Stories by: RiverSong1996
25 stories
Out of Time

Riley is an army brat, her father was a Corporal first class, her role model. She plays video games when she isn't working. Her favorites are made by a gaming company known as Bioware. Today had been just like any other, the difference being that when she woke up she wasn't home anymore. Flashes of white light, and what may well have been her end in her original world was not. She was someplace new, someplace advanced and familiar at the same time.Commander Shepard and her diverse crew of aliens and humans alike stumble upon a Cerberus base and discover a red haired, bright green eyed marine. The girl looked confused, lost, and a few centuries out of date. Her old marine uniform hasn't been worn in a little over one hundred and twenty years. Yet seeing a Turian and a Quarian coming into the room, she faints. The base is rigged to explode and Shepard isn't one to leave a fellow soldier behind, no matter what century they looked like they dropped out of.

639 12 1
Step Back: Bakugou x Reader

Quirk- Reset: Reset is a mix of Eri's Rewind and Time Manipulation. Rewind can make a body go back to a previous state. Time manipulation allows you to pause, or rewind time up to three days before you fall asleep the same number of days. If you are emotionally compromised, sedatives must be used to knock you out. Quirks that would affect your mind or body do not work. Physical quirk attacks do work such as One for All, Electricity, and Explosions.I was found by Chisaki, Kai. My Father was the brother who ran away from the Hassaikai head and my mother had a Time Stop quirk. Unfortunately, six years after Kai found me, I was captured by All for One. He wanted my quirk but was unable to take it. Tortured, you were made to treat Shigaraki as your older brother.Your personality is generally quiet, and you dislike loud noises and tend to hide behind those you are close to. If you aren't near anyone you trust, and become scared your body shakes and you hide under the nearest object or in the corner.

701 21 34
Spocks Daughter x Data

(Y/n) was the daughter of Spock and a human scientist he met on the USS Enterprise. She is like her mother, intelligent, emotionless, strong willed. She is also like Spock. She followed Vulcan traditions, her mother wanting her to experience that part of her life. She knows her mother's parents parents had been killed in a Klingon attack before the treaty formed between the two races.She takes the logical stance in most situations, her mother and father having taught her how to. She is a scientist, like them both. Her parents taught her everything she knows, so it wasn't a surprise to either of them when she joined starfleet. She was a little older than her mother had been when she was assigned to her mother's old ship. The new USS Enterprise.

1.8K 8 76
Hidden Gem: Jake x Reader

A girl went missing in Duskwood, my number was given to her boyfriend in a text that has since vanished. Now Im in the middle of a missing persons investigation, a murder, and maybe helping a man wanted by the government. The man is asking for help finding the woman, for what reason. I don't know.After all, I do not trust easily, lightly, or fully. That is the smart thing to do... but, I am starting to question my reasons for helping him as well. Oh, and the last thing... I'm in the witness protection program.

2.1K 19 68
Under to Over: Levi x reader

You had grown up in the underground, only to escape it at a young age. When you got out, you joined the Scout Regiment hoping to see beyond the walls. Erwin was the one who had saved you, the one who had given you a chance to prove yourself. He had recruited you just before becoming the commander of the Scouts after all.You were one of the few groups left, ones who didn't fall under King Fritz rule. You weren't an Ackerman, instead you (Y/n) (L/n) were one of the few remaining Azumbito family members after changing your name. You had grown up cold and calculating, with a hint of OCD. Finding Levi a companion in that respect.Height- 5'2"Weight- 133lbsHair Color- BlackLikes- Erwin, Levi, Silence, and the StarsDislikes- Eren, MP's, and Titans

282 9 0
Time Stamp: Shoto x Reader

Ability- Quirk Marriage Rewind- (Short range) ability to reverse a being's body back to a previous state. Time Warp- (Long Range) ability to either stop or reverse time up to 3 days.Over Usage- Rewind- can be used up to 5 times before she grows tired. After 10 times she will lose consciousness. Time Warp- reverse uses memories. She loses the memory the same length used. After 1 day she loses feelings in her legs or arms. 2 days she cannot see. 3 days loses consciousness after 10 minutes.Physical attributes due to Quirk- Scales can be found on her arms and shoulders. The scales are silver in color. To hide them she uses bandages and long sleeves over them.She was found in the streets by Kai at the age of 5. At first he was unaware of her quirk. Yet by the age of 10 he figured out her Time Warp. Things he had asked her to do weeks ago seemed forgotten. Occasionally, he found her unable to use her arms or see. He asked her about it after he found her on the floor, not waking up for three days.She was "rescued" by Midoria during the invasion of UA. Instead of being locked up she was brought into UA with a strict limiter collar on her neck and wrists. She was placed into Class 1-A.

