105| Fight the Devil

When I woke up, I was by myself in the car and it was parked outside of a lake house. Looking out the window, I spotted Cass's truck nearby. I climbed out, heading up to the house and heading inside. I heard voices upstairs and hurried in that direction.

"Ellie," Kelly said, panting heavily when I walked in.

"Hey," I said. "How's it going?"

"He's coming," Cass informed me.

I moved to stand with my mom on the other side of the bed from Cass as the familiar sound of the Impala sounded outside.

"I'll be back," Cass said, drawing his angel blade.

"Aah!" Kelly screamed, squeezing both of my and my mom's hands as she had another contraction.

"Okay," my mom nodded. "I think they're less than five minutes apart now. It's almost time. How you doin'?"

"I'm dying," Kelly gasped.

"We know," I nodded.

"But that's okay. 'Cause wouldn't either of you die for your kids?"

"Yeah," my mom nodded, staring at me.

"Definitely," I agreed, thinking of Maddie and Zep.

Kelly cried out as she had another contraction.

"Okay. You're okay," I assured her gently.

There was a knock as Cass reappeared at the door.

"May I speak with her?" he asked.

"Sure," I nodded.

"Ellie, Emilie," Kelly looked at us.

"We'll be back," I told her.

"Okay. Cass... what's wrong?"

My mom and I joined Sam and Dean downstairs where they were getting weapons ready.

"You ready?" Dean asked.

"Nope," Sam shook his head. "When has that ever stopped us?"

"Yeah. You know, Cass has faith in this kid."

"So do I, for the record," I smirked.

Dean smirked back, shaking his head at me.

"I hope you're both right. But me? I have faith in us. You, me, Sam, Cass. Crowley. Sometimes."

"Mm," I nodded, snorting.

"This is gonna work. It has to."

Sam, Dean and I headed outside, Cass joining us a few minutes later.

"Well, this is a fun surprise," Lucifer said, walking up to us. "I gotta hand it to you guys. You never give up, even when you should. Even when it would be stupid not to."

"Look, whatever you're planning on doing, Chuck... God will stop you, just like he did last time," Sam spoke.

"You're right. What should I do?" Lucifer asked, then took on a mocking tone, raising his arms in mock surrender. "Oh God! Don't strike me dead!"

He rolled his eyes, dropping his hands back to his sides.

"Come on, Sam. You sound like a virgin in Jesus camp. 'We can't. God is watching.' No. Chuck 'walked'. He's gone."

"So you're just gonna smash his toys?" I asked.

"Exactly," the Devil grinned, winking at me. "'Cause every time I look at this sad trash fire of a world, you know what I keep thinking? I could do so much better."

"So apocalypse, take two. That's your plan?" Dean raised his eyebrows.

"When in doubt, go with the classics. That's what I always say. Well, boys, Ecclesia, enough with the foreplay. Let's do this."

"See you on the other side, guys," Dean looked over at us.

Cass charged at Lucifer with his angel blade, and Lucifer easily batted him aside and he didn't get up.

"Well, that worked," Lucifer mused.

We looked over at Cass, then at each other, and then Dean grabbed my hand and we took off running.

"Mature. Real mature!" Lucifer called, strolling after us. "You guys? I really want to enjoy this. Really wanna savor just ripping you apart, gettin' all up in there, and gettin' all gooey. But, you know, little slugger's almost here and, uh... Well, I'm on the clock."

He stopped as he saw us standing next to what Dean told me was a rift in time and space. Reaching out, Dean touched it and the three of us appeared on the other side. I gasped as I looked around at the alternate world. There was ash everywhere, burnt husks of tree trunks scattered here and there. Sam stayed by the rift, waiting for Lucifer to appear while Dean pulled me along, getting a gun he'd stashed behind one of the burnt trees.

"Stay here," he told me.

"Dean-" I hissed.

Ignoring me, he rushed to hide while Sam and Lucifer talked.

"Mm. Nice," Lucifer said, looking around at our surroundings.

"You wanted the apocalypse? You got it," Sam told him.

"Sammy, hey. Where's your big bro and his wifey?"

"'M right here," Dean said.

Lucifer turned, seeing Dean holding the gun.

"Ooh. Sweet toy."

"Yeah, I got if off an old- new pal of mine," Dean smirked. "See, we have this bet, see if it works against an archangel. So... say hello to my little friend."

As Dean opened fire on Lucifer, Sam ran off, grabbing me and dragging me over to join Crowley behind a big rock where the demon was crafting a spell.

"Took you long enough," Crowley quipped.

"Not now, Crowley. Come on," Sam snapped.

I glanced over my shoulder at where Dean had just run out of bullets.

"We do this ritual, we seal that rift, we lock the Devil in this godforsaken place," Crowley spoke. "That's the plan, remember? Two birds, one spell."

"Right, right. Just hurry."

Sam also glanced over with me as Lucifer advanced toward Dean, grabbing him and starting to hit him. Sam turned back to help Crowley with the spell, but I wasn't really paying attention to what they were saying. I didn't even realize I had begun to move out from behind the rock until Sam reached out and latched onto my wrist.

"Don't," he told me. "Stick to the plan."

"Dean is getting beat up by the Devil and you want me to sit here and do nothing?" I hissed.

"It'll be okay," he insisted, then turned to Crowley. "That's the last of it. That's everything."

"No, it's not," the demon king shook his head.

"What?" I asked, glancing over again to see Lucifer was now kicking Dean.

"If we wanna seal that rip, we need one more minor ingredient."

"What?" Sam echoed my question.

"A life."

We both stared at him in shock as Crowley stood up and went around the boulder, using his powers to fling Lucifer away from Dean.

"Surprise," he said.

"Crowley!" the Devil snarled.

Sam and I rushed over to Dean's side, helping him up and pulling him back toward the rift.

"You sneaky little... I guess I get to kill you twice, huh, Crowley?"

"I doubt it."

"Oh, no, no. You had your chance. You could have put me back in that Cage, but... you had to make it personal, didn't you?"

We paused by the rift to watch the interaction between demon and archangel.

"You're right," Crowley nodded. "It is personal. You humiliated me. I... I hate you. Deeply. Truly. I'm gonna enjoy wiping that smug, self-satisfied look off your face. Personally."

"You mean... this one?"

Crowley let an angel blade drop into his hand.

"Come on, Crowley," Lucifer smirked. "You know whatever you try, you're gonna lose."

"You're right," Crowley turned to look at me, Sam, and Dean. "Bye, boys. Eleanor."

With that, he stabbed himself with the angel blade, falling down dead. We all watched, stunned as Cass barged through the rift and pushed past us.

"Cass?" I asked.

"No, come on," Sam said, pushing me and Dean toward the rift. "Come on!"

"Cass! Cass! Cass!" Dean and I were both yelling.

"No, no, no, no, no, no! We gotta go! We gotta go!" Sam was yelling over us, shoving us both.

He managed to get Dean and I through the rift, and we fell to the ground outside the lake house.
