Chapter 39 Visit

*Nanami POV*

"Dont you dare tell me it wasn't my fault" he snapped.

I retract my hand into my chest.

"And that look in your eyes, is pissing me off!" He stood up abruptly and headed for the window.

I reach for him. "Im sorry"  I said as I took a step closer to him.

He doesnt need my pity, or hear what he is probably sick of hearing.

"Nothing I say will change what happened that day" I curl my arms around his waste and rest my head on his back.

"If you want to carry this guilt with you everyday" I shrugged. "Fine"

I feel him go slightly rigid. "But grow from it!" I pleaded as I continued.

"All Might took the weight of the world on his back. He became the symbol of peace, but it came with a heavy price. The toll it took on him was what lead to that night."

Bakugou inhaled quickly and wiped his eyes.

Without turning around, he said.
"I should get going"

I squeezed my arms around him "You should stay" I whispered.

"It's late" I could hear the smile in his voice.

" I'm nervous about tomorrow" I confessed.

"You should be" he turned to face me, so I let him go.

I met his gaze and tilted my head. " You suck at this, you know that right?" I pointed out.

"Don't think I'm going to baby sit you tomorrow!" He glared at me and pointed a finger.

Oh for the love of-

"Baby sit!?" I pulled my brows together.

"Why did Shindou have to go to 2B!!" I balled up my fist at my sides.

"What?!" He exploded.

"Why would you want tha-"

I widen my eyes in surprise. "Shhhhh!!!" I place my finger to my lips urgently. "Are you crazy! If Aizawa finds out your here, were both dead!" I whispered as loud as I dared.

"And the others!" My mind wondered. "They would think we were.." I stop my self and meet Bakugous gaze. "That we are." I try to think of a way to steer the conversation another way.

"That we are what?" Bakugou asked with a raised brow and a half smile, which made me suppress a smile in return.

"That we are dating!" I press my palms to my chest for dramatic effect. "and you just couldn't bare to be away from me, so you sneaked into my room just to see me!" I smiled mischievously at him.

He didnt seem phased by my taunt. He simply studied my face for a moment and smiled in a way that made my heart swell up. "Your right" he whispered.

"Your always on my mind" his gaze aligned with mine. "I want to talk to you, fight with you"

I chuckled.

His eyes drift towards my lips. "Touch you"

He trailed his finger from my wrist to my bare shoulder.

"Its really annoying" He said as he rested his forehead to mine and nuzzled our noses.

He wrapped his hands above my waist, I can feel their warmth.

I close my eyes to focus only on his touch. My breath was slightly shallow due to my racing heart.

"That doesnt sound so bad" I mumbled under my breath.

My hands curled around his back. Our lips are so close, it was as if they were dancing around each other.

How havent you kissed me yet. I wondered in a daze.

I run my hands up his arms and rest them behind his neck.

Im not sure if it has something to do with our quirks, but where ever his skin touched mine, felt magnetic.

There is a pull, an attraction that was intoxicating.

"Its a distraction" he whispered.

"It doesnt have to be" I countered, somehow keeping up with the conversation."We can make each other stronger"

He took a deep breath and gently pulled away from me, Leaving My body feeling bare, like I've had a warm blanket stripped from me.

"We have to keep our distance tomorrow" he informed.

"Are you serious right now?" I laughed humorlessly. "Then we should also avoid these late night visits" I let the bitterness I felt bleed into my words.

"Im" he struggled. "I..."

He met my gaze before dropping his head.

"Ill see you tomorrow" was all he said as he made his way back out.

Why does he keep fighting this

I locked the window, harder than necessary and yanked the curtains down.

"He thinks I am going to hold him back!" I huffed as I made my way to my bed and pulled the sheets up to my chin. "Jerk!"