2.2K 39 44
Hard Exterior: Levi x Reader

They found a girl with red hair and stark earth green eyes outside the walls on one of their expeditions. They asked several questions but she only answered one. So they took her back with them, and she remained with the scouts for about a year. After that she went to train and join their team.Likes: Headpats, The Survey CorpsAge: ???Personality: Childish, Intelligent, QuietTitan: NoFears: Most humans, the Ape Titan

9.1K 33 195
Lost Millennium: Pharoah's Days

This story takes place before the events of 'Lost Millennium: Disconnected' so please read that story first. otherwise this one won't make any sense. also the updates for this will be very slow as I work out the storyline. This is technically a sequel but it is treated as a prequel. Thank You.

1.4K 7 24
Fallen Angel: Melidoas x Reader

(Y/n) is from the demon clan. She had originally been an Angel but she lost her memory and was saved by Meliodas during the first war. After the Demons and Angels were sealed away, only they remained, her memory wiping clean a few years after they parted.Meliodas at the time was in love with an angel. Every time she dies she is reincarnated and now lives as Elizabeth who is searching for the seven deadly sins to save her kingdom from the holy knights.Powers consist of:Maximum Replay: attack power level replays the magic attack seen to a cap of level threeHealing Aura: Places hands over injury to heal itPhysical Pulse: like maximum replay a physical attack must be directed at her. If she has a weapon and blocks the attack, power is used against opponentEnchantment: Hellblaze: enchantment that lets (Y/n) conjure and control demonic black flames that are very hard to put out and nullify regeneration. (Y/n) can imbue Hellblaze into her fists, feet, and weapons to increase their power.Kami Chigiri: (Y/n)raises her power and concentration to their limit before covering her weapon in black flames and swinging it, releasing a powerful wave of black fire.Superhuman Psycsicality: As demon, (Y/n) is much stronger, faster, and tougher than most humans. She can surpass Meliodas as long as she keeps calm. When she loses that calm she can be overwhelmed with multiple targets.The artwork is not mine, you can find it here at this site.

108.1K 34 3K
Red is the Color of Fate: Obi x Reader

(Y/n) was a huntress before Zen and his company found her. She keeps her face and neck hidden from everyone, never removing her mouth guard and constantly adjusting the scarf she wears over her neck. Her vibrant red apple hair hanging loosely down her back. She wore the mouth guard to hide what a man who had kidnapped her had given her. What will happen when he shows his face again?

8.1K 14 237
Why You? Connor x Reader

My father was an intelligent man, he created androids. The only thing was that about ten years ago there was an accident. The doctors said I wouldn't make it, and he wasn't going to accept that. His solution... was to use android Bio-components to save my life. Hy heart was replaced with a Thirium pump, my lungs with Component 3839s and of course A regulator for the Thirium pump. A leg, and arm, and both of my eyes were also replaced.After that incident I decided what I wanted to be. I decided to join the police task force and three years after I joined my father stopped talking to me. I graduated top of my class and was raised to a lieutenant in seven years. Which brings us to where we are at today.

9.4K 13 371
A Solid Connection: Connor x reader

You were an android. Model RF700, you have a physical link with the RK800 model known as Connor. There is only one RF700 model, no others were created. The question is, whether you will become a deviant or remain loyal to your makers as you work to solve the Deviant case.

5.3K 19 185
Emotionless: Spock x Reader

An emotionless girl works in the science division of the USS Enterprise under the command of Captain Kirk. She reports directly to him when her projects are completed. She has been on this ship since day one, but has never encountered Commander Spock. That was until a small trip to the medbay caused by a coupling explosion knocked her out. When she came to Kirk was standing by her bedside with someone she didn't recognize.He has always kept his emotions in check, it is his way. So what happens when his human half starts to fall for an emotionless girl that works in the science department? Unsure of how to handle his new found feelings he turns to his friends to ask for advice. She speaks in facts not speculation. Yet she is completely human. She shows no emotions much like his people, but she is not one of them. What will he do to discover the reason behind her lack of emotions, and can he bring them back?

42K 31 1.2K
Broken Doll: Hoodie X Reader

I hate humanity. I found them a disgusting race, they were all out for themselves. They always put someone down if they feel so inclined, or they use you as they see fit. Honestly though, I think I hated myself more. I took it out on myself, I had cuts everywhere. The hoodie I wore was black to hide the blood stains.That was until this man followed me home from work. He had been showing up everyday for two months and always stared at me. I tried not to pay attention to this fact, but when he left after my shift ended.. I desperately wanted to make him stop I wanted him to suffer and feel what he was putting me through. I got the chance to do that when I met the man in a yellow hoodie.

