Chapter 49 Fire

*Nanami POV*

Upon arriving back at the dorms we are greeted by familiar faces and embraces.

"Awee you guys just got here!! Don't tell us you are rushing off again!?" Ashido fumed as she pulled my arm close to her chest.

The gesture making a small smile pull on my lips.

"Yeah no fair!" Kaminari swung an arm around Jiro and pulled her close. "We only just got you back." His eyes saying more than his words.

A moment passed between them and pink blossomed in Jiro's cheeks.

"We will be back before you know it!" Jiro promised, as she twirled out of Kaminar's arm and headed toward her room, patting both cheeks with her hands.

Kaminari's gaze lingered on Jiro as she walked away.

My chest bursted with curiosity at whatever that just was and I made a mental note to ask Jiro about it later, but I sensed an awkward silence rapidly approaching.

"Well, I'm just gonna take a quick shower" I advised by way of excusing myself.

"Um, wait" Kaminari began.

I halted mid-step and turned to face him. "Yeah?" My curiosity returning even stronger.

"The girls showers are that way" He pointed in the opposite direction I had taken.

"Oh" I felt myself deflate. "Right" I forced a laugh as I spun on my heels towards the showers.

When I get back to my room, I put on a pair of jeans and an oversized black zippered hoodie.

A small gasp escaped my lips upon seeing my reflection in the mirror for the first time. Trembling fingers press against my mouth as I lean into the mirror to get a better look.

I had seen the bruises on my arms and legs but I hadn't seen this; ebony veins spread on the right side of my body like roots from my ribs, up my neck, and face.

As if that wasn't bad enough, the blood vessels seemed to have ruptured in my right eye, leaving my golden eye to stand out brightly in a sea of black ink.

I lean away from the mirror, no longer able to look at myself.

Geez. I groaned. This explains some of the reactions I saw.

A knock at the door has me scrambling to finish quickly.

"Coming!" I promised as I sit on the edge of my bed and finish tying my boots.

The door opens, then closes with the click of the lock.

I knit my brow as I turn towards the door.

Bakugou's eyes land on me and he starts closing the distance between us.

I stand abruptly; my heart and senses igniting like they always did around him.

"Hey" I greeted in a slightly higher pitch. "Im ready to go" I grab my phone off the bed and slide it into my pocket before passing him and reaching for the door knob.

I knew he had already seen how my face looked, but now that I had seen it, I couldn't keep myself  from hiding behind my hair and avoiding eye contact with him.

Before I'm able to turn the knob and make my escape however, Bakugou curls a hand around my right elbow and spins me around slowly until my back is pressed against the door.

"The others are probably waiting" I remind him as I keep my eyes low, but his closeness is making the humming bird in my chest go wild.

He leans onto the door frame with his right hand in a way that has him towering over me. Then he cups my left cheek with his other hand "What's wrong?" He asked with slightly narrowed eyes full of suspicion.

I leaned into his touch despite myself. The scent of caramelized sugar bringing a smile to my lips.

"Well that's a loaded question" I shrugged.

"Nana" he looked down at me pointedly, moving his hand to hold my chin between his thumb and index finger,  tilting my face up towards him.

Reluctantly, I lift my gaze to his, but his eyes are preocupied by my mouth.

I lick my lips slowly and his thumb glides over my bottom lip, the action seemed to entrance him.

He tugged on my lower lip and bit his own lip in response.

I shook my head softly. "Mm fine"

My heart was on a race of its own, each stroke of his thumb was making me drunk.

I can almost taste him on my lips each time his thumb traces my lips.

I plant a kiss on his thumb and he groans deep in his throat.

He tilts my chin to the left, exposing the veins on my right cheek.

"Hideous huh?" I swallowed, suddenly feeling the weight of his eyes on me.

"You idiot" He pressed gentle warm lips to my right cheek, His nose caressing the sensitive skin on my ear.

"You're beautiful" He nipped and licked his way down my neck as he curled his fingers in my hair and tugged my head to the side."These change nothing about you" His breath on my skin causing me shivers.

"I'm kind of really into them" His words and hands making it harder for me to think.

"Sure" I breathed as I arched against him.

I need him closer.

"Do they hurt?"He asked as breathless as I felt.

"Not really" I dropped my head back giving into him and the headiness taking over me.

An ache was settling within me and I needed him to do something or I would implode at any moment.

His lips dropped lower still to my collar bone and a whimper escaped my throat.

It's not enough

"They're here too" His voice laced with surprise.

"Yeah" I breathed. My hands running up his arms and broad shoulders until I buried my fingers in his hair. His hands wrapped around my waist as his kisses became hungrier, his restraint thinning.

He slides the hand that held my waist over my chest and a moan escaped lips. Bakugou let out shaky breath, as if that was the sound he'd been waiting to hear.

His fingers found the zipper of my hoodie. "I want to see how far they go" the sound of his heady voice feeding my desire.

I don't know if he was asking, but I nod my head dizzily as he pulls the zipper down slowly exposing the lace bralette underneath.

Bakugou's eyes took me in, from the bruises I knew were visible on my abdomen, the swells of my chest, up to my eyes and then, something snapped in him.

He slid his hands under my ass and lifted me off the floor.

I wrap my legs around his waist as he lays me on the bed and time slows down around us when I bring his face up to mine.

With locked eyes and shallow breaths we realized that as soon as we kissed, we would not stop.

We knew this kiss would change everything, it would take over us and destroy any barrier Bakugou and I had tried placing between us.

I brought his lips to mine.

*Authors Note*

Hello! As always thank you for reading! I hope you enjoy this chapter :) more to come soon!

Inspiring Art by @lohilohi(
