
Finals were around the corner and it seems Koro Sensei had plans to make sure everyone got into the top fifty. "You got the basics down cold in the first semester. At this rate, I expect your finals scores to shoot right up." My eye was starting to twitch as I watched him clone himself. How was I supposed to study in peace like this? Suddenly he was the only one in the middle of the group. "Now, then.. as Shiro said, when I lose a tentacle, I also loose speed." He shot a B-B at his arm blowing it off.

"One fewer tentacle and there's already a difference. See? I can't keep up the quality of my clones, and now there's a few child clones mixed in. Lose one more... and you get more child clones with parent clones fretting about how to make ends meet." I kinda stopped paying attention at that point. It stood to case that he was just making the whole thing up to prove a point, which was... "Each tentacle lost is a ten percent reduction in my movement. Here's the deal: The students who get the best overall score and/or the best score in each subject will each have the right to destroy one tentacle.

"This does however exclude (Y/n) considering her ranking in the school system. Her rank is number one, this is the final exam for our assassination classroom. Can you get any closer to that billion-yen prize? That, students, is up to you." The others seemed in awe or perhaps it was shock, I just sat there. This exam didn't include me, therefor I would not become a factor unless any of the students needed some help studying. 

Later that day we were back in class on a break, I was still trying to get some studying done now that Koro Sensei wasn't bothering me with his clone nonsense. I was fine with a packet of questions and a book. "When are you ever this fired up, Okuda?" I glanced up because Karma who need I say insisted on sitting next to me while I studied spoke up.

"Well, since science is my one strong suit, I might finally be able to help everyone out!" I couldn't help but let out a sigh my head falling into my book with a groan, peace and quiet.

"We have our share of high-scoring students here. Acing one subject each isn't that far-fetched!" Then the baseball geeks phone started ringing as I turned my head to the window. I closed my eyes trying to relax, I just couldn't get over this weird feeling I'd been having for the past week. Something was bugging me, I just didn't know what. I could just make out the mumblings of some of the students that fell into places behind me from Class A. Third place, Teppi Araki. Fourth place, Ren Sakaibara. Sixth place, Natsuhiko Koyama. Seventh place, Tomaoya Seo. Finally placing behind me in second was my cousin, Gakushu Asano.

"From what I heard you have Asano's cousin in your class. While she made perfect scores in every subject, they do not preserve her as a threat. They are hoping she gets to sick to participate. I don't think they will try anything nut you'd best be careful." I lifted my head at that, figures my cousin would tell them not to worry because I was ill or something like that. To bad for him that I intend on keeping top rank.

I walked out with Karma just behind me "Nagisa! Kayano! (Y/n)! I stopped turning to see why he called my name. "Want to study in the main-campus library after class tomorrow? I reserved it way in advance with finals in mind. I was hoping you would help us study (Y/n). They always shunt the E class aside till later, so this is practically a platinum ticket for us!"

Karma seemed bored with it walking past me, the others were exited. How could I turn them down seeing that. So I put up a smile, I did want to do some studying anyway. Maybe this way I could help and study at the same time. "Sure, I'll help you if I can. I don't know if I would be as good as Koro sensei's clones though."

The problem was going to be my dear cousins friends, I honestly didn't like them. They annoyed me with how loyal they were to him, I also knew that if Asano made my Uncle mad he knew just where to hit him where it hurt. They wouldn't be all that loyal to that manipulative man. Honestly, the as my Uncle and Principle the man terrified me. He was capable of anything that would see his goals achieved. Control isn't everything, it just shows how weak you really are.

Being able to live with yourself with anything that is throw at you was true strength. Not strength gained by power or forcing the weak to obey you. To torment the weak and tell them they can never be more than they are does not make you strong, it makes you just as weak as the people you are saying you are better than. 

The next day I went with the others to the library, Karma said people were going to clean the house so it was probably better I staid out of the way until they were done. It was finally quiet until the A class groupies came over. "Well, if it isn't the E class crew! This library is wasted on the likes of you. Pearls before swine, am I right?"

I just glanced up from my work book, pencil mid sentence, rolled my eyes and continued my work. They would leave well enough alone, I knew they would never cross Asano to get to me. "Move it, scrubs. Those are our seats. Get lost!"

Kayano... wasn't actually studying. "Hey! Don't interrupt our studying!" 

"These seats are ours! We reserved them!" I closed my book placing it on the table, then my pencil next to it. My eyes looking to them, like I was used to. Sure when Karma was around it was easier to be happy, or show emotion. When he wasn't around, I just didn't feel like taking peoples shit.

"Have you forgotten? The bad-grade E class can't defy the A class, not at this school." The witch looking one adjusted his glasses as I stood up.

