Chapter Thirty

Theme song for this book is above!!


*The Next Day - Mitch's POV*

The pack and I had hauled back all of the bodies of the fallen, including the witch tribe. We figured that we could give them a proper burial as well after what they did for us. We had a nice little ceremony this morning for the fallen of our pack after burying them. Now here we are on the witch tribe's lands, digging graves for them all.

I throw dirt onto the pile accumulating in the middle and set down the shovel, wiping my brow of the sweat.

"Get to work Mitch!" I hear Reed's voice teasing me.

I look up at him and scoff. "You shouldn't be talking buddy. You're the one in the wheelchair who's doing no work."

"What? I don't need this wheelchair! Watch me!" he huffs and tries to stand up, only collapsing back into the chair. I laugh.

"Reed! What are you doing? You know you're supposed to stay in that chair for at least another day! You're still weak from the blood loss!" Ella yells from across the field.

I take a look at her as she approaches. She's looking good, fully healed and back to her normal self. She's been spending most of her time with Reed. She hasn't even seen her brother since she got back. Speaking of Eric, here he comes. He is running up behind Ella. I cringe as he gets closer, knowing that it's going to be a hard impact when he runs into her.

"EEEELLLLLAAAAA!" he screams and tackles her to the ground in a hug.

"OOMF!" is all you hear as their bodies hit the ground. Then they burst out laughing.

"Eric, what are you doing?" she giggles.

"I had to see my baby sister!" he exclaims. "I was so worried about you."

"I know. I should've seen you once I got back."

"Nonsense, you needed to get better! And look at you now, all big and strong!" He poked her arm.

She gives him a toothy grin and he chuckles again, hugging her once more.

*Ella's POV*

I pull back from my brother and see a figure behind him. Maia peaks her head out from behind my brother and I squeal, running to her for a hug. I wrap my arms around her and squeeze her tight.

"Ella...can't...breathe!" she gasps for air.

I giggle and let go of her.

"I missed you girl," she says. "I was beginning to think we had really lost you."

"Did you really not have that much faith in me?"

"I had faith in you, but I knew what Janie was capable of so I didn't know what we were going to find!" she defended.

I roll my eyes at her. "Well, I'm here, ain't I?"

"You certainly are! And I sure missed that attitude of yours!"

Eric comes over and wraps his arm around Maia's waist.

"We have something to tell you, sis," he tells me.

I look back and forth between the two of them as smiles break out on their faces. When Maia raises her hand and something glitters in the light, one of my suspicions is true. My brother and my best friend are getting married!

"OH MY GOD!" I scream and capture them both in a hug.

I see Reed and Mitch cringe, covering their ears from my screaming. I stick my tongue out at them from behind Eric and Maia's backs and they roll their eyes.

"I'm so happy for you!" I exclaim. "When's the wedding? Ooo, who's the maid of honor? Wait, please tell me that it's me! Who's the best man? W-"

Eric cuts me off with a laugh. "Ella, slow down there girl. We still need to organize everything and we're going to wait for you and Reed to get better. We can't have the best man in a wheelchair."

My eyes widen and I stare at Eric in shock. "You picked Reed to be the best man? Last time I checked, you both hated one another!"

"You missed a lot when you were gone, Els," Reed speaks up. "Your brother and I are actually quite close. He helped a lot when we were searching for you. In fact, he's now an Enforcer for our pack and Maia's a cook."

"What? Why am I just finding out about this now?" I ask and begin to whine. "Reed, why didn't you tell me before? I thought I'm supposed to be your mate!"

"Babe, we were both in the pack infirmary bed ridden. That wasn't exactly the first thought that came to my mind."

"Yeah, your horny wolf took over your mind half the time. Pervert."

"You weren't complaining," he smirks.

"Shut up! We're not even mated yet and I sure as hell didn't let you do anything last night."

"Oh, you will sure let me do something soon."

I raise my brow at him. "Do I need to reconsider accepting you?" I question.

His eyes practically pop out of his head.

"No! I don't wanna be lonely anymore!"

"That's what I thought."

