I Legolas: The Prince of Woodland Realm

Title: Rise to War

Fandom: Lord Of The Rings, Xena the Warrior Princess

Type: Regular

Based on: Movies, Books, Games

Rated: T for violence and language

Genre: Adventure, Romance, Friendship, Action


Status: Ongoing

Language: English

Cover Image: Legolas by Kinko & Xena by Kamiu & Joshadventures

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Disclaimers: I don't own any of the characters or settings from Lord of the Rings or Xena the Warrior Princess

Author's Note:

This is an old idea of a story that I had while growing up; today, as I had some free time, I ended up writing the first chapter.

This FF is considered to have hit its starting point at around Chapter 6. ^_^

It is a story of battles, war, despair and redemption, ultimately a story of friendship and uncontainable love.

(Edit 2021/12/18)

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The Characters of the story

Legolas ~ Prince of the Woodland Realm ~ Son of Thranduil & Eleyewn ~ Sindarin Elf

Xena ~ Warrior Princess ~ Daughter of Cyrene ~Human

Thranduil ~ Elvenking of the Woodland Realm ~ Son of Oropher & Istien ~ Sindarin Elf

Tauriel ~ Captain of the Elven Guard of Thranduil's Woodland Realm ~ Daughter of Tauressar and Calmiriel ~ Silvan Elf

Aragorn ~ Chieftain of the Dúnedain ~ Son of Arathorn II and Gilraen ~Dúnedain of the North ~ Human

Arwen ~ Lady of Rivendell ~ Daughter of Elrond & Celebrian ~ Half-Elven

Gimli ~ Lord of the Glittering Caves ~ Son of Glóin ~ House of Durin ~ Dwarf

Gandalf ~ Istar (Wizard) ~ Ainur (Maiar)

Elrond ~ Lord of Rivendell ~ Son of Eärendil & Elwing ~ Spouse Celebriann ~ Half-Elven

Elladan ~ Son of Elrond & Celebrian ~ Half-Elven

Elrohir ~ Son of Elrond & Celebrian ~ Half-Elven

Glorfindel ~ House of the Golden Flower ~ Ñoldor (Gondolindrim)

Dínenion ~ Son of Hastion & Saeleth ~  Moonlight - Sindarin Elf

Amethyst ~ Daughter of Dínenion & Mithrilil ~  Moonlight - Sindarin Elf

Uagz ~ Father of Azog ~ Grandfather of Bolg ~ Orc-lord of Mount Gundabad

Note: There will be more characters and not only the above as the story unfolds. I just added the most frequently shown in the story.

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~ I: Prologue ~

~ Part One ~

~ Legolas: The Prince of Woodland Realm ~

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Through action, a man becomes a hero.

Through death, a hero becomes a legend.

Through time, a Legend becomes a Myth.

And by learning from the Myth, a man takes action.

Imladris, 3018 TA, September 29

The Prince of Mirkwood rode with his men from the Elvenking's Halls days ago. They turned east following down the Old Forest Road. They ran into a few groups of orcs several times. They fought their way through. Until today, their journey has been comfortable and cheerful as they followed the narrow strip of naked earth among the giants of root and leaf. They felt the darkness surround them, and the grey mist pointing out the dangers that were hidden.

Their destination was close; the elves reached the Gates of the Elven town in the Misty Mountains on the eastern edge of Eriador. Pine trees grew on the top of the valley, and the autumn colours were warm as ever. A small cluster of elegant Elven Buildings sitting in a Shangri-la like Valley below towering cliffs and snow-capped mountains. Legolas closed his eyes, breathing the freedom and fresh air around him. As a Wooden Elf, he had missed being surrounded by Nature. His home had changed a lot over the centuries. It was no longer as green and alive as it was once. Most of the forest had died, and darkness overtook it. Creatures like Orcs, Goblins, and spiders were growing slowly in most parts. Rivendell was different. Protected by one of the three rings once given by Sauron and Lord Elrond Elven magic, it was safe grounds.

They stopped at the Gates of Rivendell to greet the Elves and announce their arrival. Mirkwood's prince was a regular guest of Elrond Peredhel, especially during the decades he spent with Aragorn. Yet, he had a close friendship with Elladan, Elrohir, and Arwen since he was an elfin. Elladan, Elrohir, and he caused trouble and pranks all over the house of Elrond. A few times even Arwen was dragged into their mess. After his mother had perished and Mirkwood drew into darker days, everything changed. Like his father, Legolas spent his time in Mirkwood protecting the borders. Travelling was a luxury he could not possess.

Elladan and Elrohir rode often far afield with the Rangers of the North, never forgetting their mother's torment in the dens of the orcs. It seemed that both realms Rivendell and Mirkwood lost their ladies to orcs. Painful memories of the house of Elrond and the Halls of Elvenking. And each dealt with their graves on their terms. Yet each time they slay an Orc, it brought some relief to both sides.

The great change came after the battle of the five armies, Thranduil sent Legolas away. He hinted at him to find Aragorn and be by his side. There was a reason the Elvenking had softened. After his wife's death, he hid inside his halls. Legolas, his only son, was the only important thing in his life. Lost in his darkness and grief, he pushed his son far away. He kept him trapped inside Mirkwood. Tauriel's outburst and Gandalf's harsh words brought him back to reality.

