LXXXII: A Father's Love Part I

Caras Galadhon, 3019 TA, April 15th

Thranduil spent his days at Legolas' side, awaiting the prince's awakening and assuring him that he was in good health. He kept his deceased alongside his bed but maintained his distance. He believed his touch would cause him pain. When he was hanging between reality and dreams, he clutched his hand. The injury had bled profusely. Elrond's mending procedures were effective; but, the lost blood could not be replaced. He was given any available herbs and cared for often during the days.

For the first time, the Elvenking was seen without his crown, which now weighed heavily on him. He was constantly at his son's side throughout the hour of his awakening. He was filled with rage at realising that Legolas might have been lost so easily and that he was unable to rescue him. Whenever he was left alone in the healing chamber, he attempted to maintain his composure by shedding tears.

How much more was he required to give? He contemplated Legolas while refusing to let the Valar steal him from him. Not him, and not now. He did not know what he would be required to do, but he would not let his son perish. Not from this menace or any other danger. He rose from his seat and strolled toward the view of the Mallorn-trees of Lórien, appreciating their beauty. He had forgotten what it was like to live in peace beneath the light, and he took a deep breath to enjoy a moment of rest and calm.

In the same treatment facility, farther down a corridor, a person was resting. She had just awakened and felt much better. Her first thought was of Legolas, and when she sat up, she was able to see him lying far away, accompanied by a taller person. She learned during the course of the days that Elrond, the twins, and Arwen were paying them a visit. She felt fortunate to be returning to reality without them present.

The towering figure was now facing away from her, and it was the first time she had seen him breathing while observing the tranquilly of the Golden Forest. The more he examined him, the more parallels he saw with Legolas. If asked, she might respond that they may be brothers or connected in some way. However, she disregarded the concept and rose up, realising that she was once again clad in the white silk robes supplied to the injured.

She fastened her robe and approached Legolas on tiptoe, hovering over him and gently moving his long, unbraided hair away from his face. She gently separated herself from the elf's robe and observed his bandages, which were still oozing, but at least he had regained consciousness. He had been washed and clothed, and his face was coloured. Xena was unable to tear her gaze away from him, so she just continued to stare at him.

She was suddenly pierced by fiery eyes as she stepped near the prince and continued to touch him. She raised her gaze as the elf who had been looking at her arrived across from her, his face becoming inscrutable and his eyes focusing on her. She cocked her head toward him and observed him with dispassion. Indeed, he was well acquainted with Legolas, and their gazes radiated the same power and pride.

Thranduil rose tall, his silver robe draped his slim frame, and his hand clutched his sword, but he realised he was unarmed. Now he approached her and separated her from his son. "How dare you approach him?" he demanded indignantly.

Xena awaited this response, assuming that if the male was connected to Legolas, he would not allow anybody to touch him. However, she first ignored him and returned to further brush Legolas's hair away from his face. Thranduil watched and waited; the manner in which she looked at Legolas made it obvious to him that the two were acquainted. His youngster had a peculiar habit of forming uneasy acquaintances.

This time, he addressed her in a calmer tone, "Who are you? Where were you travelling with Legolas when the orcs assaulted you?"

To her credit, she refrained from responding with the same attitude, although the notion did cross her mind. However, she now knew who the tall elf was, even without his crown. "You are his father, Elvenking," Xena replied, laying her eyes on him. "Do not be concerned; he has endured worse."

'Worse?" Thranduil froze at hearing this as he remembered all the fresh wounds that Legolas had just inflicted on his chest and back. "In fact, he has," his responses were truthful, but he did not elaborate. "What occurred?"

"We were assaulted by orcs at the Falls of Rauros, we were outnumbered, and we ended up falling down the cliff and into the depths of the Falls of Rauros," Xena said in a kinder tone as she ran her fingers through Legolas' hair. "Legolas was hurt and bleeding heavily. We were stranded there for three days till we encountered difficulties."

A creature as ancient as he was, Thranduil was familiar with the history, mythology, and tales of Middle-earth. "You discovered the cursed Erin ruins?" he confessed "and were entrapped under it. There, the sons of Elrond discovered you. Why did your journey to Lothlórien rather than staying in Minas Tirith?"

"Erin's Folk," she remembered Legolas saying, "I think so," to which she nodded in agreement. Then there was a little pause as she contemplated whether she should divulge more to the Elvenking or wait for Legolas to complete the story. But she could not utter a word. "We were headed to Rivendell, not Lothlórien. Why and how you might inquire more of your son."

