39| Amos is the Darkness

When I arrived back at Jenna's grandma's house, it turned out 'Father' Crowley had come over, after her grandmother had called her priest. While he and I were out talking, we heard a scream from inside the house and rushed in, finding the grandma dead in the kitchen.

"Jen! Jenna!" I called, rushing upstairs with Crowley on my heels.

"Really?" he asked me.


"We have no idea what ancient, world-shattering evil we're dealing with, but go right ahead. Let him know we're coming!"

"Listen, Velma, this isn't he Scooby gang, okay? So either shut up or get out."

"Easy, tiger. Just trying to help."

Amos started crying in the other room, and I walked away, heading in that direction. When I got into his room, I headed over to the crib, leaning over to look at him. As I did so, I noticed the edge of something on his wrist poking out of the sleeve of his onesie. When I pushed the sleeve up a little, I saw that it was a mini Mark of Cain. I immediately thought back to my conversation with the Darkness, when he pulled back his sleeve to show me the Mark of Cain and told me we were connected.

"The child likes you," Crowley observed from the doorway. "No surprise, really. You're very maternal."

"We gotta find Jenna," I informed him, still staring down at Amos.

We left the room, heading down the hall until we tracked Jenna to her grandmother's bedroom.

"Drama," Crowley taunted as we watched her drop glass figurines on the ground.

"Jenna? What are you doing?" I asked.

"My grandma collected these things, but I always thought they were so... blah. Don't worry. She won't care. I cut her throat."

She dropped another figurine on the ground, picking up another.

"Why did you do that?" I quizzed her.

"Because this woman doesn't have a soul," Crowley answered. "Fascinating."

"What are you talking about? How is that even possible?"

"Amos is hungry," Jenna said flatly. "He's a growing boy."

"Jenna. Listen to me. Whatever's happened, whatever's going on, we can fix it, okay?"

"But I don't want to be fixed. I like the new me. She's a ball."

"Just come with us, okay? Jenna! Stop!"

Before I could react, Crowley had flicked his wrist, snapping Jenna's neck and sending her in a heap to the floor.

"I was getting bored," he shrugged when I looked at him.

"You killed her!"

"You're welcome."

Crowley turned on his heel to walk out of the room.

"Where are you going?" I demanded.

"To see the child that eats souls."

"You don't get what that thing is."

"Enlighten me," the demon king turned back. "Come on, darling. Don't play coy."

"I think Amos is the Darkness."

"Interesting. So, what now? You kill him? You?"

"I don't have a choice."

"Please," Crowley scoffed. "Even if you could murder a baby, you couldn't murder that baby. I saw the way you looked at him. Me, on the other hand, it's not like it'd be my first."

"Oh, is that an offer?

"It's a promise- right after I'm done with him."

"Stay away from him!" I cried, lunging forward.

I was flung into the closet next to the door, the doors shattering upon impact.

"Oh, Ellie. Adorable little Ellie. I want that child, and I get what I want. You, Dean, and Sam don't understand. I'm not your bloody sidekick! We've had some good times. So I'm gonna give you one chance- just one- to walk out that door, or I'm gonna take you apart atom by atom. Do you understa-"

I rose to my feet, taking out an angel blade and stabbing it in the demon's hand, pinning him against the wall.

"Ah! You bitch!"

I took out the demon killing blade, staring coldly at him for a moment before heading down the hall to Amos's room. When I got there, the crib was empty, his blue blanket left abandoned inside. Stalking back out of the room and down the hall, I found Crowley gone and the angel blade still embedded in the wall, blood dripping down from it.

Sam and I entered the Bunker, most of the mess left over from the Styne's raid still in the library.

"All right, I still don't understand," Sam said. "I mean, I thought the Darkness was a man, not a child."

"Well, same here," I shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe whatever I saw wasn't real. Maybe it was a vision."



"Pretty weird."

"Yeah, weird with a weird cherry on a weird top."

I looked around at the remaining mess as footsteps came down the hall. Turning, I smiled when I saw it was Dean.

"Guys," he greeted us.

"Hey, Dean."

He crossed the room, grabbing me and pulling me into a hug before kissing me. Then he pulled back and went over to hug Sam.

"Dean, uh-" I began, but stopped short when there was a sound behind the pile in the darkened library.

Immediately, all three of us drew our guns, moving toward the pile. When we circled around to the other side, Cass was laying on his back, his shirt stained in blood.

"Help me," he rasped, looking up at us.

I let Sam and Dean deal with Cass, heading down the hall and peaking in to two different rooms. Maddie had wanted to move into a different room than her brother, but still wanted a room close to Dean and I, so she and Zep now occupied the rooms on either side of ours. They were both soundly asleep when I snuck in, giving them each twin kisses on their foreheads. Ever since I got the Mark, I hadn't seen much of them, Dean wanting to keep them far away from me while I was hostile.

Heading into the middle room, I started getting ready for bed, Dean joining me not long after.

"So, you gonna tell me the full story now?"

"Can't it wait until morning? I'm honestly so exhausted, I'll probably crash as soon as my head hits that pillow."


"I'm not saying no, Dean. I know you deserve an explanation," I looked up at him. "I'm just too damn tired right now, and it's really late."

He nodded, drawing me into his arms again and pressing his lips to my forehead.

"It's good to have you back, Ellie Bear."

"Good to be back," I whispered.
