heavily. "Yes! Those are the faces I wanted to see! You ought to put them in your summer diary, your friends' faces, bubbling up like so many grapes!" I placed a hand on Nagisa's shoulder as he hugged himself. He reached down gripping the knife, moving to stand on his won two feet. 

I nodded we were both in agreement, now was the time, to take this man down for good. "We'll... kill you.." My face forming an angered frown, my bloodlust mixing with Nagisa's.

"That's right.. that's the way.." He licked his lips staring at us, waiting hungerly.

"We'll kill you!" I stood in Nagisa's shadow. It was the best way to move around. "We'll kill you for what you did to them!" Takaoka laughed at us. This wasn't serious to him.

"That's the spirit! Come and kill me. Nagisa! (Y/n)!" Something was thrown, hitting Nagisa's back. I looked down seeing the stun guns that Terasaka had.

He was breathing heavy, much like how I was. "Don't be gettin' cocky you two! Nagisa.. I saw the pitiful way you looked at me when that medicine got blown up! (Y/n) I saw your rage when he tricked you. Quit worryin' about other people, ya dam wimps! This virus'll go away by itself with a good night's sleep! Murder is murder, even with a piece of trash like that. You gonna give in to the crazy and throw your chance at ten billion out the window?"

"Terasaka is right Nagisa, (Y/n). Killing him isn't worth it, and being in a blind rage will only work against you. Besides, he doesn't know anything about the remedy. We'll ask the poisoner downstairs. Just knock this one out; that's enough." I looked to Nagisa, our eyes both trailing to the stun guns.

"Hey, now, quit being a wet blanket! Unless they come at me with a real intent to kill, what's the point? I'll use these squirt's bloodlust for revenge in a most humiliating way, and finally my own shame will disappear!" No, your shame will grow, you will have proven nothing fighting against two kids, one of them being terminal.

"Nagisa, (Y/n), take Terasaka's stun-guns. His life and my life. His words and Terasaka's words. Think carefully, now: Which are worthy?" Nagisa looked back, mine trailed to Karma. I sighed pulling out a baggie, it carried two fever pills. I had saved them just in case and tossed them down to Terasaka.

He had collapsed onto the floor, weakly lifting a finger after one of the others had caught the baggie. "Shuddup. You wanna look at somethin', look there. Do it, Nagisa, (Y/n). Kill 'im to within an inch of his life." I watched as Nagisa picked up both stun-guns.

I stared at the other, wondering what we should do. I would follow Nagisa's lead on this one, he was in charge of this fight. He held one out to me the other going in his belt. I nodded putting mine in my belt as well. I knew what he was going to try. I was his cover. "Ooh, don't you look cool! I see you're determined to use the knife. That's a relief. Oh, and just so you know, I do have some spare vials of that remedy. If you don't come at me like you mean it, or if your pals get in out way, you can kiss these babies goodbye." My eyes narrowed. That was my target. "Hear that, Karasuma? Stay out of this! This stuff takes a good month to make. There's not enough for everyone but it is your last hope."

Nagisa moved first but Takaoka was fast as he ran kicking Nagisa knocking him back. I was about to move but Nagisa told me to wait for the right time, this wasn't it. "What's wrong? Aren't you going to kill me?" Nagisa was up again attacking but Takaoka just dodged with ease headbutting Nagisa. I ran up behind throwing a kick towards his head but he caught my ankle sending me flying the other way. I stopped myself and ran at him again as he ran after Nagisa throwing punch after punch. I managed to block a few for Nagisa providing cover as he tried to get in a good hit but neither of us could get one.

This guy was by far more powerful than both of us combined. He finally kneed Nagisa turning to me as Nagisa fell to the ground, crazed smile I knew all to well. He had the same one and just as sure as I blinked he gave me one quick punch, I fell unable to breathe. I could only gasp, trying in vain to get air into my body. "Hey, don't be tiring out on me. We're just getting started! Looks like it's time for me to use this, too." I looked up seeing a second knife. I groaned moving to stand, making slow progress. My breaths now cracking in my throat. There was no escape, not this time. Nagisa, what do we do now? "I'll cut off your hands and feet, have them stuffed and mounted. I'll keep them with me and cherish them forever. 

I was now on my feet, Nagisa's eyes had changed. I could see the difference. It was going to be soon, I just had to make it until that moment. Wait for Nagisa's signal to move. He walked forward slowly, Takaoka was terrified. "You.. lousy.. brat!" I walked slowly and quietly in the background, unseen by Takaoka, that was my best bet. Then as Nagisa made his clap I moved like wind looping around Takaoka getting into position with my stun-gun. My weight pulling him back with me, that was what I wanted. Taking my other hand I pulled the knife as Nagisa pulled out his stun-gun tossing it across the ground.

In the same moment moving mine to get him right on his chest. Nagisa getting the other side. I dropped off his back, the rest was up to Nagisa, I couldn't move anymore. "Finish 'im off, Nagisa. A good jolt to the neck'll put 'im out cold."

I listened to Takaoka's breathing, my eyes closing as my body gave up. This was it for me. "Mr. Takaoka, thank you." A buzzing Zap was the last thing I heard.. before I stopped breathing all together.

(Karma POV)

After Karasuma revived (Y/n) he called the choppers, turned out that the assassins just gave the others food poisoning and the pills (Y/n) had given the students would do just as well as the remedy. So we were now in the chopper, her head against my shoulder. She was still out cold, but something she told Takaoka had me thinking. She said midterms was her new death date.. more or less anyway.

Why would she think something like that, she was doing just fine right? This fight, this whole mission was just crazy and took it's tole on her body. She would be fine in a few hours to a few days.. What could she be thinking?

I was right, she woke up in time to watch the government's new attempt to kill the octopus.. and the ship exploded. We sat on the beach, her head on my chest as I held her close to me. She was exhausted still, and I couldn't blame her. She had been through a lot.. and was about to go through more. "Nafufuf, you suffered so much on account of my cowardice. But you battled enemies and a virus, and did a fine job, too." We heard the octopus land not to far away sighing, figured he wouldn't die so easily. When he started waving things around, I was quick to shut him up with a BB.

"You just said not to waste a single second." I smiled shrugging slightly, hearing (Y/n) laugh was what I wanted. 

"Ah, yes, Karma. Wait until your target lets down his-" Koro sensei was cut off when (Y/n) pulled out her own BB gun and started firing with everyone else. Once she shot off a few rounds she dropped it and I helped her stand, pulling her with me as I walked to Nagisa.

"I thought this might be out chance to do him in. Want to take a shot, Nagisa?" Next thing I knew everyone was going swimming. Koro sensei wanted in almost forgetting he couldn't touch water. Almost got him caught, but he was quick to dodge it, figures. When pervert took off his clothes (Y/n) went wide eyed then quickly shut her eyes her face red as a tomato. 

"You look so cute with a red face (Y/n), can I see it please?" She shook her head hiding in her shirt.

I smiled evilly picking her up. "K-Karma, put me down this instant!" She was squirming, though it wasn't much of a fight.

"Only if you kiss me." I stated. She went even redder turning her head away. "Ah, come on (Y/n). Don't leave me hanging!"
