Chapter 4

Suzan only stare at Lily and start trembling. Lily tell everything that she knows about the day she first met Suzan and this time is the truth. "I'm very sorry that I've lied to you all this time. The reason I came here is because my parent told me to find my long lost brother. They also said that he was a monster, his hair turn white when the sun goes down and he had a scar on his face under his lips. After a long journey, I was very tired so I decided to rest awhile in a quiet alley. Then I heard someone was calling out for help. So I follow that voice and saw you were bitten by a monster, then I rush to help you. In the same time I've notice that it had everything like my parent said: a monster, whited hair and a scar under his lips." Suzan then become a bit clam and ask Lily: "Then, what happened?" "After the one who bit you saw me he suddenly stop bit you and said to me that he will come back anytime to get me and..." "And what?" Lily look into Suzan eyes and continue speaking: "And we will kill every human kind in this world. Then, we gonna wake the dead." Suzan suddenly slap Lily until she fall on the ground and shouted: "If he comes do really bear to kill me and join him by being a pity servant?" "no..." "So don't believe anything he said! And never leave me!" Lily suddenly feel more safe here by staying beside Suzan.

Suzan kneel to the ground and touch Lily face that she slap just now and say something with her sweet voice: "Can you be my loyal servant, my bodyguard and my best friend, Lily?" Lily bow down to Suzan and say: "I Will Only Serve Princess Suzan In For The Rest Of My Life." After that, everything back to normal and Suzan take a nap.

Before Suzan go in to face her next opponent, she drank Lily blood and she look for Edward and Simon. "Suzan!" a voice that been shouted from behind her. As she look back it them, Suzan shouted back: "Edward! Simon!" while walking towards them. "Suzan can you please care about you safety?" said Edward and Simon in the same time. "I'm always am. Why did you ask me that kind of question?" Simon just hug Suzan tightly and said: "If you can't do it, I'll hug you! Squeeze you! Until your very last breath!" While Simon were hugging Suzan, Suzan reached out her hands for Edward to help her but Edward just keep smiling to her and stay still.

When the duel begin Suzan's suddenly smell some blood from her opponent. She begin to lost control of her thirst, without notice her opponent almost kill her from her back. Lucky Lily cried out Suzan's name and she quickly keep her distance from her opponent.

After a short while, Suzan win the duel. Edward and Simon almost had a heart attack because of Suzan just now. "Suzan! It punishment time!" Shouted Simon to Suzan. Suzan ran away from him as fast as lightning and go into the wood.[ I think it time for me to go back, but...... I'M LOST!]

Suzan lost in the wood and now she's trying to find the way out. "Well, well, well. It look like we've met again." Said someone from Suzan's back. As she look back it was Lily's brother. Suzan was scared and ask him while trembling: "You... How did you get in here?" "Well, it all thanks to my little sister! Haven't you've met her? I don't think so." [No way that could be happening]

Suddenly someone came out from those bushes behind him... "Lily?! How did you get here? Why you're on his side?" Lily just stand behind her brother and acting Suzan is a stranger. Lily's brother suddenly start laughing in front of Suzan and put his arm over Lily's shoulder while say: "It useless, she won't hear anything you say. She only listen to me." Then he whisper in Lily's ear: "MAKE THAT GIRL SUFFERED THEN KILL HER."

Chapter 4~Complete
