Chapter 2 After Tomorrow

*All Might POV*

As I am closing the door to the conference room a familiar voice growls behind me.

"I want in All Might"

"Young Bakugou? What are you doing here?"

"I want in on the recovery of that Lost Girl." He requested firmly. His narrowed eyes almost willing me to accept his demand.

"Kira Nanami, yes she seemed to have been another target of the League of Villains and we had no idea. For over a month they have had her in their grasp"

Anger and disappointment washes over me.

I don't want to imagine the things that child has been through.

"It's not like you be eager to join a rescue mission, there might not be any fighting this time, we dont expect them to be guarding her as heavily as they guarded you." I explain.

"I know what its like to be taken by those bastards. Any chance I get to kill them, I will take it!" He snapped.

This kid just wants payback

"You know..." he continued, suddenly his tone changing, his eyes drop to the floor.

"She might have joined their side by now. You might not be able to trust her" He concluded, before looking up at me again.

"You are right, we have considered this as well. But she might not have had a choice, who knows what that girl has gone through, we still need to bring her back." I walked up to my student and put a hand on his shoulder.

"I don't think you should go on this mission, for once you students arent the targets of the League. We are just there to bring her back."

I feel his shoulder tense under my hand and an intensity burning behind his eyes.

I let out a sigh. "That being said, I know you kids and I know there is a good chance you would show up there anyway" young Bakugou gave me a side ways look. His crimson eyes searching for the meaning behind my words.

"I think you kids will be safer, if we let you come along. This way, we can keep an eye on you." I explained.

Without hesitation he asked.

"When do we leave?" His voice and eyes held a ferocity within them.

Am I making the right choice here?

I notice a small tremor in my students hand, and realize he needs to be a part of this.

"The day after tomorrow"
