Chapter 47: Memorial Day

Kennedy's POV

Today was Memorial Day and a lot of people get together and have a good time together. That's what Chase and I were doing today. We were going up to Ryan's house in High Point to hang out.

I put on my American flag bikini top with a blue tank top over it, white high waisted shorts, and red flip flops. I put my sunglasses on top of my head and grab my phone.

"Ready Babe?" I ask Chase as I grab my keys.

"Yup!" He says. He was wearing basketball shorts with Hendrick Motorsports on the corner, a Chevy t-shirt and one of his Hendrick Motorsports hats.

"Dang, my girlfriend is hot" he says pecking my lips,

"I'd have to say the same thing about you too Babe!" I giggle.

"Shut up, I'm taking my shirt off once we get there"

"Ooo yay!" I smirk. He shakes his head and smiles.

We get in my car and head to Ryan's house which was like an hour and 10 minutes away.

Once we got there we get out and walk to the backyard.

"Aye! It's Mr. and Mrs. Elliott!" Bubba says.

"Shut up Bubba, you're already being annoying and we just got here"

"Hey that's mean!"

"You started it!" I say throwing my hands up.

"I love ya Kennedy" he says giving me a hug.

"I love ya too Bubba"

"Hey Monkey!" Ryan says kissing my head and giving me a hug as well.

"Hey Gorilla" I smile.

"Emma! Erin!" I squeal and hug them.

"Hey girly!"

"Apple" I say to Carson and give him a hug as everyone else.


"Why do you call her banana?" Ryan asks.

"Because her hair is brown like a banana's top and her feet are oddly always tan which the bottom of a banana is brown, so ya know"

We all give him a "wow you're stupid" look.

"Don't give me that look! You call Ryan gorilla!"

"Have you seen his arms?!" I ask.

"Oh I see"

"Thanks guys" Ryan says.

"You're welcome" I smile.

"Let's get this party started!" Bubba says turning on music and we all sit down. I look over and Bubba was making funny faces at his phone and I just assumed he was on Snapchat. I walk over and peek my head in with a smile and he takes the picture and posts it to his story.

"My mission is accomplished" I say as I take my tank top off and sit in Chase's lap. He smiles as he places one hand on my thigh and my back.

"Here" Emma says taking my phone "Smile!"

Chase and I smile and I lean down to him more so it looks like we actually like each other, which we REALLY like each other.

"So cute!" She says handing me back my phone. We look at it and we actually look cute!

"Aren't we cute?"

"I think so!" He smiles.

"Y'all want Mountain Dew?" Ryan asks holding up two bottles of Mountain Dew.

"Yeah" we say as we hold our hands up to catch them. He throws them to us and I end up catching both of them.

"Here ya go" I smile.

"I get jealous of you sometimes" he says taking a bottle.

"Why?" I laugh.

"Because you can do a lot better than me at manly things"

"Once again, you got yourself into this"

"But I'm glad I got myself into this" he says kissing me.

"You make me blush too much" I say covering my red face. He chuckles pulling me into his chest.

"I dare you guys to go back in time for one day when you guys were best friends" Carson says.

"He still is my best friend, Carson, he always will be" I tell him.

"I just meant like I dare you guys to not kiss for one day"

"H*** no" Chase says.

"Why not?"

"It was hard enough to not kiss her before we started dating! I couldn't do it for a day. I love her too much" he says rubbing my thigh.

"Awe you're so sweet, and yeah that's not gonna happen"

After a few hours of being here I was sitting in Chase's chair with him sitting on the porch inbetween my legs and his head resting on my leg and I was playing with his soft brown hair.

"They're really drunk" Chase mumbles, talking about Ryan and Bubba. They were currently laughing at the was country music....there was no reason to laugh....they're just really tipsy.

"I know, you aren't planning on drinking are you?"

"Maybe on special occasions but not weekly like those smart ones" he says pointing to the tipsy guys "Why?"

"I'm not gonna drink"

"Good, I don't want you to ruin that pretty mind of yours" he smiles up at me.

"I don't want you to ruin your pretty mind of yours either" I say pinching his cheek.

"You have a comfy leg" he says resting his head back on my leg.

"Thanks Babe"

"No problem"

Ryan was spitting beer for Bubba's snapchat and the second time he did it Bubba got mad.

"Ryan, Honey, please stop spitting out your beer. You either drink it or don't drink it at all"

"Fine" he whines.

"I have the best chest hair!" Ryan whines with Bubba and Carson.

"No you don't! You don't even have any!" Carson says.

"Sure I do! Look!" He says pulling on the tiny hairs on his chest.

"That's not even visible unless you're up close!" Bubba says.

"Oh my gosh, are they seriously fighting over their chest hair?"

"Yup! Normal day" he laughs.

"Yeah no kidding"

"I have the best chest hair!" Chase joins in. All three guys look at him and give him the "really?" look.

"You have nipple hair!" Ryan says.

"Hey, that's mean" Chase says covering up his chest.

"For a girl who doesn't really like chest hair, I love your chest hair, Chase"

"Thanks Ken-"

"YOU DON'T LIKE CHEST HAIR?!" Bubba asks me.

"Not really"


"OKAY FIRST OF ALL STOP SHOUTING! And second of all, I don't know why but I just don't care for it. I know it makes men more manly but I just don't care for it"

"That is ridiculous!" Carson says.

"I'm sorry guys!" I say throwing my hands up.

"You should be!" Ryan says and almost falls over.

"We should probably leave soon, I don't know if I can handle drunk boys all evening" I whisper to Chase.

"I agree, let's go home and watch Friends all night" he says standing up.

"This is why I love you so much" I smile and pucker my lips for a kiss, which he smiles, leans down and kisses me.

"Hey guys, Ken and I are gonna head home" Chase says slipping his shirt back on.

"But why?"

"Y'all are too drunk" I say honestly.

"That makes sense!" Bubba says.

"Bye guys see you later!" Chase says grabbing my hand and waving to the guys.

"Bye! Don't have sex in the car because that's dangerous!" Ryan says.

"Oh my god Ryan!" I blush running to the car.

"Sorry about that Babe" Chase laughs.

"It's alright, they're drunk"

"More like wasted..."

"Yup!" I say throwing Chase my keys.

We drive home, change into comfortable clothes, eat McDonalds, and watch Friends all night long as we hear fireworks go off.

Today was a nice day for some friendship and love. Chase is definitely a keeper.
