Chapter 28: I've missed you

Kennedy's POV

I woke up this morning hearing a familiar deep voice talking to Ryan. I smile and quickly get up.

I run into the "living room" and Chase was leaning against the back of the couch talking to Ryan and Bubba.

He sees me out of the corner of his eye and immediately smiles. He looks over at me and opens his arms. I giggle and run up to hug him. I wrap my arms around his neck and he lifts me up.

"Hey Darlin" he chuckles kissing my cheek.

"Hey Babe"

"I've missed you"

"I've missed you more"

He sets me down and pecks my lips. I look over at Ryan and he's giving us a death glare.

"I swear to god, if you say something about us being nasty then I'm gonna kick you where the sun don't shine" I tell him.

"And she played soccer in middle school so I wouldn't test her" Chase says, still holding onto my waist.

"Y'all are adorable" he fake smiles and walks to go get ready for the day.

"You look hot" Chase says trying not to laugh. I look up at him scared. He takes out his phone and pulls up the front camera.

My hair was sticking out at all different places and I apparently didn't take my makeup off last night so there was like black under my eyes.

"Oh my god! Hold on!" I say trying to flatten my hair and I run into the bathroom after grabbing clothes and crap.

I first wash my makeup off and I take a shower. I dry my hair and it was perfectly straight. I redo my makeup completely and I change into some light blue jean shorts, a grey tank top that I tuck into my shorts and a neon pink little shaw thing with different blue designs on it. (Picture above) I also slip on some white vans.

I walk out and the first thing Stephanie says to me is

"D*** Ken! Back at it again with the white vans!"

"H*** no, I'm changing these" I sigh while she laughs and I change them into my light grey vans. I walk back into the living room where Chase was now sitting on the back of the couch. I walk up to him and stand inbetween his legs.

"I had to 'hold on' for an hour" he says holding onto my hips.

"You should be used to it, or you need to get used to it because I plan on spending the rest of my life with you" I smile.

"I have, I'm just teasing you. And I plan on doing that too" he smiles kissing me.

"So, what are we gonna do today?" I ask.

"I was just thinking about walking around L.A" he says.

"I'm fine with that, you ready?"

"I'm ready whenever you are"

"Let's go! Ryan! Chase and I are going out and walking around! I'll see you later!"

"Okay Babes!" I hear him yell.

Chase and I walk out and into the elevator.

"I gotta ask you about something that we've talked about before but you weren't too sure about it"

"Okay?" He chuckles.

"A tattoo" I answer and he sighs "Please?"

"What are you wanting to get?" He asks.

"It's a surprise but I'll tell you where I want it. I want it on my collarbone"

"When do you want to get it?"

"Right now...."

"Alright, let's go then"


"Yeah" he smiles.

"You're the best ya know?" I ask him with a smile.

"I try to be"

We get to a tattoo parlor and I tell the guy what I want but what I wanted, Chase had to write it on me.

"You're wanting a tattoo in my handwriting?" He asks.


"Awe, I love you Darlin"

"That's what I want you to write"


"What you just said, I want that to be my tattoo. 'I love you, Darlin'. You always call me that, so I want it as a tattoo" I tell him. He smiles and kisses my collar bone before writing on it with a sharpie pen.

The guys starts working on it and I sit there, holding onto Chase's hand very tightly, to the point where his hand was probably purple.

"Sorry, I'm squeezing your hand so hard, Chase. Hurts a lot more than I thought it would" I say through gritted teeth.

"Its alright Darlin"

After awhile, the guy gets it done and I look at it through a mirror and I immediately fell in love.

"This is perfect" I whisper "I just got a tattoo"

"Do you like it?" Chase asks.

"I love it, Chase. Thank you for letting me do this"

"No problem, Babe. Look here" he says and I turn towards him and he was gonna take a picture of me. He takes one of me smiling and a close up of it.

"Shall we go out for some lunch?" He asks after sending the pictures to me.

"Yes please" I smile. We head out and start walking down the street hand in hand.

"Are you happy now?" Chase asks, motioning to my tattoo.

"I've always been happy, Chase. Especially when I'm around you" I smile.

"You are too cliché" he laughs.

"But it was cute" I whine.

"Yes it was, but you is being too cliché" he says getting all "ghetto."

"Don't get an attitude with me, Mr!"

"I just did!" He says sticking his tongue out at me.

"You did not just do that!"

"Oh but I did" he says doing it again.

"You're so mean. I try to love you and you laugh at me" I pout.

"You do love me and I love you, I just laugh at how cute you are" he laughs.

"You are too cliché" I repeat.

"I walked right into that one" he sighs.

"Yes you did" I giggle.

We get back to the hotel and Ryan, Becca, Bubba, Chase and I decide to go swimming which I wasn't going to go all the way in because of my tattoo.

"Yo! That's new!" Stephanie says pulling my tank top strap a little to look at my new tattoo.

"Yeah, I got it earlier"

"That font looks familiar" she says squinting her eyes at it.

"It's Chase's handwriting" I smile.

"Really?! Awe, that's adorable! He always calls you 'Darlin'!" She smiles back. Stephanie has a few small tattoos.

"I know, that's why I wanted to get it"

"What if you guys break up?"

"We're not planning on it, Steph. We already know our future. We can feel what's gonna happen"


I change into my plain blue strapless bikini and grab a towel as we head down to the pool. I sit on the edge with my feet in and watched them swim.

Today has been one of the best days ever, because I got to spend it with my friends and my amazing boyfriend.