2.3K 22 20
Love Sick Karma x Ill Reader

I moved here from Kato Japan and never had any friends due my condition and was the reason for the move. Here is where everything changed when I started going to class 3-E."If that will make you happy, Akabane." She muttered, no emotion held on her face. The red head grabbed her shirt giving a sadistic grin."Your stronger than this. I know you are."

1.4K 24 75
You want me?

You have been on the run for as long as you could remember. You didn't usually stray to far away from the woods except on the occasion when u needed supplies from in town. One day you meet a group of people that change your life."So.. You go by, Obi? Really?" I asked reaching for my knives my bow and arrows just out of reach."Yeah, and I would advise against any hostile action to my master otherwise you are going to have to face me." I assessed the situation I found myself in, the hood covering my face and hair from view."Sorry but I don't intend on becoming anyone's slave today." I turned and made it look like I was going to run away as I pulled my knives out...

5.2K 21 236
I am here: Cole x Reader

I was just a normal human girl until today. I had just turned 19 not but a few months ago. Then on my way to work one day I got hit by a car. I used to play this game called Dragon Age. I was obsessed with discovering all of its secrets and endings. That is until i wound up in it.I started to wake my hands bound in a heavy metal. Looking down i see the one thing i never would have expected. A bright green glow. I was confused until Cassandra and Liliana walked in that wooden door.Well... Shit.

6K 36 83
Dragon Girl *Hiccup X Reader*

"I want to do something diffrent today Snow.""What would that be Sister?" Exploring a new island they come across a young man with Auburn hair, Green eyes and a black dragon.He looks at the short white haired girl, with crimson eyes, and a white dragon that looks like toothless with feathers. "Who are you?" she speaks in dragon tongue.

33.9K 29 764
Avatar the Last Aribender: Frozen

I wan born not to long after Aang. It was believed I would never bend. But then I did. I wasn't very skilled and failed sometimes but I still could. Then Aang was declared the avatar and the others became distant. Soon he left the temple and then I was told the same thing. That I was the avatar. I didn't believe them so I left too. I didn't have an Airbison just my kite. I flew away.I flew into a storm when lightning struck at me. Next thing I knew I was plummeting into the depths of the ocean. That was the last thing I remembered. The last thing I saw was the Ocean below and a bright light emmitting around me.

70.7K 26 1.8K
Lost Millennium: Disconnected

You were wondering around when you stopped by this Egyptian shop with a sale. The man inside said he had just the piece for you showing you a golden colored ring with an eye on it. I will admit it was an interesting item but wasn't sure why I would want it. Then he said that it would help me uncover my destiny, it was an interesting thought.

42.4K 55 669 Full
DanceTale: Blind Love

"So your blind huh kid?" "Yea but I can dance with the best of them." Frisk is lost their site when they were a kid. Sans is an under achieving monster who knows how to dance but doesn't in front of people. Can these to fall in love and dance their way out of the underground?

26.5K 16 771 Full
Reapertale: The Reaper Finds Love

Death or Reaper Sans was wondering around making his usual rounds when he happens upon Frisk. "Hey there kiddo. Aren't you a child of life?" "No, she raised me but I am unlike her. So she sent me away. I was dead and yet I am alive."

38.1K 35 1.3K Full

I decided to combine two aus I kind of know. They are uppertale and voidtale. Sans who has fallen in love with Frisk hasn't told them yet. Now it's to late because Error has kidnapped Frisk. Now he has to save them before something bad happens and error kills them. Will Sans make it or will this story end tragically.

609 12 61 Full
Dancetale: Fathers Return

Sequal to Dancetale: Blind LoveSans and I have been dating for about half of a year after the monsters joined us on the surface. My sister and i havent seen my parents in a long time. That all changed when my parents came to the studio.I haven't seen my father in a very long time. No one remembers him, until Frisk found him. Now he is in my life and things aren't always what they seem. Frisk is distant and closed off again. What can I do to help them.(Working on the story board. I have major plans for the next chapter but need to figure out how to get there so that the story makes sense)

3.2K 12 155 Full
FlowerFell: Girl With Golden Flowers

This is going to be my first fan fiction as well as the first time I've written a story instead of poetry for people to read. Please excuse any spelling mistakes. Anyway enjoy.P.S. I don't own any of the art (pictures) I use. I might try to draw some later... maybe

4.8K 11 144 Full