Stories by: fairytalefiction
8 stories

Starstruck in Starbucks.

13 2 0

Sequel to "Long Way Down". After a rocky start and a 6 months whirlwind romance, Louis popped the question to Lauren.She acepted but their rollercoater ride of a relationship has barely even begun and as louis prepares to head off back on tour with the band, he insists they tie the knot immediately. With just 14 days to plan a wedding and pressure and interferrance from every angle, is it really possible?

40 6 0
Long Way Down

Lauren has been a Louis girl since day 1 but after 5 years, One Direction go on a career break. She vows to still be there when they return. However, during the break Louis goes spectacularly off the rails and Lauren can only sit and watch through the media as her idol hits the self destruct button, it crushes her to see him losing himself and she eventually loses all respect for him. The man of her dreams turns into the man of her worst nightmares and whilst she still loves him, she hates him now too, hates him for letting her down, hates him for letting himself down and hates him for the day she finally meets him and he's too high to even take a selfie with her. In an angry rage Lauren posts an online rant about how he's changed beyond recognition and how she's done with him. He sees it. It's the home truths he needed to hear and he decides enough is enough. He contacts Lauren to help him get his life back on track. Will friendship blossom? Or more?

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Unwritten is a 2015 One Direction finfic. As OTRA Tour ends and the boys take a well earned break from the band its not long before they realise that they are lost without their music careers - its all they have ever know in their adult lives. Harry decided to start writing album number 6 ready for the bands reunion but realises that writing without his team is harder than he ever thought. He searches for someone to help - he finds a young writer called Lucy whos words fit his ideas - but as the unwritten words finally start to form so does a deep friendship with Harry and her husband gets jealous. Will the album ever get written, will the band ever reform? will love overcome all? is love really what she thought it was? Will Harry show her the truth?

136 24 0 Full

When superstar Liam Payne meets up and coming politician Hayley Jones at a charity event in England the chemistry between them is undeniable but their worlds couldn't be more different. Liam has a rock and roll lifestyle, flash cars, the best clothes, countless fancy holidays and several homes whilst Hayley lives a simple life, sacrificing superficial things and dedicating her entire existence to fighting political issues such as stamping out poverty and bringing about equality. Their lifestyles make them totally unsuitable for eachother but opposites attract and for some reason they just cant seem to forget about eachother. Can they make it work? Will their controlling agents allow them to even try? How will the public react?

22 30 0 Full
For Your Eyes Only

Sequal to UNWRITTEN.As Harry & Lucy begin their relationship, Harry knows that difficult times lie ahead. His new girlfriend has a tonne of baggage from her previous relationship and struggles to get to grips with Harrys love for her. Can he make her see the light? Will the record company approve of him dating their songwriter? Will the new album ever get finished?

68 27 0 Full
C'mon C'mon - Niall Horan Fanfic

55 12 0 Full
You and I The Liam Payne One Shot

Dating Liam Payne isn't easy, but nothing worth having ever is...

34 1 1 Full