Back home I sit and have a cup of tea with my mum as I excitedly tell her how amazing the last four days have been and show her the selfies we took together. She's genuinely happy for me and gasps with excitement when I tell her we've arranged to do the same this coming weekend.
"Well Lauren I never thought I'd see the day you'd be Louis girlfriend" she tells me as she grins and hugs me.
"I'm not his girlfriend. He hasn't asked me to be" I tell her cautiously.
"Dont be stupid of course you are, you're dating. You've been living with him for the last four days" she dismisses my comment.
"Its complicated mum. It's not like it was when you were younger. People don't put labels on things quite so easily these days" I try to explain but she rolls her eyes.
"Label or not you're together, right?" She asks.
"I....guess so" I shrug.

I look at the clock and realise it's 11.30pm and that I need to go to bed because I'm up for work in 7 hours. I say goodnight to mum and head up to my bedroom, change into my pyjamas and crawl into bed. It feels strange. Normally whenever I've been away, no matter how much of a good time I've had, I love the feeling of coming home and getting into my own bed. This time however, I have no pleasure from it. I just feel kind of deflated.

I check my phone but there are no new messages, I start to type a text to him.
"Thank you for an amazing few days...." I pause and sigh. Its lame. I want to say a lot more than that but in the interests of not looking like a complete stalker i know i cant. I press delete and stare at the screen wondering what to write.
My mind won't come up with anything worthwhile or that I accurately sums up how I feel without making me sound mental. I just stare at the screen for ages and think.

I'm startled by the phone starting to ring. Incoming call: Louis.
I freeze for a moment then answer it.
"Hey babe I just got in bed and wanted to say goodnight" he says as I answer. My heart aches at the sound of his perfect voice.
"Ive just got into bed too i was just about to text you" i tell him.
"Psychic" he laughs
"It feels weird being on my own, the house is quiet without you here" he says as he yawns.
"It feels weird being back in my own bed" I admit.
"I'm not loving being apart and its only been a couple of hours" he says making my already aching heart almost shatter.
"Same" i admit sadly as I catch a glimpse of the poster of him on my bedroom wall. I can't even look at it. It physically hurts knowing that he's on the other end of the phone and that just a couple of hours ago I was in his arms. It feels like its not even real anymore and like it was all just some cruel dream.
"Aww noooooooo this gets worse! My pillow smells of your perfume" he says in a whingy voice.
I smile to myself "Yeh well I'm having to try and not look at posters of you" I tell him in retaliation. He laughs.
"Theyve should probably come down now love" he giggles.
"Erm.... NO! No way" I reply firmly.
"They need to lauren" he answers back equally as seriously
"Why do they?" I ask outraged.
"Well....because it's kinda weird for you to have posters of me on you're wall now we're...." he starts but awkwardly falls silent. I don't say anything. I just listen and eventually he continues.
"Look, I know you're attached to your posters but you've got the real me now so maybe just....get rid of them?" He suggests. I remain unconvinced.
"Convince me" i say playfully.
"Well....after weve become....very close this weekend i was wondering if you were interested in....being my girlfriend?" He asks and I have to remind myself to breathe.
"Yes! definitely yes! More than anything" I reply as I feel my whole body tingle with excitement.
I gulp hard and try to stop myself from crying. This is literally my dream come true. It's all I've ever wanted. If I never get another damn thing in life I won't even care.
"Youve gone quiet" he says nervously. I laugh. "I'm trying not to faint" I admit as he laughs.
"Ok. Well don't faint. Don't fangirl and get rid of the posters you freak" he teases as I roll over laughing.
"Are you sure this is what you want? I mean.... are you sure you want to be with me?" I ask seeing reassurance.
"Yes! I wouldnt have asked otherwise! If I'm honest I'm missing you like fucking crazy and I'm cuddling a pillow that smells of your perfume. I've got it bad for you lauren" he says seriously.

We chat for a while longer and then say goodnight. After we've ended the call I get out of bed and carefully take my posters down. All but one. My favourite one. I can't part with it. He looks so....perfect.

I turn the light off and get back into bed, cuddle into the pillow and close my eyes. I know that there's no chance I'm going to sleep because my mind is racing so I get up again and head downstairs where my mum is still sat. I sit beside her and smile.
"Well....hes just phoned me to say goodnight and it turns out you were right. I am his girlfriend" I tell her with a smirk creeping across my face.
She grabs hold of me and cuddles me too tightly, letting out an excited squeal.
"And so you should be too. You're beautiful and lovely and totally perfect for him" he says proudly.
"Now....when do I get to meet my new son in law?" She asks as I cringe. I can't even begin to imagine how embarrassing that's going to be!
"Invite him in when he picks you up at the weekend" she suggests.
"I will do" i smile back at her. She's undoubtedly going to embarrass me but I don't even care. She's my mum and I love her, she's put up with my Louis obsession for five years (not to mention paid a lot of money for it) and now he's my boyfriend. She's earned the right to embarrass me, and I know he'll lover her.
