CIII: Here we go again...

Minas Tirith, 3019 TA, June 22nd

Legolas faced Xena, his deep grey eyes meeting her blue ones, and the space was silent. She watched him as he silently approached her from the door. She saw his powerful jaw and the cold-eyed glare he was now giving her as he moved with unnerving ease. He took a few steps back from her and halted without violating her personal space. He continued to stare at her as if he was trying to read her without saying a word. His expression remained unmoved.

Xena stayed quiet, obviously deep in thought, though she could see the muscles in his throat working lightly. Finally, she turned her head and studied his face with a quiet intensity. In the silence, there was warmth because she felt his familiar scent light grow stronger. His energy reached out into nature and energy flowed back to her. There were no words she could describe that absence of sound that they were dwelling in.

What can silence be? For was there not always the sound of his own heart? But for a moment the elf could listen to hers as well. Just as with whiteness there was light, and blackness was a canvass for dreams; if there was a soul present, it was hers and his who strangely enough connected at the moment. And so as the quietness grew deeper he knew that she was speaking the truth.

"I didn't steal your weapons," Xena finally said, breaking the awkward silence. "I would never do such a disrespectful thing!" She didn't seem frightened or concerned, and her speech was calm and clear. She remained silent while she waited for him to say anything since she couldn't tell how he was feeling. The damn Elf was very good at keeping his emotions under control. On the other hand, Xena was displaying every thought.

"Iston! [I know!]" Legolas admitted as he crossed his arms over his chest, "Do not assume that I would be unaware if you attempted to take something from me."

His answer took her by surprise. "You knew!?" She was perplexed as to how the Prince of Mirkwood could believe her remarks or even pretend to know her. "It's not that I couldn't take them..." she informed him boldly, implying that she wasn't scared of him or any punishment that might follow.

His eyes narrowed slightly as he kept his arms crossed, and he smirked. "And you are far from one?" he prompted. "As I recall, a day ago, you stroke me... that was quite heroic!"

"That was a mistake," she recognized, swallowing slowly. "I should have beaten you days before when I knew your name!" she offered, and this time she meant it.

His lips twist to a slight smile listening to her, and he spoke in a deep-tone, "Usually I have the opposite reaction when my name is known; this was the first time I have been attacked due to my name."

Again there was a small silence between them, only this time it wasn't as awkward as the first time. Xena tilted her head this time, astonished by his reply. She found a light tone of amusement in his words. But she shook the moment away. "Prince Legolas of Mirkwood, I vow that when the time is right, I will strike you down. Though don't you worry; it will be a clear and fair strike," she promised, pinning her eyes directly against his.

"Because of my name?" he asked, slowly finding her reaction strange.

Her eyes darkened, and she glared at him, taking a step closer to him. "No," she roared, "Because of who you are, of what you have done... or better of what you haven't done."

He shifted at his spot, looking rather confused. "What I have done?" he repeated. "To you? Have I wronged you in any way, Lady Xena?"

The question perplexed her on many levels. There was the 'glittery-princess', who he had become very fond of because now it hurt her pride to say that she loved him and he simply forgot her. He was acting again so polite and caring, though he did not remember her. 'Perfumed-annoying bastard,' she thought. 'Acting so generous civil, but I know the what kind the Mirkwood elves are.' Xena laughed knowing that it was not his fault. He did not remember, and she knew that it could happen the day she decided to push him into the river.

"You have," she spat, taking a step closer. "I know you, pride, cold, and sinful. That's what the Mirkwood Prince is. You can fool everyone, princely, but you cannot fool me; there is nothing decent about you. Nothing!"

What were those words supposed to mean? Legolas was a warrior. He had killed and fought, and not all his actions could be expected to be pure. But he would never mistreat anyone. His deeds were fair; he was a proud Ellon, arrogant sometimes, and even cold. But sinful? His eyes rested now against hers with concern. "Pride, coldness...," he said in a clear voice and deep, "those aren't reasons to loathe someone. I can see you are still young and you haven't seen much of the world yet. I assume that is the reason for your insane behaviour."

"Young?" she hissed. "I'm far from young; I am older than you prince!"

"Only a child through my eyes," Legolas scoffed. "You still have a lot to learn and trust me... You are not my match; even if you accomplish to strike my nose once, you would only end up injured!"

"Last time I tried Prince, it was you, not I, who ended up bleeding," she hissed, glaring opening at him. "Maybe you should be more worried than me. And it has been more than once?"

