[Y/n POV]

I've been avoiding everyone the past day. Everyone took a side.. except yoongi. He didn't pick a side. He's the only one I could talk to then. So I decided to get advice from him. I texted him and told him to meet me in my rooftop. He came an hour later.

Y/n : hey.
Yoongi : hi
Y/n : I'm glad you came.
Yoongi : yea..
Y/n : so about Jimin and Taehyung..
Yoongi : they want you to go to the wedding with one of them.. if you choose one you hurt the other right?
Y/n : yea
Yoongi : then go to the wedding with me.
Y/n : what?
Yoongi : you heard me right.
Yoongi : if you go out with me both of them will get hurt, but then they won't think much of it later on.
Y/n : thank you so much yoongi, you're the wisest person I know.
Yoongi : ha thanks.
Y/n : lets go to them. Announce the statement.
Yoongi : good idea.

~At Jimins and Taehyungs place~

You knocked on the door and hoseok opened it.

Y/n : hey
Hoseok : hey
Y/n : is everyone inside?
Hoseok : yea.
Y/n : can me and yoongi come in?
Hoseok : yea of course.

You walked into the apartment and you see that there are groups.. two groups. One group was Jimin, jungkook and seokjin other was Taehyung, hoseok and namjoon.

Y/n : guys? May I get your attention?

Everyone then nodded.

Y/n : I chose who I am going to go to the wedding with.

Everyone gasped.

Y/n : I'm going with yoongi.

Everyone was shook. (Or shall I say jungshook, no? Okay sorry.)

Y/n : yes he's my date to the wedding.
Yoongi : guys she made a good choice, if she chose one of you guys the other would get hurt. Think about it.

Everyone "oh"ed

Jimin : I would like to apologize to everyone and most likely to y/n.
Taehyung : me too.