A little grin appeared on his face, and Thranduil was able to accept that her remarks were daring and courageous. She was aware of whom he was conversing, yet his rank did not concern her. Now he saw one reason why his son might be interested in her. "I will," he assured her while once again concealing his feelings. "Yet, you have not addressed my inquiry", continued Thranduil.

Xena released one arm and slipped her long hair behind her ear as she faced Legolas. She exhaled, and this time she did not seem angry but rather concerned. "I am Xena, and there is something that you must know. I assume you're acquainted with the name Uagz, with whom we crossed paths." She added that she saw Thrnaduil's tranquillity being replaced by panic and bewilderment.

"What do you think you are doing?" Thranduil stared at her as he divulged Uagz's identity. Of course, he knew who Uagz was, for generations they had been enemies. He was aware of what he had done to Legolas and his queen in order to have Thranduil break. "What did Uagz tell him?" was his next query, and he forcefully grasped her arm. "Speak now!"

Xena did not flinch; she just met his fiery gaze. "Nothing significant, save that he was responsible for his mother's death." Now she halted and scowled at him "Why don't you tell him what has occurred? You obviously know more than you proclaim?"

Thranduil momentarily lost his equilibrium as the memories of Legolas's damaged state upon his return to his halls flooded his mind. He would never disclose anything about his mother to him. Never. His grasp on her flesh was painful as he drew her closer. "He cannot know. And quit intruding in private affairs," he remarked in a sarcastic tone. "You know nothing about despair! You resemble your father in many ways!"

The Elvenking's grasp was so powerful that Xena was able to escape her arm without breaking it. She was furious as she stood and regarded him. "I am aware of your sorrow, but Legolas will ride forth to exact his vengeance on Uagz, maybe not quickly, but someday. He cannot be stopped. If there is any information you can impart to him before he pursues him, it might be of use."

She then fled, hesitant to continue communicating with Thranduil. Because it seemed they will soon bicker and even fight. She was unsure of how she felt about Legolas's father. Because both parties were very emotional during their first meeting. However, they would never get along. Already, Xena had a strange impression that she intended to hurt him.

She recalled his last remarks only after leaving the room and closing the door. She was astonished as to how Thranduil knew who her father was yet she herself was uncertain about him. She would have returned to the room and questioned whether or not a familiar hand had seized her by the shoulder and turned her to face Elrond.

The Lord of Imladris questioned her in a concerned tone, "How are you feeling?" when they crossed paths outside the healing room. She was astonished to see him again after such a long time and perplexed when he embraced her.

"I am fine," she said in a stronger tone, still irritated by Thranduil and their chat. "How serious is Legolas' wound? I noticed that it continues to leak."

"Having lost a great deal of blood, he often experiences dizziness and loss of consciousness. However, he will be cured. You were saved at just the right moment." She nodded, after which Elrond said "Xena, are you relaxed and serene, to talk? We have delayed our talk for quite some time."

Before Xena spoke, there was a chilly hour of silence "My body is well-rested, but my mind is restless. However, we should not delay it any longer."

Elrond sat next to a massive Mallorn tree and motioned for her to join him. His tale would be lengthy and full of surprises. He was uncertain as to how much truth she could endure. Elrond was not substantially different from Thranduil in terms of his parenting style. He was frightened of losing his younger daughter once again and admitting the truth was difficult.

"You may have already figured out that the reason you returned to Middle-earth after your death is that you hail from Middle-earth, you were born in Arda, and you were sent to another world for your own safety," he began to explain to her as he noticed her demeanour gradually altering.

Xena leaned against the tree behind her while she considered his remarks. "Based on what you have stated to me so far, I assumed this to be true. But that makes no sense. Why? also, how?" She questioned him while attempting to maintain composure despite her thoughts being on fire.

"Because it was thought that you were the spawn of a she-elf and an orc, this union would empower the forces of evil. They were searching for you, so we had to safeguard you. We've discovered a means to transport you to another dimension. To another mother who had just lost a child." Did he really need to send his daughter away, with the truth now sounding sour and ridiculous?

Xena believed him; had it been anybody else, she would have laughed and labelled him a liar, but the Lord of Imladris had earned her respect. "Who am I related to? How can you tell?" As her legs began to shake, she managed to ask the first two questions before she sat down next to him.

