
Jimin woke up early morning. He decided to go to Jennie's house. Greet her in a good morning kiss and morning breakfast. He wore a sweat shirt (the one in the picture) and jeans with black nike shoes. He had a key to her house so he went inside quietly and cooked everything. After about 25 mins he opened the door a slowly not to wake her up to find something he thought he would never see. He broke down.. he took everything he brought to her house and left Jennie's house.

[y/n POV]
I woke up with no one beside me.. odd? I cooked some pancakes and decided to go and wake Taehyung for breakfast. While she was topping off the pancakes with honey and butter on it she was walking to taehyungs room. When she passed the entrance door of the apartment it opened and Jimin was crying and immediately went to his room and locked himself inside. I quickly ran to taehyungs room and woke him up so he could help me with Jimin.

Y/n : Taehyung! Taehyung! Wake up! Now!
Taehyung : Yes.. yes.. whattt.
Y/n : Jimin is crying right now.
Taehyung : what why?
Y/n : i don't know i woke up and he wasn't beside me so I decided to make breakfast then he barged in and locked himself inside his room.
Taehyung : lets go then.
Taehyung : you talk to him though I'll be behind you.
Y/n : fine then.