Legolas travelled and soughed the ranger that his father asked him. He crossed paths with Aragorn in Rivendell. Since that day, they have spent time together; they fought side by side. And Aragorn and Legolas became trusted friends. Legolas spotted Aragorn's interest around Arwen. And it was only a matter of time until he figured out that his trusted friend was so in love with the daughter of Lord Elrond. It seemed that Arwen shared the same feelings.

It was not common for a human to be in love with an Elf. Legolas found it odd and not right, as it could bring great grief upon Arwen one day. But spending time with them, he slowly started to understand that the love and bond that they share could not be undone or forgotten. Both were deeply in love, even if they would never end up betrothal. Their emotions were genuine, and both had Legolas's support.

Legolas's eyes brightened as he noted a familiar face. His party and he had brought their horses to find food and rest inside the stables. Now, as he was passing through the main gates aiming to find Elrond, their path crossed. The Lord of Rivendell always held a special place in Legolas' heart. It was not his kind and wise nature that impressed Legolas. It was the father substantial that always brought joy and sorrow to his soul. The deep relationship he shared with his children. Even if he lost his wife in such a way (similar to his father), he never forgot to be there for his children. Truth be told, he was offering his aid to all of middle-earth. He approached problems differently from his father. He surely didn't lock himself in his halls and acted like a selfish Leader. Thranduil, his father and king, copped with different darkness nonetheless.

A King, who Legolas had trusted and followed all his long life. A father he loved dearly. And he still trusted his King and loved his father, but he would not result in any actual involvement with the Woodland Realm. Thranduil himself after the battle of the five armies set him free. Legolas was not bothered in playing Prince to the Elvenking's Halls, and the Elvenking knew that he had lost his heir but won back his son.

Legolas felt at ease that he did not have to remain in Mirkwood. He loved Mirkwood and wished to be around to keep the borders clean and safe from orcs. Yet, being the Prince of Mirkwood weighed heavily on his shoulders. In these dark times, the Elves of Mirkwood were not only asking to see the prince married but hopefully succeeding his father. Legolas knew it would eventually happen. His father should have crossed the undying lands centuries ago.

How the Elvenking managed to withstand the pain and grief, Legolas never knew. Thranduil was a strong King. He hid his weakness and showed only his pride and strength. He was known as the King of wood and stone. And Legolas could guess why. Of all the darkness and grief his father went through. He was still standing as a proud king at the aid of his kin. Mirkwood was not kept safe and secured from all the darkness, like Lorien and Imladris. The three Lords owned three rings that balanced out the darkness. Thranduil kept his lands safe with the help of his people.

"I was hoping to see you sooner. It never took you longer than a month for your arrival. What kept you busy? " Lord Elrond asked him after he embraced Legolas. Action the Elvenking avoided after his wife's death.

"We took the Old Forest Road, believing we would reach Rivendell sooner. However, we were attacked plenty of times. It slowed our journey." Legolas offered the details of their journey from Mirkwood to Rivendell.

"The old Forest Road, you say!" there was a small pause. "No one dared travel through it for centuries. Evil grows there that never sleeps."

Legolas acknowledged his mistake, explaining his mind was set to reach Rivendell on time. "The road is not forgotten, as you think Lord Elrond. We came upon a group of dwarves from Erebor, Orcs and even humans."

"Durin's Folk?" he quizzed. "It's been a while since we had any business with dwarves," Elrond spaced out for a few moments to fathom the reason behind their visit. Indeed he had messaged strangers from distant lands and friends of old to summon them to answer for the threat of Mordor. However the messengers were only sent days ago, it was impossible to have reached their destination. There was another reason why the dwarves and even Legolas arrived earlier in Imladris.

"I doubt it was your inaccuracy. You foresaw they would take the Old Forest Road to reach Imladris." He read Legolas's actions. "You cleared the passage for safe travel."

Elrond and Aragorn were the only, ones who knew Legolas. Not the warrior or the Prince, the person he was. Even if he shared some of Thranduil's flaws, Legolas hid good and comprehension. It was not often shown. He haled a warrior in the foulness of his strength. Royalty and well mannered in his actions. An Ego gifted by his father and confident as a Wooden Elf. Yet he was more than that. He stood solid to those he called trusted friends and aided them at whatever cost.

Elrond's words fed his ego momentarily, but he did not comment about that any further. Mirkwood Prince was called upon by Lord Elrond to define the reason for his visit. Gollum escaped the King's Halls, and it was their fault. He outlined that the orcs increased in numbers. Elrond thanked and advised him to remain in Rivendell a bit longer. Maybe his appearance would be needed. Elrond's knowledge about the existence of the ring was null. Frodo, Aragorn, and Gandalf had not arrived in Rivendell. Yet the threat of Mordor was increasing and a council would be held.

After their long discussion, the Lord of Rivendell suggested Legolas should clean up, fill his stomach, and rest. Legolas agreed and bowed lightly before he stepped away. He took his time to clean and wear cleaner attire. Later on, he dined with Arwen sharing the news of his long journey from Mirkwood to Rivendell. The twins were patrolling the borders, making sure their land was kept safe.

((Upcoming Chapter Two))

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