Chapter Twenty Seven



“You can now enter the house,” the witch leader informs me. “We will remain outside as protection and try our best to keep your pack safe. I can make no promises.”

I bow my wolf head at her and she seems to understand my expression of gratitude.

ATTACK! I shout through my pack link.

My pack lunges forward and at that moment, a mass of bodies fly over the hideout. The Ambrosine Tribe…


*Reed’s POV*

My eyes widen and my pack instantly stops where they are as the front lawn is flooded by vampires running from the house as well. The sky seems to turn grey as the mass of witches float above us.

“Well, well, well, look who it is,” a familiar voice says.

I whip my head to the front of see Janie standing there with a smirk on her face. I growl at her and she laughs.

“Oh, how cute! The little wolfie is trying to scare me!” she mocks. “Hate to break it to you Reed, but I’m not afraid of you. You should be afraid of me.”

She flashes her fangs at me and hisses. I don’t flinch. I’m not afraid of her. She may be a vampire, but I’m still stronger than her.

“What is everybody waiting for? ATTACK!” she hisses at them all.

Almost immediately The Ambrosine Tribe is scooping down to the ground towards my pack members. There are people flying across the yard. Yelps and screeches echo through the yard we are standing in. I am too busy watching my pack to see when Janie’s ‘mate’ throws himself at me. I am thrown to the ground by the force and he pounces on top of me. His fangs are showing, a sick smile on his face.

“Not so tough now, are you ‘Alpha’?” he mocks my title.

I kick my back legs and toss him off of me, jumping back up and facing him. I growl, baring my teeth, circling him. I’m caught off guard when a body jumps onto my back.

“You didn’t forget about me, did you?” Janie’s annoying voice whispers in my ear.

I buck back and forth trying to get her off of my back. But it is to no avail. She is digging her nails into my back, pain spreading throughout my body. Okay, now I’m pissed.

I hear a scream and Janie’s body is off of me. I turn to look at what happened and the witch tribe’s leader (on my side) is standing there, holding out a glowing hand. She had attacked Janie with her magic to save me!

A sound similar to a roar comes out of Terrence’s mouth and he storms towards me using his vampire speed. Just before he hits me, I move to the side, sending him running right into a tree. He stops instantaneously and slumps against the tree, remaining standing up. Blood begins to seep down his back. I cock my head to the side, wondering what had just happen. I approach his body and push him with my head, making him fall to the ground. Sticking out from the tree is a sharp piece of bark covered in blood. I look down at his body again and notice that it had punctured his skin, right into his heart. Well, there’s his version of a wooden stake to the heart. Thank you for being there tree. This is seriously good luck.

I take a moment to look around and see many vampires lying on the ground dead, a few of my wolves amongst them. The witches are still battling it out, lights flying through the air much like fireworks. Few are dead, but I can see many getting weak.

“NO! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?” Janie shrieks angrily, jumping off of the ground, forgetting all of her injuries.

She is huffing and puffing, her face contorting into an expression of fury. She launches herself at me, her fangs bared. I dodge all of her attacks which makes her even angrier.

“YOU KILLED MY MATE!” she screams.


She screeches and goes for me again, this time succeeding. Her nails dig into my fur and cut into my skin, causing the pain to come back. The injuries were almost forgotten but now they were coming back with a vengeance.

She pulls herself up onto my back and I buck like a bull trying to get his rider off. But she is stuck. There is no getting rid of her. I desperately look around for help, but the witches are busy battling one another and my wolves are busy fighting the vamps.

“You are done for,” Janie whispers in my ear before I feel her bite into the skin of my neck.

I howl out in pain as her fangs pierce my neck. I can feel her sucking my blood out. I try to buck her off but it becomes harder and harder as I become weaker. I drop to the ground, my eyes fluttering open and closed as I get drained. Right before I pass out from blood loss, the weight above me is removed and a decapitated head appears in front of me. Janie’s head. She is dead. But so am I…My world goes black.

*Mitch’s POV*

I just finish killing a vampire when I see it. My Alpha is pinned to the ground by Janie, getting the life sucked out of him. I can feel his link in my mind fading away as he comes closer and closer to death.

I bound over and jump on top of Janie, putting my mouth around her neck. I bite down and her head goes flying, landing right in front of Reed’s face. Good, the bitch is now dead.

Alpha, are you okay? I ask through the pack link.

His wolf body slumps and his eyes close. What scares me is when he changes back into his human form. That only happens when someone is…DEAD?!? IS REED DEAD?!?

I shift back to my human form and scream desperately for someone to help, beginning CPR. I can hear my heart pounding in my ears and feel it pounding in my chest as fear fills me. Please don’t let the Alpha be dead. Please.