"They you will have no problem with me telling you to leave. I am rank one in the school, and unless you want me to get my uncle involved telling him that his library has rude, loudmouth idiots keeping me from studying then I suggest you leave. I'm sick of your nonsense." I spoke looking them dead in the eye.

I shivered looking over to the pervert looking over Kanzaki like prey. It was disgusting. "Hang on. I get it. So these are the ones not entirely without academic skills with you, in one subject anyway." Witch.

"Then how about this? Whichever of our two classes snags the most top spots over all five subjects gets to make the loser do anything they want. You are going to have to beat Asano, (Y/n). Think you can do that?" I growled, not saying a word.

"What's wrong? Chicken? You're all bark and no bite! We're perfectly willing to out our lives on the line." This got the others attention, I sat up straight now my face moving into a smile. They would regret that one, in this classroom you don't bring up death. To me death was imitate, so my life was of no consequence.

"You probably shouldn't be so quick to bet your lives." Nagisa declared as the A class mates were now scared. My head tilted now wearing the mask I'd picked up from Karma. They would regret this later. They ran out with the deal finalized, trying to be serious. We knew better. 

"Now then back to studying guys. I want to get this section finished before Koro Sensei clones himself again." I said my face devoid of emotion again. I hated trying to study with noise round me. The other thing that was bothering me was how Karma was behaving, he didn't seem all that serious about any of this. I could only hope that he could keep up with how much he was slacking.

Come finals day I was aloud to take them with the rest of the class, if something went wrong there would be nurse on standby. Yet, with as well as things had been going I think I am going to be fine. I was the first to the classroom, having left Karma's place early that morning. In test days I tended to read before anyone else came in. The teachers usually took my books away before passing out tests.

Here though, here I used it as a wellness check-up. Making sure I had any medications I would need near by and accessible. After everyone had settled into their seats tests were passed out and finally started. My goal, to defeat Asano and keep rank one. To do so I had to be fast, and make no mistakes. I would come out on top no matter what.

I was exhausted after finals, having staid up at least two nights to study all the material and finish a few books. Now I was sitting in class with my head on my desk, wanting a well deserved nap when Koro sensei came in with the results. "Well, class, your scores in all subjects have arrived. (Y/n), you made top rank again, excellent work." I gave a thumbs up before drifting off to sleep.

When I woke up everyone was quiet, Karma.. he was ranked fourteenth in the grade. Knowing Karma he would be angry. There had to be something I could do to make him feel better the question was what? We were walking home in silence, maybe now would be optimal? "Karma... I'm sorry-" I started but he stopped, taking my wrist pulling me to his chest.

"Don't be. It's not your fault. Besides Koro sensei already talked to me. So how's about this time we make a deal. You study with me. What do you say, (Y/n)?" I was stunned into silence, my arms down at my sides.

He wanted to study with me? I couldn't help but smile bringing my own arms up to hug him back. "Sure, Karma, I'd like that, if it would make you happy." Next day I was out for a check up but got an email from Karma informing me about what would happen during the break. Turned out seven tentacles would be gone when ever we were going to cash in.

I was back before assembly started and was filled in on the remaining information. Being their bet with the A class included that summer retreat. The whole class stood with their heads held high during assembly. I played the same act I always did, they didn't need to know. According to my physical, my health had deteriorated a lot more than projected.

While I seemed to be doing a lot better it was like a calm before the storm. They projected that during summer vacation was when things would start to get worse. I couldn't help but look at Karma the whole time, wondering what I should do. What I could do? Nothing, I knew this would end badly from the start and I let it continue forward like this. Now... now I just felt guilty for letting it get this far, for letting him get close to me.

The only thing to do now was to prepare for the worst. The worst being.. that I died before midterms. "One for each of you." Koro sensei had made new books leaving them on each desk. How was I supposed to carry this thing? "And even this isn't enough. The temptations of summer are simply too many to mention. Now, then! We're about to head into summer vacation, but you have a certain main event coming up."

"Yeah, this, what we won in that wager!" I leaned on my hand listening like always.

"It's a privilege normally reserved for the class with the best grades, that is, the A class. But this time, both the A and E classes dominated the top fifty. You more than qualify. Summer vacation! The Kunugigaoka Junior High Special Summer Course: three days and two nights at an Okinawa resort." Ah this place. Father used to send me there when they were both to busy to be at home. I hated that place. "So what you'd rather do.."

"Yes: we'll cash in our tentacle-destroying rights during summer camp," Isogai confirmed, my attention now back up front. This would prove to be an interesting strategy when we finished at least. This island was surrounded by water so it was ideal for an assassination, as long as nothing went wrong.
