31| Murdering the Stynes

Dean had gone to wherever Sam, Cass and the kids were with the Book to tell them what happened and shut down the operation. While he was doing that, he'd let me take the Impala to go track down Eldon and his family.

"Rudy, I just sent you some security footage of a black sedan," I spoke into my phone. "I need you to run the plates."

"Yeah can do, just give me a sec here," Rudy replied, pausing. "Weird. Uh, this vehicle is registered to Eldon Styne out of Shreveport, Louisiana, but there's no street address. This guy got something to hide?"

"Yeah, big time," I said, opening the driver side door of the car. "I'll fill you in later, thanks."

"Yeah sure, but um, isn't that what Sam's for?"

"He's busy," I replied, hanging up.

As I turned a corner in Shreveport, a cop's lights flashed behind me. After pulling over, I reached over, grabbing the first fake I.D. from the glovebox I could. 

"What's the problem, officer?" I asked when he walked up to my window.

"License and reg."

"Yep," I handed him the items.

"Ashley J. Williams?" he asked.

"Uh huh," I nodded.

"Out of the car, Ashley."

Rolling my eyes, I climbed out, facing the officer.

"Well, I wasn't speeding, I'm sober, mostly sober, so what's this about?"

"Blinker's out," the officer said, as a second officer smashed one of my tail lights.

"Hey!" I cried.

"That's a violation," officer two said.

"Don't," I glared at him.

He smashed the other tail light.

"Two light's out," officer one said.

I tried to charge at officer two, but officer one grabbed me, slamming me against the Impala and putting me in handcuffs.

"And attempted assault of a police officer. Looks like we're taking you down to the station, girl."

"Oh, I ain't your girl, Cletus," I hissed at him.

"Right now you are, so you best settle. Or you're gonna get an ass-whuppin', instead of a phone call."

I was sitting handcuffed to a chair in front of officer two's desk, who was going through my collection of fake I.D.'s. I was glaring at him unblinkingly as he did so.

"Janis Joplin, Tina Turner, Patti Smith," the officer scoffed. "Damn. I mean, they said you were a pro, but..."

"Who said that?"

"I'll ask the questions here."

"Hm," I nodded slowly.

"Like, for example, you got seventeen fake I.D.'s, and a trunk full of guns, knives, freakin' ninja stars... I mean, who are you?

"I'm the girl that's gonna get out of here in about..." I bobbed my head back and forth, "thirty seconds."

"Right," the officer laughed.

Leaning forward and maintaining eye contact, I reached out and knocked a mug full of pens off the desk and onto the floor.

"Real mature," he said as I leaned back in my seat.

Getting up from the desk, he walked around and picked up the mug. As he leaned down to clean up the pens, I punched him in the face with my free arm and threw him to the ground, holding him down using my legs.

"Keys. Keys, now!"

He reached around, holding out said keys, and I grabbed them, unlocking my handcuffs after stomping on his face and knocking him unconscious. Grabbing my gun, I made my way down the hall until I found officer one in his office.

"She was driving a '67 Impala, just like you said," he was saying into his phone. "Sure, can do."

He hung up, turning around and spotting me.

"Who're you talking to?"

"Nobody," he lied, face shocked.

"Nobody?" I asked, raising my gun and getting in his face.

I punched him once in the face.

"That is for lying to me, and that-" I punched him again, " is for my husband's Baby. Now."

I threw him down on the desk, holding him down and pointing my gun at his throat.

"Who were you talking to?!"

"Munroe Styne," he replied. "He said if I saw you I was supposed to bring you in. And then call him."

"Munroe. Any relation to Eldon?"

"His daddy."

"Where can I find him?" I asked, eyes hardening.

"You can't take on the Stynes. They own this town. They're practically gods around here."

"Yeah, well, I kill gods."

After dark, I got to the Styne mansion, taking out the man patrolling outside. I left him dead on the ground, walking around the house. I killed two more men using a gun fitted with a silencer before entering the house. It was dark inside, and old jazz music was playing somewhere within. As I got to the middle of the entrance hall, the room was suddenly flooded with light and at least ten people appeared over the railing above me, all aiming guns at my head.

From among them, a man in a white lab coat emerged, smiling down at me.

"Eleanor Winchester."

Another one of the Stynes rushed me from behind, putting a plastic bag over my head, and I struggled for air.

"Welcome to my humble abode," Lab Coat said.

When I came to, I was strapped down on a metal operating table. Lab Coat, the man who'd suffocated me and several others were gathered around me, preparing tools.

"Morning Sunshine," Lab Coat greeted me. "Munroe Styne. Pleasure."

"Ditto," I replied. "I'd shake your hand, but, uh..."

I pulled against the restraint a bit to indicate my reasoning.

"Well I have to say, I am impressed, the way you charged in here, all guns blazin'," Munroe continued. "I'd buy tickets to that show. You didn't think that was actually gonna work, did you?"

"Usually does," I admitted.

"Then I guess you know what comes next."

"You're gonna play Operation."

"It is my favorite game!" Munroe smiled, spreading his arms.

"Don't do this," I told him.

"Well, uh, sweetheart, we are... we are past the bargaining stage."

"No," I shook my head. "The Mark on my arm means I can't die. I'm not bargaining. You flatline me, I will come back. But I'll come back with black eyes. And then you'll all die."

"And we  let you go, then what?" one of the other Stynes asked from his spot at my head. "You'll just mosey on down the road?"

"No. But I will be human. So, maybe a few of you live. Maybe."

"You make a compelling case, and I hope you're right," Munroe said. "Because a woman that doesn't die, well now that is the perfect lab rat."

The one by my head gagged me using a bandana.

"Alright. Let's crack this piñata."

Munroe took his scalpel, moving in to make the first cut. However, before he could, I broke one of my arms free of my restraint and grabbed his arm. I head butted him away, sitting up and grabbing a knife which I used to free my other arm. I slashed the knife across the Styne's throat who gagged me, killing him. A female grabbed a syringe, charging at me, but I grabbed her, slamming her onto the operating table and jamming the syringe she grabbed into her neck, killing her as well.

I then moved on to Munroe, throwing him against a door and getting him into a headlock.

"You took something from me," I hissed. "Now I'm gonna take everything from you."

"It's too late. Your home... your family... they... will..."

I didn't give him a chance to finish, snapping his neck and letting his body drop. After surveying the room, I reached into Munroe's pocket, retrieving a gun. In a cold fury, I left the room, kicking the door open and stalking through the rest of the house.
