Chapter Eight

Tom walked up to Hermione briskly. "Professor Dippet wants to see us in his office in ten minutes." He snapped.

Hermione faltered for a minute as he pushed past her aggressively. She jogged up to him. "Tom Riddle, right?" She asked politely.

Tom was surprised at her sudden change of manner towards him "Alright I might as well wait here it's only ten minutes" he sat down next to her on the bench, he wished he could hold her in his arms, but he tried to restrain himself he had a feeling she would not react well to that. To be honest, he wasn't sure how he would react to that.

"So" he said trying to make small talk "Which school did you transfer from?"

"Beauxbatons" she answered "What's it like there" he asked. "Um" she replied "It's much warmer than here" she said shivering a little.

"Oh." Tom spoke carelessly. "Are you cold?"

Hermione blushed again, "A little" she replied. There was an awkward silence. "It's been ten minutes" She said cautiously.

"Oh yes, we'd better get going" Tom sharply, seemingly forgetting his earlier - if subtle - kindness.

They walked into Professor Dippet's office. He looked up from his desk. "Ah, yes. Tom and Miss Grace. I called you up to let you know that you will need to meet with the Prefects as soon as possible to arrange the hallway patrol." He nodded his head slightly, dismissing them.

"Thank you Professor" said Hermione

"Goodnight you two" Professor Dippet called.