"I was present, as was Gandalf, and Galadriel; this had never been done before. We needed to unite our forces. Your parents are not human; I'm afraid you're an Elleth, and you're almost five hundred years old." Elrond confessed as he turned away, uncertain of his ability to continue giving her the truth.

Xena inclined her head as her heartbeat increased. She was uncertain of what Elrond was attempting to convey. "Do you imply that I am an elf? And that my travel to and from another world took five centuries? Are you drunk?" She began to sniffle. "Did Thranduil bring some of his potent wine with him, which you consumed? I am aware that its effects are potent."

Elrond was aware that he was telling her weird stories and facts, but he continued to talk to her in riddles and conceal the truth. "I will not ask you how you know of the Mirkwood wine's effects; I will save that question for another time. No, I am not intoxicated. And try to comprehend what I am attempting to convey. Your mother was seized and tortured by orcs when she was pregnant with you. She travelled to Lothlórien to spend her pregnant months in safety. I was unable to rescue your mother, but it was my duty to save you. Her body was healed but I could not treat her fëa." Elrond said that his voice was now a whisper, like that of a father who was concerned about his children.

Xena felt the weight of the heavens on her head. Her thoughts were racing and she felt dizzy. Her thoughts were spinning over Elrond's remarks. Similar to what he had just told her, he remembered the manner in which his wife had passed away. He remembered that he offered to her to remain in Rivendell and was welcomed like a daughter. There were little details that she gradually pieced together about his behaviour, the twins, and Arwen.

"You?" Xena exclaimed and jumped to her feet as she sensed the environment gradually becoming odd and abandoned. She was often informed that her abilities could not be human, particularly after her arrival in Middle-earth. Her hearing and vision had improved to the point that she was virtually walking on top of the snow on Caradhras Mountain. There were constantly warning flags, but she ignored them.

"Are you my father?" She questioned, and while she was now certain of his response, she distanced herself from him. "You would for me to think I am an everlasting entity. Have you drawn mad?"

"Could you simply listen to me, Xena? I have much to share with you." Elrond stopped her antics because he feared she might flee. "I am aware that this is a lot of information, which is why I have postponed disclosing the truth to you. However, I worry about you. Once I have lost you, I cannot bear to see you die again."

Now that she was prepared to begin smashing her own skull against the tree trunk, she was prepared to be declared officially insane. Elrond was already functioning as a father figure as she was attempting to deal with her life's circumstances. "I need time, I cannot manage everything at once," she said, gazing around as if she were a caged animal attempting to flee.

"You may take as much time as you need, and I will provide you with all the answers I know, but you must guarantee your safety. You cannot continue to engage in one experience after another, nor can you stand motionless. After the destruction of the Ring and that experience, I imagined you would be content. But here you were again, following Legolas on another perilous adventure without considering the risks involved." He was putting his thoughts into words for the first time as if he were to warn Arwen and be concerned for his four children.

She was suddenly able to maintain her composure and hold her ground. She confronted Elrond with the same gravity and wrath with which she had just addressed Thranduil "Stop deceiving your children and insisting that they remain confined. I do not know whether or when I will embrace this fact, or when I will be able to consider you my father. I previously had a family." She paused briefly before adding "You have previously said that I am almost five centuries old, thus I am not a youngster. I am mature enough to choose my next course of action. And after Aragorn's coronation, I will follow Legolas to end Uagz and his troops."

As he stood next to her, Elrond lightly patted her shoulder in an attempt to console her. "I know you cannot believe it, Xena. Yet, it's true. You have all the time you need to embrace the reality, but neither I nor your siblings should be excluded from your life" He gave her sincere advice.

She said, "Perhaps, but I need time to deal with all of this."

Elrond then observed her as she fled from him and the healing halls, seeking a somewhere to hide and recover. She remembered the once-offered key to her room and determined to lock herself within. Because she knew she would be found wherever else she went. In addition, she lacked the strength to go, and she would never abandon Legolas. Thankfully, her room was still there and her weapons were still on the large bed. She entered the building and shut the door.

Elrond was forced to halt in order to ponder their discussion. Everything occurred too quickly, and her responses were worse than he could take. He hoped that after living in Middle-earth for some time and spending time among her kind, she would be better able to accept who she was. However, this did not occur. At least she was open to the possibility that he was speaking the truth. However, he predicted that they would never develop a close bond.

Maybe he had just lost his daughter before even finding her.

((Upcoming Chapter Eighty-Three))

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