chapter 1

When the princess of Night.C 18, they'll be facing their own challenge that is their choice to marry whom. Suzan is a princess that never been seen as a girl but more like a boy. It all started when she's still young. She saw his older two brothers, Edward and Simon. They two were always as brave as a lion when facing anything together. Edward and Simon can fight with sword, archery and expert in magic attack. Suzan doesn't wanted to be a princess that don't know to do anything, so he start learning all the things that her brothers can do.

Now, she can defeat her two brother in her own hand. Their father the king of Night.C has planned a wedding for the three of them. They were told to choose one of the 3 chosen person for them. Edward and Simon with opened hand choose a girl for each of them. But princess Suzan say to her father: "Father, I'll only marry to someone that can defeat me in a duel with his own hands." Her brothers laughed at her and say: "Are you out of your mind sis?" "Yeah sis, you don't need to push yourself to hard." And the king say: "As you wish Suzan, as long your idea will make you satisfied. Then there shall be a duel for the hand of my daughter, princess Suzan." Suzan then says: " The duel shall started on next week before the preparation. But who will be my opponent, father?"

Her brother suddenly raised up their hand and shouted: "We wanted to join in to the duel too." The king say: "How about calling our whole country's princes to be your opponent?" "Father! Are you mad?! Suzan is just a girl. She can't defeat them in a day though." Shouted Edward and Simon that doesn't agree with the arrangement." Suzan looked they two with her sharp eye and say: "Hello?! Look who you talking to, brother. I can defeat all of our soldier and guard including you two. So why I can't defeat them? Beside our castle have a lot of guest room. And the dull can held for 5 day, so I'll be fighting 2 person in one day including you two. But I'm saving both of you for the last day as a good little sister!" After Suzan said those word, Edward's and Simon's feelings suddenly been melted. After that, the king agree with Suzan's plan and started to send the invitation to all the kingdom in this country.

Chapter 1~Complete