"I'm worried that I will end up hurting a careless child, who wants to strike me down," his voice sharp, and he was now gazing at her with bemusement. He was never dragged in such childish games, at least as much as he could remember. There was something on the way she carried herself that showed that he knew him, at least that part of him that only a few would know.

Did he know her?

"We'll see," she assured him as she rolled her eyes.

Legolas was just about to respond when they heard a knock at the door. "Come in," Xena said. The door swung open, and Ellessar stepped under it. She and Legolas blinked, perplexed, and looked at one another as Aragorn moved towards them, seeming rather annoyed.

"I was hoping to find you both," Aragorn said, sounding serious and sceptical. "I have heard what happened. Xena, is it true that you stripped Legolas' weapons?"

Again, the room was filled with unsettling quiet, with just the sound of pine tree leaves audible from outside. Legolas moved forward to explain at the entrance of Gimli and the twins. It seems that the word had travelled more quickly than Legolas and Xena had anticipated.

"I did it," the Xena said, and the room was quiet, and all the gazes had fallen on her. She knew that this trap was set by her beloved sister, and it seemed that she had dragged even the king into this insane game "I know it was foolish, and I didn't really overthink it. The twins suggested it, and I was already inside Legolas' room, and well..." she paused, not sure how to fix her lie, "I come to cross his weapons. It was so easy... so I thought 'awesome' weapons. And took them."

She turned and faced Legolas, and for the first time, she had noticed the elf speechless. 'He surely never saw that coming,' she thought, 'neither did I!' She smiled and gave a small bow. "I am apologizing for taking your weapons." She said and stepped back, trying not to laugh.

Everyone was speechless, Gimli, the twins, and even Legolas. The Prince couldn't explain her actions. Aragorn looked lost, Arwen send him there to spice things up between them, that was what his Queen said. But now what was he supposed to do with Xena admitting to stealing the Prince's weapons.

"Aragorn you know our sister wouldn't take Legolas weapons," the twins added.

"I will not ask you the reason that caused your hand upon such an unfortunate deed." the King said and Xena was really curious how he would get away from the mess that his wife had created, "But if you are behind such an action, I am afraid things are serious."

She smiled and looked at them a bit guilty. "I am sorry, but..."

"Enough," Legolas uttered, and his voice echoed inside her bed-chamber. The prince would rarely raise his voice, especially in front of his friends, and especially ones he respected. "I had enough of this. This misunderstanding is between Xena and me," he walked over and grabbed her from her arm. "I demand no one to interfere with this."

The Xena blinked, utterly confused; her brain froze, trying to process what was happening. She felt Legolas's fingers around her arm, his touch soft and warm. She followed him as he pulled her with him. She just allowed him to pull her around curious about what he would tell her. She felt his cold and indifferent look as Legolas tagged her along through the corridors and out into the opening space. He released her arm when they finally reached outside close to an open area. He looked away from her, looking now a bit irritated.

"I never asked you to take the blame!" Legolas voiced up, slightly angry as he was still gazing away from her.

"You did not" she agreed.

"Don't you know what could happen if I actually let Aragorn take this matter further," he said as he finally turned and gazed at her deadly serious.

"What?" she asked boldly.

"Are you that reckless?" Legolas asked, astonished at her behaviour.

"You are the one who wanted the incident to remain a secret," she repeated his words from earlier "What was I supposed to do?"

"Wait and let me handle it," he demanded.

"I'm sorry, Prince, but I am not your servant, your maid, or even your friend to tell me what to do or not to do," she fired back. "I can perfectly take care of things on my own."

"You are unbelievable," Legolas delivered. "Taking the blame, lying, and ending up taking the fall, is that the way you handle it?"

"Yes, and why would you care? I hate you," she delivered angrier than she believed that she was.

"You can loathe me as much as you want, you can try to strike me down, but never," he paused, taking a deep breath. "Never try to take the blame for something that you didn't do. And that is my only advice to you."

Legolas stepped back, he gazed at Xena upon his shoulders and ask "Who has my weapons?" He waited for some time before Xena told him "Ask Aragorn!" And that is how their encounter ended, and when they part both felt an emptiness taking place inside them. As long as they were arguing it felt like home, it was such a familiar feeling.

Who was Xena?

((Upcoming Chapter One-Hundred-Four))

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